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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Carson CA to Dallas TX Carson CA to Dallas TX - Two days Residential lift gate delivery $258 To terminal or business w/ loading dock or forklift $146 I have about 65 Komodos in ready stock or on the water...
  2. Grill Size VS Cooking Space The KK 23" OTB's actual opening ceramic wall to ceramic wall at lip level is 23". (hence the designation) It's stainless grill became smaller when it was lowered 3" into the tapered body. It was decided that more area could be used if the meat could be right up against the body. This way you can still close the top without touching the food. In a POSK #7 with it's (actual) 21.5" grill, the "usable" area is probably only about 20-20.5" because you need to have some setback to ensure you're not closing the top on your food. Also on cookers with the grill lip level there is always the chance something can roll off.. In conclusion the size of the grill does not always represent usable cooking space. On a KK you can actually use all of the grills surface and the space above and a bit outside it's edge. I'd also like to add that the OTB's shape feels ergonomically larger when working on it..
  3. Here it is.. Here it is.. New tile combo inspired by the Bronze and AN mix..
  4. No that's not mine but thanks anyway.. No that's not mine but thanks anyway.. The KK rack uses the OTB shape more efficiently... And the top view..
  5. Does anyone have a photo of KK rib rack fully loaded? Thanks in advance..
  6. Just had to bite If one accepts the premise that the more heat the ceramic cooker holds, a smaller volume of fuel needs to be burned to maintain a given low and slow temp, this lower volume of fuel burned means less airflow and of course less airflow means your meat will not get as dried out. It is a well known fact that a twice insulated KK holds in MUCH more heat than any of the glazed dense material ceramic cookers.. Whether obvious or not, the insulation's performance will result in more moisture in your meat. Common sense will tell you that the uniform distance from the ceiling of the KK to the grill or pizza will result in more even radiant heat/reflective cooking. It's pretty much impossible to compare even two KK's because of the difference in two different cuts of meat. Different of meat differ can differ in so many ways besides just their grades.. Champion BBQ chefs can cook on metal monsters and get great results but the learning curve is HUGE.. First time Q'ers will consistently get good to great results the first times they cook on a KK.
  7. your body was not completely heat soaked at 11pm.. This shows that your body was not completely heat soaked at 11pm and then when it was the same amount of fuel burning brought the temp up to 230º. The only reason your temps will ever not be stable is the body is still absorbing or has just started to reflect/give off heat. Start a little earlier and set your airflow to where you know you had it before for a desired temp.. It will end up there.
  8. No one I'd rather ask this! Well I immediately went out and pulled a string around a OTB main grill a got 71" which if it was perfectly round circle would translate into a diameter of 22.6 and area 401 sq" Dave, can I use the same formula for a circle on the OTB shape? No one I'd rather ask this!
  9. Something relatively new, 25% of KKs shipped in 2 crates Something relatively new, actually about 25% of KKs are shipped in two crates.. Let's me get a few extra cookers in the container. I need to start listing which ones are in two.
  10. Uncooked... I always liked raw lean hamburger meat as a kid.. and then loved Steak Tartare when I got older.. I'm guessing that if you take meat from the inside of a sirloin like Firemonkeys there is no danger eating it raw as long as reasonably fresh. And grinding and eating immediately must be ok too.. I had some very thinly sliced TarTare in a upscale place in Bangkok once that was to die for.. Can't believe the government stepped in and made it illegal to serve this and rare hamburgers.. Idiots..
  11. Re: skewered tandoor chicken Why would you want the upper flipped, long legs up on the main grill?
  12. seriously long lag screws Those are seriously long lag screws on the crate that arrived today. What's up with that? Bait me all you want.. I ain't biting!
  13. These look Purrfect.. These look Purrfect.. Would you please steer me in the right direction on the steps you took.. I sometimes use turkey pins to pin back the skin on the bottom to keep them from shrinking or falling off..
  14. Re: K7 to KK transition advice for Syzygies?
  15. I don't sell accessories to non Komodo customers.. I just send her an invoice.. She originally wrote me from another Email address that I did not recognize as a customer. For the time being, I don't sell accessories to non Komodo customers..
  16. I just sent you an invoice Susan... Anybody who would like one,please send me an email I'll get ya one.. BakingStone @ komodoKamado.com
  17. Aluminum Overcast Great condition, seems like there is a barrel for every angle.. Hate to be the guy down underneath.. Thanks for sharing..
  18. Looks great, thanks for posting these. Looks great.. I gotta get one or two of those Clamptite tools. Looks like it should be standard issue for any MacGyver wanna be. To the best of my knowledge there is not any "on the wood" finish that is long lasting outdoors. This being said.. I think it looks great.. Hope it does not ignite if it gets too hot. You might want to wrap your ash screen in tim foil and install it as a heat shield. I'm playing with making a combo ash screen/heat deflector to eliminate the carbonized knob problem.
  19. Sweet rides.. Growing up my father had a Beechcraft Baron and a Helio Courier short take off and landing bush plane.. First one went fast, second one could fly at 28 miles an hour and land on a fence post.. My brother in law built and flies this Wheeler Express composite with a Lycoming, V8 engine.. really gets up and goes.
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