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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Future stock I just thought it would be a nice little extra to supply some sealer for when the grout dries out. Save you a trip to the hardware store. DJ is right on the money about how to apply..
  2. There's a new sherif in town.. Yes these companies primary business is activated carbon made from granulated charcoal. These granules of charcoal both born hotter but more importantly they don't completely crumble after they are extinguished. They can also be pressed together without the binders that the powder requires. The by product of this granule production is the undesirable smalls and powder (bottom of the barrel;-) that is then pressed into briquettes and sold. Do some searching and you will find photos online of the powder briquettes back in powder form from rough handling.
  3. Re: Should I just re-tap them here to to 1/4 NPT? You are my hero! (again)
  4. She's only 19 months old, she doesn't know any better! My lil lady brought home a bigger bag of them critters.. Isla snacking Deep fried...
  5. Here is a little teaser cause these are not actually available..
  6. I will be shipping a container this month.. This is the best coconut charcoal I've found. It's the original Coconut charcoal tested by TNW for Mexi K. I have the exclusive rights to sell it in the US now. It will also be bundled with Komodo customer service.. PS the green is much nicer on the real image.. Jpeg compression turned it into split pea soup..
  7. Should I just re-tap them here to to 1/4 NPT? Should I just re-tap them here to to 1/4 NPT? Is that the best size for a 90º with the standard 3/8 flare tip?
  8. I'm going to have to call you out on this one.. Well Mr Steve.. I'm going to have to call you out on this one.. Numerous, let's be concise here.. I received two Emails on both on Friday the 8th at 1:23am and then again at 8:24pm. I'm one day ahead of you and I'm not always able to be online as many hours on the weekends as I am during the week. I think the problem is not the less than 48 hours since you heard from me..it's that during the week I got back to you every-time in less than 12 hours.. I think your being a little unfair to say I'm ignoring you over the weekend.. Straight talk here.. I have a life too.. and a 19 month old lil girl who is very attention intensive! Thanks for your involvement on the forum.. Please don't feel ignored, I just need to step away sometimes on the weekends.
  9. Got the size info I have tracked down the exact thread size and type.. The threaded hole in the valve is a 1/8" BSP tapered thread. DJ can you steer me to a 90º with this thread on one side and the standard 3/8" gas connection on the other? Or an adaptor with this 1/8" BSP tapered male thread that can connect to the standard 3/8 gas connector? They don't have them at all here...
  10. All these posts on brisket had me drooling so I tracked one down and smoked it up... I have some trimming shots too but will post those later.. Was it good... Yup!
  11. To scrub your grout.. Just to say use a brush might be dangerous as they come in so many different stiffnesses and bristle types.. They also might very quickly remove the grout or cut grooves in it.. I recommend using a Scotch-brite type pad. I'd start with the smoothest one you can find.. These are usually white and used in the kitchen and sold to clean glass and chrome without scratching them.. Remember that water beads up on well sealed grout..
  12. Well, I have this Wiki up on the server, problem is it not letting me into the admin area. But here is if anybody wants to play with it. http://komodokamado.com/wiki/
  13. DennisLinkletter


    I'll put one up here.. I'll get a wiki up this weekend.. I saw it was offered in Fantasicko on my server.. Both TikiWiki and PHPWiki are offered.. DJ didn't you tell me you liked a lil' Tiki Tiki Wiki every now and then?
  14. Thanks.. Back up.. Thanks.. Back up..
  15. Thanks.. Back up.. Thanks.. Back up..
  16. the Komodo Bikini girls..
  17. Problems.. I have no problems on FF, Safari and Netscape for Mac.. I'll try to track down the problem.. Thanks for the heads up..
  18. I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I'm working with two graphic designers on the packaging right now. A minimum of four different types charcoals will be exported. As always, I have some new ideas for both charcoal and it's packaging that are original and innovative. My charcoal will be the same quality you have come to expect from Komodo. If I can't do something better and have a plan how to be the best, I don't want to even start. Ok, cat's out of the hat!
  19. DennisLinkletter


    No, No, No that's too much work... No, No, No that's too much work... I've posted this before big boy.. Paper towels, they magically give you grip to easily pull off the slippery membrane. Try it, you will laugh it's soo easy. Tip from my lil' sister, a world class cook.
  20. They will be available to ship with your cooker.. Of course the motor can be used..
  21. it is removable.. First of all, it is removable.. The photos above show the rear port empty and with the plain no gas door (read plug) You can light the gas by sliding the burner almost out and lighting it or making a long scrunched up newspaper sword putting it in on top of the burner lit and then turning on the gas slowly..
  22. My Doctor is remiss in sending these items I went with the Terra blue, so it will have some brown in it...that way it will at least compliment its step-brother from Mexico! Your doctor sent you the images the morning of the 8th.. To your MSN account..
  23. New Site It's not where I wanted it to be when I put it up but I don't want the information in it not to be there when the hordes of ceramic surfers from TNW and the Times come to take a peek. Yes this is the site I've been trying to finish for months, just not enough hours in a day and I never found anybody I liked to do it in a country I could afford.. Lead Doggy found the Joomla template and Majestic Mikey helped with the Header and real HTML stuff.. Calling out a big thanks to you two. I'm looking for a better gallery and it has a store with checkout and all, pretty much finished, just need to enter in the current stock. All in all, it's got the look and feel that is contemporary and jives with my design sensibilities.. And I'm pathetically Right brained!
  24. Here it is in black in white.. a review of a Komodo on TNW. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/productreviews ... ado/kk.htm You'll be pleased to see that this trusted independent source has tested a Komodo and a Big Green egg side by side. He found the Komodo to hold between 62-67% more heat than the Big Green Egg. I can't imagine how this would not result in the food cooked in it not being significantly more moist. I still recommend the BGE as a great, no frills, basic cooker. As Komodos are in a different price point it's also not the most fair comparison.. You don't race Vespas against Ducatti's But with a Komodo you do get what you pay for, the best ceramic type cooker on the market!
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