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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Can't believe we just hit 2,000 users, quite a milestone. 7,775 Topics and 91,631 Posts.. We've come a long way, thank you all for making this forum so special, I really appreciate it.
  2. Heylo Tangles.. Don't believe a word they say.. I'm very difficult, actually a pain in the ass. BUT I do built a great grill so it's worth putting up with me.. We're on the same timezone, please give me a call, I have a Sydney number 028006 0968 that rings thru to Bali.. Look forward to you cooking on a KK
  3. When I was in Los Angeles in the 80's I had this '59 Rometsch Cabriolet.. Aluminium bodied on a VW pan with an Okrasa motor..
  4. Great looking pies.. It's also much easier to use the peel on the upper.
  5. What can I say? Every curve has been studied and has a specific function..
  6. You are so talking my language.. Perfect in every way.. I often use the sugar trick for browning thinner pieces of meat that can't sit too long on a hot grate.. Putting them in very cold, searing/browning and then warming/cooking/finishing them indirect until you have the correct feel/density is another trick.
  7. I now have a mail consolidator that I ship items to and they hold and rebox them and send them out. So I can get lots of small items sent together. Because of this I now send one box per month from the states and always have a few items from World Spice.. Just ordered the Shawarma Spice.. I'm guessing that's what you ordered.. Could not find Shawarma Blend..
  8. Looking to get an air fryer.. While on Amazon I noticed the Tefal ActiFry ,, It has arms that constantly stir your food which sounds like an awesome feature... I've seen how the Phillips needs constant turning or it cooks unevenly. Is this an issue? Did anybody research the Tefal ActiFry ? It seems the Philips always gets nods in the reviews but the one video comparing cooking on both had the Tefal ActiFry fries better 4-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su3sYpYbw_8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZARjJPcbL0c&t=11s I'm thinking I like the quality of the Phillips but LOVE the self stir feature of Tefal Whatcha all think?
  9. We had 18 people total.. So we actually finished it easily..
  10. One of my best friends here of course has a KK.. So we double meat-ed our Easter Dinner It was as good as it looks..
  11. I spent 7 months traveling the Pacific alone with backpack surfing just out of high school in '78. This included 3 months in AU.. The canned beetroots in hamburgers were VERY difficult for me.. even the remaining juice from them gave me a little gag.. Just as much an acquired taste as Vegimite and Marmite.. both good for a bit of a gag too.. I can eat anything but those are tough. I made a pact with myself that I would eat everything served to me and clean the plate for the trip.. garnish and all. I alway broke that for beetroot.. but I did learn fast to order them sans beetroot.. Just saying!! Proof in the pudding: Here I am eating a bi-valve shipworm in Papua / Irian Jaya with local tribe members.. 118,000 views on Youtube "Bizarre Foods got nothing on me baby!" LOL
  12. Because there is a much lower learning curve and more difficult to repeat results. I had no problem with the 60grams because I could run multiple batches without any effort or even being in the room. My new concern is that I won't be able to produce the same quality with the air as a drum.. Especially because I like full bodied coffees. I read that fluid bed coffees are brighter and have less body than coffee from a drum roaster LOL That being said.. I canceled my order.. and am now looking at the Hottop drum Roasters..
  13. I think it's best to put the stone on the upper grate.. better for taking advantage of the heat coming off the lid/ceiling and easier to take off with your peel..
  14. I misunderstood the site.. Late night confusion.. There is a Home version and a Pro version.. I'm getting the pre-order Home version for £850 it will be £1250 http://www.ikawacoffee.com/home-faqs#about-2
  15. Just looking at stats and March 25th we had 929 unique IPs on the forum in 24 hours.. Gotta be a record. Cray Cray!!
  16. Great new toy ordered! Love new toys.. IKAWA Pro Sample Roaster http://www.ikawacoffee.com/professional This page has lots of cool info too http://www.ikawacoffee.com/new-blog The site still has them as preorder at £850 /$1,090 but if you sign up for info they send you an email saying it's going to be £2,500 (or USD 3,100) YIKES.. I did get the £850 /$1,090 price earlier today.. Roasting is controlled thru an Ipad app PRO APP Roast Time: 0 - 20 minutes: sample roasts typically take 3 minutes Operating System: iOS. Roast Points: up to 20 temperature and 10 airflow points. Updatable Roast Profile: roast profiles can be updated during a roast. Data export via to excel or csv file for data analysis Share Roast Profiles: profiles can be shared using e-mail, text message or twitter. NEW ADVANCED FEATURES: Mark 1st (or 2nd) Crack: Record the time of First Crack as you roast. If you’re taking the coffee to Second Crack, you can add a marker for this too. Development Time Ratio: After marking First Crack, the app will automatically calculate and display the Development Time Ratio (DTR). Rate of Rise data: Interchangeable view of Temp and RoR before, during and after roast. This is displayed in 15 second intervals. Roast Log: Use this to save unique data and notes on each roast you do. It will automatically show Date and Time, End Temperature, End Time (ie duration), Time of First Crack, DTR and the roast graphs for both Temperature and RoR. Additionally, you can record coffee sample roasted, notes and a photo for each roast you do. Edit Profile using Data Table: for those of you who like tables not graphs, this is for you – it enables you to edit the profiles via a table view. These features transform the IKAWA Pro App from a simple device to control the roaster, to be the hub for recording all your sample roasting; storing your history, recording notes and reviewing historical roast data. Can't wait to get it
  17. Ahh that's a tough one to see while one is hungry.. That bread/roll looks awesome! Good work..
  18. SANNY!!! So good to see you back.. You have definitely been missed. I just looked and you were here for a day in July 2016 but then before that was June 2013 We have lost early forum posts when we changed software a couple times but I have you going back to at least 2006. Please don't disappear again.. Soo much has changed.. KK is no longer the the Little Engine that Could..
  19. Flavor is in the fat Bruce.. Always go with the fat..
  20. The folks at the CNC laser cutting place have been unable to cut these without them warping to the point of being useless. Made 6-8 sets, tried many different things to no avail.. I was talking to them about giving me the program, I want to have a guy I met in an online forum in the US try to cut them for me but that stalled.. I'll try to get that going again..
  21. More surface area touching the food better for browning/caramelization..
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