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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. No for preheating the grill in cold weather..
  2. Still not what we're looking for.. Calling now
  3. Looks like the standard sold on amazon is 5psi and then they have 10, 20 and 30's. The big cast iron burner sold by Bayou is packaged with the 30psi. Big Bayou Classic Burner Could be it needed 10-12 and we started at 15 and blew our blue away.. We have 10 of the exact burners burning around the factory without a hitch so it could be a Murphy's law prevails situation, where we assumed up was the direction we needed to go.. Good luck. I'm really clueless here and keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. At this point, I'd definitely try the greatly reduced pressure.. We've been selling this cast iron wok burner for over 10 years and can't figure out what is different with yours. The only problem we ever have is small flames from the low pressure of natural gas. One of my staff asked if you were near Mexico as he heard that Mexican food can give you bad gas.. He's convinced bad gas must me the problem.. LOL
  5. I just called Stephen and at this point I've got to assume the jet that we have made up from a brass plug is incorrect. I'm told we do not install and burn from them or do any QC outside of a simple visual inspection. We're going to go thru the drawer tomorrow and see if we get different results from different jets we have in stock.. One of my staff joked that maybe Stephen had bad gas.. What has he been eating?
  6. At this point, we're pretty sure you have no brass jet installed in your burner. Is there a drilled out brass plug in there? If you look at the air/gas mixture it's about dead center here and the valve is not very open either.
  7. I know that the ones sold as regulators for the turkey fryers work.. I will get photos of the airflow settings and what the pressure used in the factory is today
  8. Nothing better than great tools.. Love the Japanese ones too.. Congrats on your new acquisition!
  9. LOL Gas burner support.. There are sleeves in the floor of your grill. These stainless supports slide into them. Their height can be adjusted. They just take some of the weight off the two rods on the gas burner door assembly.
  10. A little heads up and something I need to mark.. The grate with the arrow is reversed. If flipped around it there will be proper spacing in the middle and on the right of it.. I need to make some kind of an indicator what goes where and the proper direction.
  11. I was surprised to learn that 5 of the 10 best-selling BBQ books were authored by Steven. He has over 5 million books in print in 19 languages. I'd say he owns the category. Proud of KK's affiliation with Steven and Project Smoke.
  12. Yes absolutely.. once in a while... Just don't make an Effing habit of it! LOL
  13. There is no better, only different with each having their merits. My analogy is that the more dense a material is, the more readily it transfers heat to what you are baking/cooking. The baking steels are of course very dense and rapidly transfer lots of heat to your food. This is great with the thin cracker crust pizzas. But at the same temps a traditional pie will have the bottom burned before the top is cooked. The heat transfer formula for my baking stones is for medium to thick crust pizza or bread. Any material can in theory, be used you will just need to balance the crust cooking with the rest of the pie. I always think of the first pie as my guinea pig.. I throw a pie on it and see how it goes at whatever temp the grill is at.. If the crust is finished before the pizzas' toppings are cooked I raise the grill's temp. If the topping and top crust is burning before the crust is ready you need to reduce the grill's temp.. The heat transferred by the stone will stay relatively stable/consistent. Just with the damper top high temps can be adjusted in seconds once you have the grill heat soaked and a basket with only medium and larger pieces of charcoal that do not restrict the grill's airflow.
  14. LOL no have not.. But no reason I could not make up a 42 grill version of the 32" grates for you. It would be a bit tedious but I could make them as light and easy to handle as you like..
  15. This was a Dec 29th cook.. I left on the 31st to Bangkok and just got home.. LOL seriously furry! My 32 is clean
  16. An unused 19" TT loaded up with fat from a low and slow cook left alone for a month in the tropics will grow some colorful furry mold.
  17. This is what I don't want him to do..
  18. Please do not mess with the latch.. many ways to skin that cat without doing that..
  19. What is the advantage of using it inside your KK instead of outside? Please only use this little grill with that front door closed. It would be generating MUCH too much heat too close to the silicone gaskets. It's of course not designed to have charcoal there. I had problems once with someone filling up the lower grate with charcoal. Damaged the grill's acrylic jacket because the hot face is not a firebox.
  20. Ceramic tiles vary from box to box and batch to batch. A tile color usually has some very dark tiles, lots of middle of the road tiles and some very light tiles. We sort the tiles for shade and tone and then build with these sorted tiles. This gives the grills a more uniform appearance and eliminates streaks or patterns emerging. The unique grills are all given a unique inventory number.
  21. The CoCo char is wasted at high temps because the volatile material in lump charcoal starts to burn off at about 450º.. that's what the flames at those higher temps are. I use the coco char at low and slow temps and it holds together well.
  22. It looks like almost all of it is just tile damage.. the insulation looks intact. Let's talk, we'll get ya all fixed up!
  23. When you really want to hurt a guy take a hammer to what he loves!
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