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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Absolutely.. I radius everything because I just like the feel in my hands too..
  2. Yes there was a HUGE setback when the clown with the CNC milling wanted $180 per piece to cut the juice groove and mill the grilling side smooth. Then the sand blasting guy walked from the project saying it took too much concentration. He prefers to just blast rust off ships. I'm working with a place to try to do sand castings now.. If I can't make them better than what's on the market already there really is no reason to make them. Although I may also just make a very simple KK grill shaped one with the side holes to lift and the special grabbers.
  3. Nothing more frustrating than dough that is still cold and has a memory. Roll it out and it just returns to it's previous shape ARGH!! Great looking bake.. Thanks for the shots.. please remember that the best shots for KK's social media are shots of the food fully cooked/finished on the grill.. and not cropped too tight because we need to use square images for Instagram..
  4. This will be used as a blower after the charcoal is lit from my looftlighter or torch.
  5. This looks cool.. Bought one will let you know.. FiAir - Air Blower/Fast Fire Starter
  6. Actually, the problem probably won't be from the ash but the small crap charcoal at the bottom of the bag. I think that if you pour the bag into a box and toss the fines and very smalls you might be able to cook until the ash under the basket builds to prevent ash from falling through.
  7. I'm a HUGE fan of homemade noodles.. Really appreciate the effort and eating them of course. Great cook, everything looks VERY tasty.
  8. You killing me.. looks soo tasty. Lamb is one of those meats that every time I cook it I wonder why I don't cook it more often.
  9. I think cooler is not the best choice of words.. It's less "hot airflow", more convection heat which is definitely less drying..
  10. All KK cabinets and side tables are undercut so the roti motor can sit there.. This 23" Ultimate comparison shot shows how wide the 22"TT is at the charcoal basket.. much wider than the standing grills. This width along with the grill shaped charcoal basket and a thin firebox creates proportionally the largest grilling "high-temp sweet spot" on any KK. As you can see the floor of this table top is the same distance to the main grill as the KK standing grills. Pretty cool eeh?
  11. When sitting it in the cabinet you can see that it's actually wider at the firebox than the standing grills. This is because the lower has almost no taper like the full sized grills. The table top on the cabinet is a full 34" same as all standing KKs.
  12. To give you a little idea of the scale of this beast.. Because the bucket is almost 25" tall to lip, the distance between the charcoal and main grill is very much like the full-size Komodo Kamados. It is 21" front to rear which is the same as the 23" Ultimate. The 19" Table Top is very roomy for a 19" grill. As you can see, it is absolutely dwarfed by the new 22" TT. This is a no-compromise solution for those who want KK quality built into their outdoor counter. This teak cabinet with an inlaid brushed 304 Stainless sheet is 34" tall like all Komodo Kamado grills/cabinets.
  13. The 22” Hi-Cap Table Top is in production. It's a beast of a table top.. over 24" to lip. Square Tiles $4,120 ~ Pebble and bronze tiles $4,280 78 lbs 304 Stainless Steel Net Weight = 578 lbs Gross Weight = 672 lbs (crated)
  14. That URL for quotes must still be giving residential quotes because to Concord, CA I can send 800 lbs business for only $118
  15. What a killer cook.. That orange pot almost looks like it's been photoshopped in.. That orange really pops!
  16. I'm sorry I should make a diagram to show the position of the components, That tube is inserted upside down. The open half of the tube should face down so as not to fill with ash or pieces of wood that would restrict airflow.
  17. I have nothing on the water with them.. But am hearing horror stories from my freight forwarder.
  18. It had always been my intention to supply both the pumps and tubes. I started the process buying the pumps in bulk months ago on Alibaba. Problem with Alibaba is that middle-men pose as factories. I went three a couple of posers before I finally went with a factory who wanted a much larger min order than the others. I had preferred to pay more per pump and buy a smaller min. but the middle-men are less than professional and their English is atrocious. After settling on a factory, sending them a transfer, I requested the 220v pumps sent to Indonesia by airmail. The factory sent them air cargo, the BOL /freight invoice read $1780 for the air freight (was actually $250) Indonesian customs wanted to charge me duty on this plus the pumps. We abandoned the pumps at customs. The pumps that were sent to the US arrived almost 3 months after payment without an invoice and packing list.. they showed up two weeks later. After 10 days we created our own invoice and packing list to avoid more demurrage charges. They are finally there but they were so late I did not want to miss more of the grilling season.
  19. If tiles won't stay down there is only one thing that pushes them back up.. Vapor pressure. You still need to vent more. When the pressure is gone the tiles don't push back and will stay down.
  20. I've never seen a Bubba Keg but my hypothesis is that it will outperform all the simple glazed-pot kamados because it's actually insulated. It's all about the reduced airflow.
  21. I believe both have their merits.. that being said.. Freshness is SOOO Important when it comes to spices. My favorite analogy is that of pre-ground canned. store bought coffee VS freshly roasted, ground just before you brew it coffee. Once you try the latter you never go back. I always say that freshly ground spices are 70-80% more aromatic. I love WorldSpice.com in Seattle.. They will grind as you ship or send you whole so you can grind your own which is what I do. I buy small quantities regularly and put colored date stickers on the bottom of the bottles.. When they get old I use them as smoking material.. Montrial steak rub creates great smoke. I'm sure it's the rosemary which I smoke with all the time.. Dried chilies make great smoke but make sure it does not get in your eyes! Just toss the spices on your burning char and close it up and let it sit with your meat.. barely crack it.. Most important advice.. have fun!
  22. Adjustable Air-Pump for Cold Smoker for use with KK Cold SmokerAP-9803 120v 50/60HZ 4W 4.2L/min For the time being FREE wth Cold Smoker purchase http://komodokamado.com/products/adjustable-air-pump-for-cold-smoker BONUS: KK forum members who purchase a Cold Smoker before the end of this month (sept) will receive these air-pumps gratis
  23. 20 lbs I'm not sure on the coffee.. probably only 30-40 because they are twice the size of the coco char. Palettes are 40lbs
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