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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. No problem in towing it around by the handle. It's welded to a strong cage that hangs off the top strap. I don't suggest trying to lift the grill by the handle but towing on a flat surface is fine.
  2. The bronze grill is in Singapore.. That vibrant blue looks great with your pool's color.
  3. Argh.. Yes we made the baking stone as large as possible to fit between the two handles of the upper grate. The grates themselves are made in a jig for uniformity, the handles are installed by hand and if the handles lean in just a tad too much this can happen.. As they said, a well placed tap will correct this easily.. Sorry we missed it
  4. Love the repurposed crate.. that's the first time I've seen that. Grill looks great. Welcome to the forum.
  5. You can bake on anything actually even your SS grates.. the difference is in the thermal transfer.. The more dense the material is the more heat is transferred and if less dense less heat. It really depends on what you are baking. For standard crust to thick crust and bread our baking stone works great.. if a stone is too hot the crust burns before the toppings are cooked, too porous and the top burns before the crust is ready. For cracker /Neapolitan pizza you need a baking steel that is screaming hot. Yes, Ken you are correct the heat deflectors are the same material as the grill's hot-face while the baking stone has a very targeted/engineered density for baking and a nearly polished surface.
  6. Not necessary to have two.. The rear gas port is not flush with the floor of the grill.. this prevents ash and an ember from rolling out that door. It's not a cooking door so does not need to be shielded from heat. The knob has two star lock washers to keep the teak knob just off the hot stainless and prevent burns.
  7. Tough to understand by measurements, better to see it. Designed to give you the most possible real estate possible.
  8. Heat shield, ash screen.. used where it was sitting.. curved side up tubes towards the draft door, sitting on the draft door tubes, just under the firebox. It prevents line of sight hot air from getting to the draft door and prevents ash or burning embers from ever rolling out the draft door.
  9. LOL I guess the side effect of releasing a 42" grill is that people start calling their 23" grill "Baby Komo"
  10. If you look under the side tables on the outside farthest from the two long rods you will see two short tubes. This lets the table hang in the same tubes withe the long tubes towards the grill. The table will be in the 4 o’clock position.
  11. All I can say is it's big, it's bad, and it's beautiful.. Too heavy for our scale.. will weigh components when we assemble the next one. Our guess is about 1,500 lbs. Don't have a price yet but 5 have now been cast and drying. Still finalizing some minor details but all the broad strokes have been made..
  12. Best way is to light just a very small couple pieces of lump with any means you want. Then use a cheapo hair drier as a blower to make the burning pieces glow madly and bring the neighboring pieces to ignition temps.. the second other charcoal is lit, it is also glowing madly. Wood Charcoal lights about 660º and with a blower it glows at over 1,800ºf Short of a huge weed burner with a million BTU's nothing gets charcoal lit faster.. Best to get a hair drier that has a big fan and airflow..
  13. Nice little write up in United Airlines Magazine..
  14. I fill the smoker with small splits of wood up just above the stainless tube. I then toss a small burning piece of charcoal on the wood, fill the rest of the tube and close the lid. I then blow air with my hairdryer through the side holes.. this will make the charcoal glow madly and gets everything going.. I then dial down the pump to the density I'm looking for. Short smokes get more smoke and long smokes get less. You can easily top off the wood at any time. A cheapo hairdryer works great to get everything glowing..
  15. If you have the small SS tube air injection all the way in it makes more vaccuum.. I usually use it about half way in. I usually make the smoke on the light side if I want it to be a long smoke. If it's a shorter smoke like for a reverse sear, I crank it up and make much thicker/ more dense smoke.
  16. Are you looking for a meat/ cooking thermometer or a in the dome thermometer?
  17. Ah HA just got this message! Sent Tuesday night.. We should have your container from NYK / 38 pcs arriving at our warehouse tomorrow late morning. (Wed)
  18. I used to call my broker endlessly but eventually realized it's like watching and waiting for a pot to boil.. So I just remind them I have a container to clear and wait for them to call me. X number of containers from Indonesia get a random ex-ray exam because homland security BS.. you know it being the largest Islam country and all. LOL WHen they don't see anything they charge you $500 and give you back your box with a 2-3 day delay. If they see something they can't figure out (last itime was a crate of tiles) the do a physical exam and charge me another $15-1700 Thanks guys! typical delay for this "service" is 4-5 days. Then they deliver the container to the warehouse. There are not enough chassis in Los Angles so we usually need to book them for two day even though we only need them for half day. On top of that I pay a $200 hazardous material surcharge to the trucking for the charcoal... What a racket!
  19. Yes that was the plan.. I ordered 250 aquarium pumps in June off Alibaba.. They were lost in translation and now seem to be back on track. I've changed the transit from sea to air hopefully I'll have them soon.. Can't make promises until I have the airway bill in hand.
  20. They are A36 Mild (low-carbon) steel, this radiates heat best, much better than stainless for this application.. (think cast iron skillet). It just means you need to dry them after washing.
  21. Best to buy an "adjustable" air pump.. this lets you control the volume of the airflow.. If you already bought one without the adjustable feature, just add a three-way valve so you can bleed off some of the pressure and reduce the flow.
  22. Best to buy an "adjustable" air pump.. this lets you control the volume of the airflow.. If you add a three way valve sop you can bleed off some of the pressure and reduce the flow. BTW the outside diameter of the air pipe is 5 MM = 0.5 CM = 0.2 inches = 3/16".
  23. Makin' Bacon All afternoon with the cold smoker using coffee wood before I cranked it up to 200º until the belly was about 155.
  24. It is about 18" wide.. We are in the process of testing a textured surface for the pizza side, fine tuning the tools used to pick them up from holes in the sides and learning about seasoning. They will be pre-seasoned from the factory. They are A36 Mild (low-carbon) steel, this radiates heat best, much better than stainless for this application.. (think cast iron skillet). It just means you need to dry them after washing.
  25. OOps yes.. with all... just added to the 16's grills too..
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