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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. ckreef, round two of the cracker crust pizza:) Managed to get the dough a little larger but still need to get it a little larger, It stretches fine to 12 inches but I need a little larger pizza peel so that the dough is not hanging off the edge. This working to perfection is tasty though and fun so onward and upward Side one done, loaded and ready for the oven- Baked and sliced- and delicious THANKS, ckreef I ate the whole thing
  2. ckreef, here's hoping you get it working the way you want. It would be fantastic to have your own lump
  3. EGGARY, that recipe sounds so tasty, I might have to find 7 others to share it with me Thanks
  4. I can hardly wait to try it
  5. tony, that recipe of which you speak sounds off the charts
  6. No, you just have to do the supplementary tony, once you switch all the flour to all purpose flour, I think you will be just fine. I just made some spaghetti and used that sauce for it. I'm pretty impressed with it taste wise and it is so simple. It needs to sit overnight in the fridge before using and if one likes garlic it sure comes through more than I thought it would. There is a warning in the recipe about that but I thought is can't be that strong. I was wrong, although I still really enjoyed it. I think I'll make more and freeze some so that I'll have it on hand for quick pizzas or spaghetti.
  7. ck, it is a great recipe, easy, quick and tastes great. I used 2% milk because that is all I had other than that no changes in ingredients. I'll start with a hotter oven next time, probably 400F. I ate 3/4 of it for supper, fortunately I was home alone Now I need to try the other pizza recipes you posted, well, after I do this one for another time or two.
  8. I hope your camera battery goes dead
  9. tinyfish, great minds think alike, that is what I thought as I sliced it
  10. Here we go- I made this sauce for the first time last night- San Marzano Tomato Pizza Sauce Recipe http://www.thehomepizzeria.com/recipes/san-marzano-tomato-pizza-sauce-recipe/ Tip: mind what the recipe says about the size of the garlic:) This crust that started out 12 inches in diameter but with the giggling to get it into the oven it is more like 11 inches. This shot shows the bubbling up and I have already docked it twice. One side is cooked, although I'd set the oven hotter next time 400- 425F Dressed with red peppers, mushrooms, pepperoni and ready for the oven. Baked. Bottom of cooked pizza. Slice of pizza, almost there;) First bite- I'm going to claim the title, First Graduate of ckreef's Bistro Academy It was delicious and I will improve with the next 2 or 3 that I make. ckreef, BREATH
  11. I'm going to give it a try. The dough is mixed up and the toppings are ready. Stay tuned, but first and adult beverage that way if it fails at least I'll be happy.
  12. I can hardly wait until I try this on my KK Out of the pan but still too hot to cut -
  13. Looks like some very good eating to me, can't beat KK food
  14. ckreef, you are sk sure put on a feast, everything sounds and looks delicious, except for that snake
  15. Congratulations, great trophy, sunset and that pork looks wonderful
  16. Thanks, guys. tinyfish, it was just as good as if I had just come home from the store with it. That vacuuming sealing really works, without that there would have been freezer burn and any fat would have turned.
  17. I cleaned out the meat freezer not to long ago and discovered some sirloin tip steak that needs to be cooked and eaten. It was from Oct. 2012, eek. Cooked at 132 F for 5 hours. The steak was very moist and tender and it couldn't have tasted any fresher. Seared on the de Buyer pan. One thing I've noticed about SV steak is that the colour develops several minutes of resting.
  18. I may have to get a loop so I can pull it out of it's home. I will not be able to get behind it to push and I doubt that pulling on the handle is advisable;) Good to know that I will be able to get it back on once I'm done cooking:) This is going to be a one person job so I can see some interesting times ahead. Maybe I can get one to those belts the linemen use to climb a pole. I could even get run over if I wasn't careful
  19. ckreef, awesome, THANKS so much for those recipes. They are have me wanting pizzas NOW!
  20. That's great to know. I was a little concerned if I'd be able to pull it out on my ODK area especially in the winter when I have the shutters on window which would be directly behind the grill and I do mean directly. I want to move it so that I can see the temp from inside the house through the sliding glass door. No, I'm not lazy but I don't want to put a jacket on to go out and check the temp. in the middle of winter plus I want the smoke up the inside of the ODK area. I hope my KK makes the boat some time this coming week.
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