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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. MacKenzie


    Thanks, guys. Can't wait for breakfast Once you start making bacon there is no going back to buying it!
  2. MacKenzie


    I was hoping to do this on my KK but next time Here is a 5 pound slab of pork belly ready for smoking after being cured for 5 days, rinsed and allowed to dry for 24 hours in the fridge. Doesn't look like much but the end product will Smoked to internal temp of 150 F. Looks like candy to me:) Sliced and ready vacuum seal and freeze.
  3. Thanks, tinyfish and just think it is still cooked even though you have that great colour.
  4. Dinner time, Just pulled the meat apart, the method works -
  5. wilburpan, I can just imagine how tasty that was and that is the leanest pork belly I've ever seen
  6. Thanks, dstr8, yes, the beef ribs are fully tender when done at 137 F for 48 hours. I'll reconfirm that at dinner this evening.
  7. Someone has to make the sacrifice and you're just the man to do it
  8. ckreef, do those ever look tasted from where I am sitting
  9. tinyfish, the fat will soft up and become clearish and there will be some fat in the bag juices that remain but not a lot. This pix shows what the fat looks like. Hope that helps.
  10. MacKenzie

    Beef Ribs

    Trying something different this time, searing first then SV @137F for 48 hours. I have 6 slabs of ribs altogether- Seared.
  11. Goes to show you how accurate this article is:)
  12. I don't sear my chicken. It now looks fine to my eyes and if you have a little sauce that might help the final look. Steak I usually sear. Don't forget to take pixs. I'm anxious to hear and see what you think:-)
  13. I think the last time I did chicken breasts I just sprinkled in garlic granules, some pepper and a sprig of rosemary and sous vide at 140 F for 3 hour, if you are busy and they go 4 hours no problem. Fresh garlic is not something you want to sous vide but granulated works fine. Steak is fantastic and I'd do that next. I hope you have a read up on the proper method for example once the chicken or whatever is done and you take it out of the bath if you are not going to eat immediately it should go directly into an ice bath. You don't want to give those anaerobic bacteria a perfect place to grow. Single layer the chicken breasts that way the heat will get to the interior of the meat quicker, you don't want to stack them on top of each other, lay them side by side. Don't be shocked by the paleness when they come out of the bag, slice a bit off and close your eyes and taste. You will very soon get over the appearance of the outside. Very important, save the bag juices, they are awesome.
  14. MacKenzie


    CC, I finished it today and consider yourself and brush invited for the next time
  15. Boneless skinless chicken breasts would be my vote
  16. MacKenzie


    CC, I owe you big time for that I'm glad you liked my burger pix and I'll have to say it tasted great. It was late when I finished up a deck staining job and almost too tired to cook but in the end I was glad that I did
  17. MacKenzie


    Thanks, tinyfish and ckreef:) It took me forever to get the full size pixs to post but I'm happy it finally worked out:)
  18. MacKenzie


    Wait for it, wait for it Burgers are cooked but need a little sear to finish them off- Cheese burger on a "Teaser Bun" Cheese Burger-
  19. Delicious, Tony and that corn looks wonderful too. I love corn on the cob
  20. MacKenzie


    Keep dreaming, tinyfish
  21. Tony, that looks like a great dinner, nice and moist lamb, plus there appears to lots left for another time
  22. MacKenzie


    Tony, that is why I made these this evening. I've been out of bread for a few days and too busy to make any so I've been eating hot dog rolls, hamburger rolls until I forced to do something about the situation
  23. MacKenzie


    I thought I'd pull a Dennis and post teaser pixs. You just know what will show up in a couple of days after seeing this I actually have a baker's dozen from the recipe
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