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Everything posted by bosco

  1. I can't wait to get started!!!
  2. I'm totally chill... I have a rough time frame now
  3. yeah, I have only seen photos but it does look a lot bigger I can't wait to get them dirty
  4. Ok I can't be a jerk. Here we go
  5. I am beside myself with excitement right now.... My grills have been completed!! Who wants to see pics????
  6. the 19/32 combo is going to be outrageous!!!! Cant wait to see this set up in action.... now onto color!!!
  7. I am all about matching lol... hence buying three new red KJs to replace my three black ones So I would say that you go for the bronze... However... with that said........ A happy wife....... I do really love the cobalt blue and black pebble too though If you can live with the color then I say go for it as she will be happy too. If not, the bronze is pretty sexy!!!
  8. bosco

    Grill Cleaning

    Looks like I will be ordering some pbw!!
  9. Great post and beautiful cooker!!! Makes me excited to get my KKs even more!!
  10. Adder tooth on the kg forum is a very high paid engineer for the government. He suggested that the batteries will fail immediatelyin high heat. With that said I really think that this is a lost backing. For those that paid and wish to cancel you can do so by going to you're PayPal pre authorized payment section to cancel payment. I think that Kickstarter is great for start up companies but if the company spend the cash indevelopment and can't make it work you are out cash. Sure it is a small amount but at 25% discount why not wait until you know it's good to go. I know adder well and if he says it's a no go I honestly think that you should take his advice to cancel. Money still is money and 150 gone is still a lot of beer and a brisket.
  11. where from? Can you get the cyber q as well??
  12. I was thinking of getting a cyberq wifi this week with the fan and probes. But this kind of throws a wrench in the plans doesn't it.... Perhaps just the fan and computer and not the wireless probes
  13. I remember a guy coming on complaining about kamado rockets?? he went on and on and the owner came on to resolve and it still continued. I think that was really the straw that broke the camels back. to be honest, the nice thing about the KK is that there is really no issues that I have ever read about. I too agree that this site is drama free and I love that!!!
  14. That looks super cool. I want to try that now
  15. looking good!! nice cook
  16. thanks tony b!!! I'm telling you, this wait is worse than the 9 months for my first born!!!
  17. bosco

    Sashimi Tuna

    thought the same thing !! great cook none the less
  18. great looking meal!!! rice and shrimp... you can never go wrong
  19. those look fantastic!!! nice cook
  20. oh man!!! that is seriously cool!!!! Where did you get the ravioli trays????
  21. looks perfect! I prefer naked ribs, and put BBQ sauce on the table. Memphis rub and low and slow make the best ribs!!
  22. that sounds like a good one. I have toyed with the idea of getting the cyber Q wifi, but just not sure that I need it. I look forward to hearing more of how you use it and overall thoughts as you go
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