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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Thank you. It was something I had been wanting to try for a while.
  2. Shuley

    Bone in brisket

    Wow. That is a nice smoke ring. And I have never heard of a bone in brisket before.
  3. Decided to try these last night. Put them on at 250ish for about 2 hours with my regular pork rub. Sauced up with a sauce someone posted in kamado guru for country style ribs (sorry I forgot who it was)and Put them on at about 300 for an hour. I thought these were pretty good...however I prefer pork shoulder just whole.
  4. That looks FaBULOUS. I'm sure the pork would be equally good with the huli huli sauce.
  5. That smoke right looks awesome! Congrats.
  6. Sounds like a fabulous way to spend an afternoon.
  7. So I bought a brisket from Costco yesterday expecting to throw it in tonight after my country style ribs and serve it tomorrow. However now my hubby isn't feeling well so entertaining tomorrow is almost definitely out of the question. The brisket has this label on it indicating the sell by date as 8/8 I understand sell by date is not the same as a use by safe, but I'm not sure how much time I have. So my question is, will it be ok in the fridge until Friday night (the 12th). Should I cook it tonight and just have it for us and a boat load of left overs during the week? Should I try to find room in the freezer? (this option doesn't seem likely as we have one small freezer) unfortunately, I go back to work this Wednesday so a midweek cook will not be likely. I should throw in I am extremely conscious of food safety and would prefer to err on the side of caution if there is any doubt.
  8. Shuley

    Bbq shrimp

    My 2 year old ate a cob and a half!!! I have come to love it as well. I used to not care for it due to my teeth feeling not the best afterwards but now I'm over it and just floss immediately after finishing LOL.
  9. Shuley

    Bbq shrimp

    Sign me up for one. How can I get one?
  10. Shuley

    Bbq shrimp

    Sometimes I astound myself with how many tums I need haha.
  11. Shuley


    Double love it! Thank you!
  12. Shuley


    Sometimes I almost feel like wrapping in bacon is cheating
  13. Shuley

    Bbq shrimp

    Most of the recipie is from smokehouse over on kamado guru, just modified slightly for my tastes. I LOVE these bbq shrimp. I sense massive impending heartburn.....sooooooo worth it.
  14. I know this is way too late, but I just went on a coffee tour and the strongly advised against freezing beans and recommended sealing if they weren't going to be consumed within 2 weeks. They may or may not have been experts. As for me, I pretty much never have coffee that lasts that long. My husband and I are both serious coffee addicts. On another note...it appears you received coffee within 4 days of it being roasted from a comercial roaster? That is amazing to me. Do you know if this is common? If so I would probably look into trying more coffees to try and emulate.
  15. I didn't think you could get any cooler. You just did.
  16. I'm also a fan of cayenne heat. Unfourtunately, I have to scale it back a bit for my kiddos but I bet once they are older they will like heat more.
  17. Thanks! Every time I make pork chops I wonder why I don't make them more often!
  18. Thank you! I believe you were the one who posted about a side by side comparison of stretched to rolled dough and got me interested in the idea of stretching!
  19. That flower is insanely beautiful and I can't believe it only lasts 24 hours!!! That pie looks fantastic. Now I want pizza so bad!
  20. I love this style of pizza from time to time. And when I crave it...no other style of pizza will do.
  21. Shuley


    What's funny is my mom always made heart shaped meatloaf for Valentine's day when I was growing up. I guess my hubby likes that idea.
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