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Everything posted by jonj

  1. jonj

    Lifting Straps

    See the topic "The Bear Cometh" for an excellent refresher on basic mechanical principles. A superior job.
  2. So, this may not be of precise help, but I just measured my side tables / wing for a 23". They are, of course, comma-shaped with a radius which hugs the body of the grill. For a 23, the widest part (from the body radius perpendicular to the edge) is 14.5". The depth, front to back (the length of the "comma", but measured as a straight line), is 21". For comparison, on the 32, the Side View Outside dimension (above chart, right view) is 35". On the 23, the same dimension is 31", which fits the 21" deep side table. Some proportional math should get you in the ballpark for your square of plywood. Hope this helps. Jon
  3. I believe they aren't listed if made in the current year. The older ones have the year (2015, 2014, etc) indicated. At least this is how it seems to me. Jon
  4. The manual PDF is on my home computer so I can't access it right now to check the page number. At work until late tonight. There is a section in the front which has a front and side dimension drawing for each KK, but it doesn't show the side tables. I have a 23 so I don't know the side table size for a 32 as they may be a different size. As many have said here, if in doubt, call, text or email Dennis. Sorry I can't be of more help. Jon
  5. According to the owner's manual, front to back dimension of the BB 32 feet is 29.9". You didn't ask, but the front to back dimension, with the dome open, is listed as 37.1", front feet to top vent. Jon
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