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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. 🐷 If it tastes as good as it looks your sitting pretty🐷
  2. Very similar to mine in structure however yours has so much, much more detail and it is looking like a gem. You must live in a dry climate and the rain may not be a concern, so I believe you designed the top as a shaded area by placing the rafters closer together for sun protection and leaving the opening exposed to the elements. Here in the northeast weather and rain are always a concern, could ruin your day, like a Florida shower and the event would be dashed. Unfortunately, and with the added expense the roof has to be closed. Nice to see yours coming along so well.
  3. Great! I guess when you put mind and total effort behind it....it's gonna get done. Come hell or high water
  4. Is it like a tribute memoriam to him cause he's been gone since 1980. Heard AC/DC may play the Super Bowl next year here for our football half time ceremonies. Enjoy. Just returned from seeing Fitz and the Tantrums (good show) not so crazy manic like AC/DC but a band thats been around awhile and can give some good entertainment...
  5. Nothing wrong with the frozen prepared food aisle either.
  6. Nah, the 23 is working fine and meeting my needs for 90% of the cooks. Actually, I should have jumped on Dennis's clearance sale last year on the 19. Nope, going to hold pat for a while, putting on a new deck. Don't tempt me, I'm on the straight and narrow.
  7. SOOIE and no skunks wanted here Jon B, you keep em. Have to find a steer next Basher and possibly a duck. It's all about the hunt
  8. I was out in historic Plymouth Mass. the other day looking around antique and second hand stores hunting for something to add to the BBQ villa. So I open the door to this one establishment and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a pig staring at me from up on high, I think he could talk because I believe I heard him say, "You yah you,...Take me home". AS I drew closer the 25% off ticket I saw sealed the deal and before ya knew he was riding shotgun back with me to the house. So, um...do any you have a mascot around the KK to dress up the area, help me out, I can't be the only one....could I? He's a pretty big porka coming in around 30 x 24 inches and fully welded at the seams, a handsome creature, a sight to behold. The picture really doesn't do him justice. And how about the cowboy coffee pot also, it was found not to distant apart, a daily double just shy of a trifecta. A horse might be next. Zo if your watchin, we can settle the big question here and now regarding the 23 KK and the whole hog. Pictures don't lie! Open your eyes...the truth shall set you free
  9. The next time he calls patch him through to my line, I'll take it...we'll talk Turkey.
  10. Don't mean to sound insulting but Righty tighty, Lefty Loosey and then when your done step back and admire your work and open another. It's only right or was that left
  11. Remove the Counter weight. ///Spring tension to offset the weight is accomplished by tightening the nut at the base of the spring. Maybe yours has loosened, easy fix.
  12. Did you color co:ordinate with the tiles?
  13. That day my wife dropped me off at Bass Pro and she went over to Trader Joe's for a few things. I know how you feel, it's like walking into Oz for the first time, a beer garden with 40 brews on tap, you gotta be careful. Now she was gone an hour and called me she was coming by to pick me up but I said, " I only been here five minutes" or at least that's what it felt like. Never left the cooking area the whole time, let me ask you....is what you got catchy and does it spread?
  14. I selected these spices for a flavor profile, sweet and with a little heat. Finished off with a mix of Rufus Teage (Whiskey Maple) and Head (Apple Habernero). Don't know what it is about BBQ sauce but I always take a sip from the bottle, just can't help it. Anyhow here's a few pics to show I actually did the work, nah, no work, it's always enjoyable. Oh, before I forget. You may already do this with your spices as I just stumbled across it's application and how it helps to preserve your spice. The covers on most rubs in larger containers aren't air tight and once open and used turn out the second time around for use as a hard as a brick. I found that if you cover the top with a piece of plastic wrap your spice stays true to form for it's next use. The covers the manufacturer supplies is great for dispensing but air and moisture rob the product of it's shelf life not to mention hardening it like a rock. You may already do this but if you don't it may be worth a try. By the way, that's 12+lbs of ribs, they sat quite comfortably on that top rack
  15. Funny I was looking at those the other day at Bass Pro. Actually went in to see the dehydrators for jerky on a whim. Anyhow they had the 3 burner model right beside it, yep, purdy nice. I didn't jump, wanted to, that devil was biting on my ear. I guess we musta been shopping like at the same time, you know a deja vous thing...well before I knew it that Devil flew down to Georgia and landed on another ear. By golly, phew..I was saved.
  16. A walk in the park,.... no liquor once the match has struck, that's critical...but if nobody's looking or you have to ahh use the bathroom,,, well those my friend are like avenues of opportunity not to be cast aside. They don't count. Just refer to the Holy Porker cook book on swine, follow the path, reach your goal and please all them hungry souls waiting at the Garden of Eden. Kinda like that
  17. Prosciutto? Are you going to wrap it and come back 8 months or so later?
  18. You might have to put the sprinkler on when you get home, poor fella. Buy him an ice cream.
  19. Thought it was George Washington Day. I'll be darn, got three racks on now myself, bon appetit. Hope mine look that good.
  20. Herbie that's a great sandwich and well made with all the ingredients. Double it up and it'll be twice as pretty, handsome, a fine sandwich.
  21. Well ain't that a bargain, and it keeps on giving, can't beat that especially when a tasty brew is concerned. A tight barrel, holds the mix, does the trick. Price sounds right on, but I'd still rather find a full one on the beach, empty it according to the rules (there aren't any) and then use it for it's second life. Cheers to you and to the brew
  22. Your not thinking of picking it up and moving it are you?
  23. Always interesting to see moving pictures from far away lands that tell a unique story. You wouldn't get away with running that Olive press in a restaurant here in the States...just too many laws, was a delight to see. Watch your fingers and hold on to the kids! lol
  24. Soapstone was used a lot in wood/coal heating stoves because long after the fire died the stone slowly gave back a long even warmth. Good luck in your endeavor, I'm sure it will work to your advantage.
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