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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Tyrus


    Before I retired I remember the employees say after someone had passed, poor poor Joe,........ what days did he have off. So the leading question would be, if you go to jail who gets the KK. Fantastic lookin Tacos, enjoy
  2. You should have one at every pole for the convenience of your guests, such as these. Looks professional, good job. Here is his cousin
  3. It's looking patriotic, at least the colors are.
  4. Satchmo's sister with a twist of Ginger Rogers
  5. Great song, nice voice and dressed to kill
  6. Tyrus

    I like

    Yeeee haaaaa !!!!
  7. Is it Nellie in Loch Ness, or an elephant, or maybe Austrailia by a bad artistist. Jack the Ripper left handed with no fingers. Buddah? It's blue, correct? I will study this after my next brewski, obviously it's a lake on board.
  8. AS stated, lube the shaft going into the supporting bracket. If you can grind two sides on the shaft at it's bottom you maybe able place a wrench on it for added torque. If you can't turn it from the top the bottom is an alternative. Remember the structure is only capable of holding so much ft/lb of torque [ breakpoint ] so go easy and time will eventually bear down the process with the lube. It wouldn't hurt to lube it for a few days before you dive in. Let us know, it's good to know. Best
  9. Red coals give off the least amount, I usually throw some potatoes on first and by the time their half way the coals are fired up. If you wrap the fish in foil with all your spices added inside you would'nt have to worry about the smoke penetration.
  10. Smashed and crunchy sounds good to me. Lots of possibilities as far as toppings go
  11. Tyrus


    King of the ribs. You do them well and often with great success
  12. That's true Ckreef, fit to size. Here is something I received as a present for Christmas and although they have been out some time I found these to be of a better quality with thickness being it's interest. I thought Tekebo may like this also but, she may have a pair already. Wouldn't suggest for the Konro since it should remain away from the open flame however the Kamodo style cooking with the controlled air flow makes it a unique. Good to have and may prove useful with a difficult cook. 15 3/4 x 13 in simple black mat are the true size as measured by hand. Aside from the easy clean up you still get grill marks
  13. Did a check, the Quirky skewers are 17 in and SS and on the package an Ohio resident is credited for their invention. That's amusingly funny Tekebo regarding your self control, it's ok, shouldn't break the bank.
  14. NIce cook. May have to make one of those Konro's this spring if I can come up with a feasible design that works and use up some of the refractory pieces I have stored. Anyhow the Skewers are from a manufacturer called Quirky at www.quirky.com. My wife found them for $4.00 somewhere, I don't think that'll happen again. Still sitting in the package, I can see why they are best used on a Konro. A quick and easy clean meal, and it looks nice ta boot. Sorry to add that the site was an invention site you could buy at however my searches turned up lame. Best
  15. Looks great Ckreef, always bringing the next step forward. Good for lazy guys like moi to see. I also spun a rib for Xmas and just used a instant read. I may have taken the temp a few times but never overshot my goal. The KK was already heat soaked and gave a quick time recovery on temp upon closing so any worry about the cook was diminished. The probe is a nice tool, someday I'll be there. Anyhow that looks fantastic.
  16. Sorry Aussie, didn't mean to distract. I was merely piggybacking off Toney's comment. Seriously though, who wouldn't love to be in your position having a great meal by the beach. You lucky dog. The Smoky Poet, couldn't find that little cooker on line..a nice traveling companion for the beach, much better than the one I have. Pray tell any more info
  17. Looks delish. The crayfish must be like lobster I gather, have never partaken but sure would like one of those. Abundant in the south, not so in New England. They look large and tasty, did you fish them outta the creek yourself? Great combo
  18. Gotta agree. Somethin just ain't right...sunny skies, green grass and tank tops, nope just ain't right. Lucky there's two sides to a coin, excuse me while I go and throw another log on the fire.
  19. Definitely a thumbs up on that steak. Did u share? Like that KK's color too
  20. Looking good, well done as if to say "to perfection". Merry Merry
  21. Shiny and sweet, draws me to the table post haste
  22. Merry Christmas Tekebo, hope Santa was kind to you and yours. Keep an eye on Philly, they may yet rise from the ashes. Nah
  23. You set a nice plate however, the pork chop looked soo alone, it being Christmas and all...well he coulda had a friend or just in case someone dropped by. Merry Merry My computer musta got lost. It didn't load the last message, who knows what date I was responding to when I saw your post Toney. Anyhow Merry Merry
  24. You set a nice plate however, the pork chop looked soo alone, it being Christmas and all...well he coulda had a friend or just in case someone dropped by. Merry Merry
  25. Thanks for the video. Now that winters setting in, the time to get out & feel comfortable and then prepare a cook isn't as often as those warmer days. Steve Raichlen fills the void with those interesting cooks and comfortable backgrounds.
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