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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. I knew you'd find the cure, snakebite salesmen are the best. And the neighborhood cats get a reprieve. Oh happy day
  2. Pequod, Now that bread does look good. One thing it"s missing, a side with a good olive oil mixed with a nice parm and some spice, Yes, I'd sure appreciate a slice and I'm sure it's as good as it looks just the way it is.
  3. Tyrus


    The longer it stays in the brine the better the penetration. You could try injection of some sort after you remove from the brine for another flavor profile. Personally I would remove some of the skin and use a rub on those areas and leave some on in the area I felt would work with that covering. The wrap is subjective based upon the eye, it's progress, or what it's doing inside the KK and what you want it to look like. It should remain with the juice from a good brining but, wrapping in foil or paper is ok once a nice bark is present. Never wrapped anything in muslim cloth, I would think it acts as a wick and would draw away the juices. Anyway thats a start, an opinion and I'm sure others would approach the cook differently. Anyhow thats what makes it your signature because when it's all said and done your the only one there. Best of luck, you have a good tool to work with
  4. Tyrus

    Nigerian Suya

    Such a shame Mac, being located a stones throw to some of the best fishing grounds and lobster in the world. I hope your not allergic. Anyhow you do make up for it many times over with the imaginative cooks you plate forward. However, I still find that thought hard to grasp. Excuse me while I wander away for a nice cup of seafood chowder.
  5. Tyrus

    Nigerian Suya

    Fire action shots look fantastic, yum. Did you bring back any Tequila?
  6. Looks like you and your guests will be extra comfy sitting beneath that structure. Built to entertain. Hey Bruce, I think that's the new outdoor Alexa... you say, play me some smooth jazz Evo and VOILA.
  7. Start earlier and plan to take off long before your guests arrive. You can leave those briskets in the cooler for some time wrapped in foil and towel for awhile and they should fair well. Briskets can be a funny lot and sometime are difficult pushing the envelope on time. That"s what I would do and have done in the past. Choice vs prime, I find the prime cooking faster for some reason...but they stay easily 3 or 4 hrs in the cooler. You should do well,... time, temp and size are all variables, easily planned for if you've previously cooked them as you have, just give yourself some space. Good luck
  8. See you jumped right into the rotisserie and spun yourself a couple of nice lookin chickens. Still admire that putting zone
  9. With Ma in her kerchief and I in my cap. we just settled down for a long winters nap. Hey, those railing supports seem to give a Little Mediterranean flavor to corn country in Iowa. Any Dire wolves in the area?
  10. I remember you going some time ago Toney and I wished you well with the pour. Nice to know. I asked the question regarding the plastic ball in the Guinness can while on tour in the factory and it was explained as element helping to recharge the process that is introduced generally at the tap. Nitrogen infusion. Ahh, a work of art that creates a smooth beer. It won the award for the best invention for that year. Seems to be a small hole in the plastic ball introduces pressurised gas after the can is opened thus starting the tiny bubble beer explosion. Taste good to me.
  11. That was a cool video. Honored to have you. Like the putting green. Enjoy,
  12. Nice color and congratulations...sure looks awesome. Don't forget the big guy standing in front, they like BBQ too.
  13. Hope the pot works out, I'm sure it will. The damage to my liver may recover over time, besides all the delectable varieties and flavors of beers and with all the Irish whiskey well, this traveler will have to set aside his sneakers for a while, and recharge. Can there really be enough Guinness,,,I think not. Ireland is a step back into time, sparsely populated with many a rural area. I found it easy on the mind and enjoyable to be there.
  14. The island set is nice with the Yak on top of a insulated base and the draw for draft up top makes the cook a safe zone within the house. I'm glad we see the safety concerns up front, you'd be surprised how many people don't and suffer the consequences. The hearts I love but, the gizzards go to the dogs at my house. I understand the desire of some using the whole body and all the parts for ?conservation?, religious sentiments,,,,whatever, it's all good in the neighborhood. I was in your area recently and found the weather cool and rainy, so that set-up will do you well. Before I forget the end result looks great
  15. Shifty, shady and nefarious bettors are a specialty of mine to handle. When the time approaches all arrangements should be behind the curtain and handled quietly......to spare you the embarrassment.
  16. Experiment. Razzle Dazzzle. Make it work. Preserve and combine. A small amount but, a useful supply. Think of drying it out or is that a consideration. Good luck.
  17. Always a good presentation Mac. Nice to see as I haven't seen on a smaller KK.
  18. Red Sox smashin the end of the World Series now, betting season is almost upon us for the other intangibles. Keep an open mind.
  19. Nice addition Tekebo, and the meal is so comfortable for my simple taste. Looks great.
  20. Tyrus

    Bottling Summer

    Hey Tekobo, your husband musta made an impression there to be greeted so kindly, a welcoming to say the least. Geez, reincarnation...who knows...Italian or Irish there all good but I like yah just the way u r. Toney have a great time watchin the pour and take Bruce with ya, he needs to get out for a few. Adios
  21. Tyrus

    Bottling Summer

    Gotta agree Mac but you know for some strange reason it tastes so much better there. My first taste was in Killarney and the barkeep poured a little and then walked off, he returned and repeated the same and then walked away again, leaving me wondering. Come to find out it's all part of the process and so I travel to Dublin to partake in the ritual again. Nicccce pic
  22. Tyrus

    Bottling Summer

    I'm not sure Tekebo. Still have trouble sitting down from getting burned on my backside after that game. Aside from that, all I can say is...it's a long season, don't throw the towel in yet. Speaking of rub, is there a shortage in merry ol England or are the American rubs just that good. Be in your neighborhood in a couple of weeks on an island called Ireland, you can reach me at the Guinness brewery breaking all the rules or some town pub enjoying the local faire. As they say,.... in heaven there is no beer that's why we drink it here and when were gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer. Keep on cookin
  23. Tyrus

    Bottling Summer

    Pretty as a picture, by God it is a picture! Well done, good show and all that.
  24. Thats it, the shop vac is the way to go. Lickity split your back in the saddle. Just make sure the embers the are done for some time unless you have the rated stove vac that handles the occasional spark. Don't wanna burn down the palace.
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