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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Very nice to have Japanese friend.
  2. Why visit the restaurant when you can do it in the backyard with exceptional results. Looks great. Was that powdered ginger or chinese five spice, fresh is best. Good show
  3. Quite the story Alex of a few cm and a bureaucratic conodrum separating you from your dream. Alas, alls well that ends well. Save the 19 in for your narrow boat travels up and down the canals, as they say, i think it would be smashing. One last thing, stay out of the shadows and drop a line once in a while, enjoy the 23 and give our best to the Queen.....she's got a 23 too,royal blue
  4. I wish you a lonng retirement and congratulations on gifting yourself a great tool. I do believe after using your KK you may regret leaving it elsewhere unless thats where you spend the most of your time. Think you found the right address, cooking and drinking beer is a favorite pastime here.
  5. I think u like pork, the tell may be all the profiles of piggies. Anyhow, great job and by the way, how many lbs? Enjoy!
  6. Latrodectus, the Black Widow. Was she nesting in the KK?
  7. Tyrus

    New Owner

    That was some video and quite the move over the house. Enjoyed seeing the 32 with the basket splitter and all the accoutrements that came with your BB32. Looking forward to your first cook, whatever it may be. Auf wiedersehen
  8. Tyrus

    Korean Ribs and Jerky

    Thanks, it was where I place my pictures under some tab, that's about as far as my technological wonders will go.
  9. Think I remember a pig as our project. Betya that Gooney Bird has roots in Bali, to think where the mystery all began and how it brought you forward
  10. Great looking cooks one and all. Open up a restaurant and I'll be first in line all day' The oyster appetizers with chicken wing suya to start, and a choice of pulled pork, steak or hamburg...yum. They all look so well. Hammo 1981 if you keep cooking like that you'll never get them to leave. Bon apetit'
  11. I had pizza last nite but,,it didn't look that good. 3hrs? a shame you couldn't have made another and froze it to justify all the effort
  12. I recently received a delivery of Cherry wood so it was time to pay up with 2 Racks of Korean ribs. They are my favorite with the fresh ginger, pineapple, soy, garlic, sesame oil, chive and more all combined into a marinade and a sauce later to boot. I also created some Sweet Bourbon Jerky that cooked up on the offset with a steel basket full of cherry and charcoal and coconut charcoal to finish. So far it's been the warmest day around here this year and well the gloves were off. But back on when it got hot. Some pics to see, _Large (2).mp4 _Large.mp4 _Large (3).mp4
  13. I wish also. Doing Korean ribs as we speak but always looking to bring it up a notch.
  14. Something you should do CKreef, really. Split size is obviously a must regarding temp and is judgemental for the cool down. My splits were thin and I expect to use them for a cook tomorrow on the Lang for Sweet Bourbon Jerky. I have to defer to my Lang because real estate is the issue with approx 6lbs of meat 1/4" x 2" slices makes the coverage a wide area. So if you remember the white looking cherry on the KK in the beginning and the over nite result are quite amazing in color change. Moisture content is questionable but, as the green wood was presented, I think it's much better and approx half the weight. The road is clear do as you must and good luck,
  15. Just a matter of getting comfortable with the settings, there is a learning curve of sorts, no problem. But, those ribs look nice and meaty...3 racks, you musta been hungry
  16. Ribs? I like ribs
  17. Geeeeeezz, I wish you guys wouldn't do that...got me thinking and looking at videos. Those tools are nice but come at a high price tag for the quality equipment. Nice looking sign Bruce. Was the wood an indigenous pine?
  18. Mac,,, go ahead you know you want to. Tekebo,,, Baby back near the spine and St. Louie down under. Prefer the baby backs but the chef stated St. Louie so that's what it was. The sauce was tasty, give it try you won't be disappointed. Just don't leave the kitchen to long as I did, my first batch burnt up..oh well.
  19. Impressive yes it is. Mahogany is rich in color and warm for the eyes. Once you hit it with a Poly it just POPS as your door does. A labor of love
  20. Have to applaud you gents, I have 3 routers and use them for edging, dado and basic joinery, Good show, will have to join u one day
  21. I recently watched Steve's 7 minute vid on You Tube as he presented how to smoke a rack of St Louis ribs on a rotisserie. He definitely was up to par with his presentation on the gas grill he was using however, I thought the KK was as good, or a better option. Steve doesn't supply to much in the way of temps, time and amounts for rubs and sauces but, that's ok, we learn to endure. I cooked the single rack shown between 3 1/2 and 4 hours @ 250 at the onset and ended around 290 which I thought was in line. I also had some recently delivered cherry wood that I split and kiln dried it in the KK as this cook was in progress. And I used apple wood to flavor this rack, YUM
  22. Great piece of work, good for the eyes as well the tummy.
  23. Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum. Nice drink and a handsome picture.
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