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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. Thank you. @Troble, yet another winner of a recipe. One set of friends are having their kitchen re-built so we gave them one chicken and sides and the other set of friends just happened to be visiting yesterday morning so I offered them the other chicken. Once you are roti'ing one chicken you might as well do three! Here is the feedback they sent me afterwards: No kitchen folk were brief: Phaaw Great supper!!! Thanks We agreed that the dish went well with red wine. The other friends were more effusive: Just eat? I get it now.:5⭐️, would eat for free again. Thank you so much for a wonderful unexpected supper. I don’t know if the new rotation hack for the KK worked as desired, but the chicken was excellent. Not dry and beautifully spiced with the marinade. The ‘comes with’ was lovely too. The yam was a lovely surprise and worked so well with the sauce (as did everything else) and the carrots beautifully sweet. Excellent—would order again. So, if you have not yet tried this recipe - what are you waiting for?
  2. Sounds like more work than it is worth. If you want to smoke dehydrated milk I would buy powdered milk and give it a go. My preference would be to smoke the liquid milk, leave it overnight to develop the flavours as others have suggested and see what you get.
  3. What can I say? We gave two of the three chickens away, together with some baked/grilled yams and carrots and green crack. Loved by one and all.
  4. Lovely looking cooks one and all. I have been away from my KKs for two weeks and looking at your cooks made me drooool. Next time I travel I will pick my destination based on whether there is an active KK’er nearby!
  5. Your question sent me searching @jeffshoaf. In his book Finding Fire, Lennox Hastie smokes cream. I also found a post online about a recipe for Smoked Milk Ice cream by Ben Tish. Both aim for a light smoke, use a shallow bowl and both refrigerate overnight to develop the flavour. I think the cold smoker would be ideal for the task. Timing seems to be anything from 10 minutes to an hour in total but it does sound like you need to taste and test as you go along to decide when to stop. Thanks for the question. I already had the Lennox Hastie book and I liked Ben Tish but didn’t know him as a BBQ chef. Looking forward to exploring his book Grill Smoke BBQ. Another place that does interesting stuff with fire and smoke is Etxebarri in Spain where Lennox Hastie learned his fire cooking craft. I went there many years ago, before I started barbecuing, and was pretty excited then. I suspect it would blow my mind if I were to return now. So much to explore…
  6. Thank you to @Troble for the Aji Panca and aji amarillo paste in the care package that he sent me a few months ago. I was not totally sure I was doing the right thing, but I blended all the ingredients in the list above the red potatoes recipe to make the marinade for the chicken. I only decided to make this recipe late this morning and so did not have “overnight” to marinade the chicken. They will have been marinading for about six hours by the time I need to start cooking. I remembered that @Troble‘s quantities are usually generous so I made up the marinade recipe for two chickens but applied it to three chickens. I kept the cleaning up down by putting each chicken into its own bag, pouring in a third of the marinade and sealing with the vacuum sealer. Here they are in the dry ager awaiting their fate. I also made up the Peruvian green sauce aka green crack. It is sooo good. Looking forward to uniting that nice cool sauce with hot rotisserie chicken later today.
  7. @Jon B., @tony b, @Paul and @MacKenzie , shame on you for encouraging @Poochie by laughing at his terrible jokes. I showed the post to my baby brother and he laughed out loud. That is a sure sign of a terrible joke.
  8. Having owned KKs with pebbles and KKs with tiles I feel I am qualified to comment here. Upkeep is theoretically the same but, because you will love your tile KK more, you will end up cleaning and shining your tile KK up just that little more than a pebble KK.
  9. Awesome. I love the look of the 22 but do not have the right setting to have one. It is indeed a Beast and moving it to get it into position is going to be a significant task, Colour? I think I saw an insta picture of a gloss black tile on a table top TT. I thought it was very beautiful.
  10. I’m pretty certain Dennis told me that he only does one grout colour. That said, he may have been trying to help me focus!
  11. Tee hee. I looks like a good night was had by all, including the photographer! Looking forward to meeting to eat again, soon!
  12. Here is the double drip pan in the 23 being used to roast potatoes And here is the double drip pan from the 23 in my 32. It is easy to handle and holds more than enough veg for most purposes i.e. you may be better off getting the double drip pan for the 23 for use in the 32. That gets over the challenges with weight and cleaning of the pan for the 32. I have both and am happy to pick the right pan for the job on the day.
  13. Well? I followed the trail down to here and came up empty. Need some hunger inducing pics please!!!!
  14. I am the opposite to @tony b. I hardly ever use my cold smoker but I use my double drip pans often. They work as a heat shield, a place to roast potatoes and other veg and a base for my El Pastor roasts. If I had to choose one I might go for the double drip pan from the 23 and use that in the 32. Easier to manoevre and big enough for most things. That said, I have one for the 23 and one for the 32 and the latter was good for when I wanted to roast a suckling pig.
  15. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the fresh chillies @Troble. Most Mexican recipes seem to use dried chillies. I have also been trying to figure out how that addictive El Yucateco green sauce is made. I have a bunch of chillies coming on stream and would like to make some killer sauces.
  16. Short answer to your second question is that, yes the 22 is a better cooking vessel than the 19. I can say that with confidence even though I have owned neither. I have a 16 and while it is fun to cook on, it has limitations, one of which is how close your food is to the fire. In my larger KKs you have the option to cook indirect higher up or close to the fire on the lower grates. It’s all about flexibility and, in addition to the extra space, the 22 offers better cooking options.
  17. Ha ha ha ha. We'll turn you into a multi KK house yet.... Our friends raved about @RokDok's beer. Most of the stash he had brought for The Husband to enjoy was happily consumed by the unplanned guests who dropped in on Saturday night. And before @DennisLinkletter rocks up to tell us off for showing him pics of uncooked food on KKs, here are the pics I took later on of the cook on the 23. I had to move one of the chooks down a level and that got @RokDok thinking that I might need another KK with even more space. Good thinking BatMan? I can just taste those fat soaked potatoes...
  18. Thanks @Poochie. We looked at getting a cabinet cast in concrete but the surface wasn't going to be very heat resistant, according to the maker. We went for Welsh slate in the end.
  19. Yup, that's the money shot. It was my reference picture when i decided to go for autumn nebula for my new KKs.
  20. The perfect weekend. Scaring friends by introducing them to Mr and Mrs RD as "people we met on the internet" AND seeing our new friends disappear down a rabblt hole head first. It was lovely to see the RDs again and we had another fun weekend. It's great. I have a family issue and the Dok in RokDok helped me better understand what might be happening and prepared me for my conversations with my Dad's doctor. The Brew in BrewDok helped me with my very first attempt at making cider. Both very much worth the price of entry to this friendship which was RD moving up to a 32 KK on our recommendation. Hurrah!
  21. Super sweet of you to plan to cook this even though you don't like it. The best news is that you don't need to like anchovies when they are cooked this way. They "melt" into the meat, leaving great flavour and much less of the strong taste that you may dislike. I don't mash mine to a paste, I just poke holes in the lamb and stuff anchovy and slivers of garlic in alternate holes. Works out great every time.
  22. @tony b - thanks. Got it and that makes sense.
  23. Excellent. I did feel sad for you when I saw that your Chiefs had lost. That said, it was a good game to watch if you were a neutral-ish observer like me. Loving that birthday meal.
  24. Wow! What gorgeous food. Mouthwateringly good. Happy birthday @Troble and @jonj!
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