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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. That's one of the few Dizzy rubs that I haven't tried yet. Their description didn't grab my attention.
  2. Didn't realize that MIM was that strict on entries.
  3. Always start earlier than you think and don't worry about finishing early. Wrapped in foil, then a heavy towel, and into an insulated cooler, the meat will stay nice and warm for many hours. Nothing worse than getting all fired up for some nice brisket (or pulled pork) and not have the meat finish in time for dinner.
  4. Won't need a spare, unless you get a 2nd grill, as my DigiQ-II is over 10 years old and never a hiccup. I have replaced a probe on it is all.
  5. With NAFTA falling apart, maybe Canada should consider joining the EU!
  6. Yeah, Aussie's gotten us all addicted and now we have to sweat it out another year to get more. Glad I hoarded back a bit. Should be able to feed my habit for a while! I've never put rub on sausages either. Did you prep them with something to get the rub to stick on?
  7. De nada, it's what we do here! And 2nd MacKenzie on this one - cute pooch!
  8. They ship out of Pennsylvania. Standard UPS ground shipping to my address in Iowa is $14.29 per their website.
  9. I'm a big fan of Walkerswood Jerk paste and Boston Bay. Vernon's is also good. The Shizzle - voodoo hot is another one to try. I've even gone to the lengths of getting pimento wood and leaves to put into the dutch oven smoker pot, along with allspice berries to amp up the traditional flavor.
  10. Why do you think that I named it "purple crack?" I use it in just about everything anymore. Great on fried eggs, mashed potatoes, salad dressings, mixed in with dry rubs for grilling. I even used it making beers (Purple Crack Wheat - a blueberry wheat beer with pepper berries and a Purple Crack mead) and brining pork belly for bacon.
  11. Indeed! At least for eating anyway. @Bruce Pearson - can't wait to hear your reaction after you try it?
  12. I wouldn't bite with that shipping price either. Do you know the shipping weight? I've shipped about 10 lbs of sauces/rubs/spices to Aussie in Perth for half that price USPS! If you really want one, buy it but have it shipped to one of us here in the states and have us mail it to you instead. I suspect it will be a whole lot cheaper!!
  13. Nice beefy ribs and I'm sure that the Plowboys rub was "da shizzle, ma bizzle!"
  14. @amusedtodeath - thanks! That jerk is seriously righteous, mon; but, where was the rice to go with the peas, mon? @Bruce Pearson - Beware the Jamaican rub in your Dizzy Pig set - that sh!t will probably kill you! If you want to experiment with it, I'd suggest mixing it with the Pineapple Head (1 part Firewalk to 2 parts P-head) to cut the heat down, but stay in the same flavor profile. @alimac23 - very nice bread, regardless.
  15. @Chanly1983 - Woo, Hoo, Great news! Here's a great place to get some red oak for doing your Santa Maria style tri-tips! https://fruitawoodchunks.com/shop?olsFocus=false&olsPage=products/california-red-oak-wood-for-smoking @chris hale - don't feel embarrassed about not getting all the jargon we toss around here. Just ask - we're a friendly bunch - usually!
  16. In general, briskets take longer to cook than pork butts, as a reference point. Actual time depends on cooking temp and size of cut (whole packer cut, or just the point or flat). A whole packer cut cooked indirect at 275F generally takes 12 - 14 hours. If you drop the temp down to 225F add on another couple of hours. A point or flat, knock a couple of hours off those times. YMMV
  17. Vegemite is a thick, black Australian food spread made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives.
  18. Nice that you got a call up! How'd the team do overall?
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