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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Seriously tasty looking ribs!
  2. tony b

    I like beer!

    I'm sure both the wings and salad packed a punch!
  3. tony b

    Oh oh

    Per Dennis, leaving the lid open for extended periods of high heat grilling is bad for the acrylic Adhesive/Grout/Insulation that holds the tiles on, plus you can forget that the handle will get real hot and can burn yourself badly. Short stints like a 2 min reverse sear isn't too bad for it, but I still slightly close the lid down to keep the handle from getting hot.
  4. Given the variability in the fuel supply, I suspect that you'll need to run a lot of trials to get reliable data. I seem to recall us asking Dennis when he came out with the dual dial door whether the holes in the right side corresponded to any specific temperatures and he said No. They just picked a nice variety of sizes that they thought would work well for most low & slow cooks.
  5. Any thoughts to doing a confit of the legs in that yummy fat, ala duck?
  6. There's no "may" to it, Bruce - you're already there, dude!
  7. tony b

    Beef Stew

    I bet that your lips were sticking together after eating that yummy stew, as that's where all that marrow went!
  8. I bailed out after 32 years. Not a minute too soon either!! @Aussie Ora - hang in there, bro! You'll make it!!
  9. Was hoping you'd like that one, Aussie! Great on anything beef - steaks, ribs, brisket. Your ribs look spot on!
  10. Ding, ding, ding - we have a winner! Hopefully they'll raise purebred Berkshires as well. Amazing pork - I'd know, given where I live - the state where hogs outnumber people 3-to-1, ha, ha!! That shop looks awesome!! One stop shopping for sure! Like you said, I'd be in there every week for sure, too!
  11. I seem to recall an old thread where we were discussing the Rodizio and I think that we came to the conclusion that it wouldn't fit on a KK - not enough clearance under the lid. But, I don't know if we were just looking at 23's and 32's. I'm pretty sure that the monster 42" wasn't out yet. So, it might work in one of those?? Update: Went looking. Now I remember, it was a Kickstarter campaign we were discussing for the Carson Rodizio. It didn't get funded on Kickstarter - not enough backers. I looked into it and thought it was too expensive for my blood (basic kit was like $500!) Plus, the issues of whether or not it would even work on a KK, despite their claims of working on a BGE.
  12. I haven't used it that way yet, ckreef - thanks for the tip! I've only sprinkled it onto cooked veggies - green beans especially.
  13. tony b

    I like beer!

    As one of the beer geeks on this forum, all I could think of when I saw those bottles was - "Caledonia, Caledonia, what makes your beer taste so good?"
  14. tony b


    And I bet you rocked their world!
  15. tony b

    Sous Vide Brisket

    Waiting with bated breath, as they say! I'll let you folks pioneer this one and I'll follow.
  16. Hold back a bit, as it's still in development. Only the single probe units are in production. The Block should be going into beta testing again fairly soon, per the company's last update on Kickstarter.
  17. Not me tonight. 10F cooler than yesterday and heading south! Back to normal by tomorrow.
  18. At least our "chips" look like real chips - wood chips, poker chips. How "you people" thought to call frites (fries) chips is beyond me?
  19. tony b


    All are available from Amazon. If you do have to pay up, you could get some paybacks by swapping out the Secret Weapon for their "Habanero Death Dust" (It's pretty damn hot!) But on a serious note, on second thought their Black Ops brisket rub might be a better choice, since the Secret Weapon is similar to the other two rubs in the list.
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