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Sausage. I've made this recipe from Porter Road before, however I found it too Garlicy and salty so today I trimmed it down to something less overpowering, it's called Garlic and Parsley . A few alterations were done by adding Jalepeno and Fire Roasted red pepper to the mix. Now although the other recipe was well recieved  this was more on par for the course, it settled in well for both a dinner and something for a sliced hors d'oeuvre. Pictured minus the production from raw cased, to grill, to chill, and presentation. It's a keeper, and it was accomplished on a offset cooker maintaing a low fire at 150-175 degrees F with outside temp of 35 F.  DSCF2061.thumb.JPG.97bf7a975e635fc8418e82ad95c06845.JPG 






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"Ask and you shall receive," said the Genie to Alladin. The changes I made were the amounts of fresh garlic and parsley. For 9lbs of meat I used 57 grams of garlic and 60 grams of parsley. I also used some glass jar Fire Roasted Red Peppers diced, about four good size for color and 1 lonely Jalepeno without a friend from the frig. No squash. The book has versions of bangers and other related American renditions, a good starting point. I also used some Pink salt #1 since the weather was chilly, the appropriate for the poundage. 1 level teaspoon/5lb




Edited by Tyrus
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Prepping for Super Bowl tonight.  We are in Italy and our friend is going to open his bar so we can watch the game from 00:30 tonight.  I will be introducing the Italians to Franks Hot sauce and blue cheese dressing.  Not brave enough to try to get my KK 16 down in the lift and down the road to the bar and so we will be using their professional oven.  Here is what 5kg of wings, neatly prepared by our local butcher, look like.


Dry marinade applied, now waiting in the fridge. Fly Eagles Fly!image.thumb.jpeg.659b613cb46ab279849f978f7fee9dde.jpeg


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Belated update.  Watching the SuperBowl in an Italian bar was indeed good fun.  Our Italian friends were surprised by how much they liked buffalo wings and blue cheese sauce.  I had to admit to having used a French cheese, Roquefort, to make the blue cheese sauce but they liked it all the same. The best compliment was seeing the, normally very critical and conservative, bar owner mop up some of the sauce with a piece of bread.  And I enjoyed the result of the game too!


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@MacKenzie It really was the highest level of hockey i can remember. I loved every minute of it, except the last second or two, as soon as i saw who it was that was open in the slot i knew it was over lol And it may be your game but that talent gap sure has gotten smaller. Just like the world catching up to the US in basketball and baseball, the world is catching up to Canada and Russia on the ice. 

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A couple of long-time college friends were over for one's birthday dinner. I usually experiment with them so tried a total dinner cooked in the wood oven: roasted salmon with rosemary over lemon wedges, smashed potatoes (also with rosemary), and green beans.


German chocolate cake for dessert


Since I was outside cooking, I wasn't able to get any presentation shots. Only a couple of "after the swarm" shots when I finally fixed my plate. 🤣



It was a good dinner; I'll make it again.

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