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Cooking for 35 (Brisket, Baby Backs, Chicken) Photo Heavy

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This is the first of a multi part post. This is the prep:


July 17, 8:30 AM...trimming the brisket





JULY 17, 9:15 AM...salted and into the refrigerator



JULY 17, 10: AM - 9 RACKS OF BABY BACK RIBS....rubbed and into the refrigerator.




JULY 18, 3:20 PM...Firebox loaded w/ almost entire box of coffee lump...indent in center w/ used coco char to light and after heat soak will place foil smoke pouch and cover w/ coffee char.



Smoke Pouch with SMOOKING Chunks



Sealed and perforated and ready for placing.


The plan is to light the fire around 9 pm to heat soak. At Midnight I will

1: place smoke pouch  

2: top off basket w/ coffee char

3: foil over 2/3 of basket starting from center

4: Put on 14 # WAGYU brisket, clip probe 1 to grate and insert probe to into brisket  

5: go to bed

The party is at 6 pm 7/19. I expect to take the brisket off around 2 or 3 and rest for 3 or 4 hours. At 8 am I will put on the 9 racks of Baby Backs and expect 8 hours. May bump up temp to compensate for the cold infusion...we'll see.

At 6, wifey has a few dozen boneless chicken thighs so will kick in the afterburner and finish them off in 20-30 minutes.

There will be updates.


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6 Hours, 15 Minutes

I put the brisket on at Midnight. Here it is 6 hr, 15 min later....No I won't open the grill.

I'm perfectly ok with lower temp because as you all know adding heat is easy...taking away not easy. In about 2 hours putting on the ribs so we'll get an inside photo. Going for a run now.


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2 hours ago, tinyfish said:

Looking great. 

May i add that eight hours for baby back is they might be ready way to early, unless that your plan.

You're right @tinyfish I figure the brisket to be ready in the 2-4 pm range. I will wrap / pack it in a Yeti for 2-5 hours....Ribs should be done around 5-5:30....if earlier I'll just shut it all down and hold them. Around 5:30-6 pm I'll turn on the afterburners and finish the few dozen boneless chicken thighs in 20-30 min. That's the plan we'll see.



Here's what's happening just before putting the 9 racks of baby backs on. After 9.5 hrs brisket well into the stall and grill temp spot on...a tad low but it's all good.




Top Vent about 1/8 open



Here's my bottom vent settings at 9.6 hrs.



Following 14 photos showing the first look at the brisket and the placement of the ribs.... @DennisLinkletter this rib rack is (as my oldest daughter says)   WWW.THEBOMB.COM/YOURMAMA and if she says that it is a very good thing. I had help with one of my Nephews on the camera and S.I.L holding the ribs and opening doors.



That took about a minute. Below are the temps immediately after closing the lid.



And here's the temp readings an hour after the ribs were put on...a whole bunch of cold meat like a giant ice cube. I am surprised by the internal temp drop on the brisket to 143.6. Things that make you go Hmmm :hmph:.



Edited by twharton
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Problem solved....hated to do it however: opened top, unloaded rib rack, used the grill grates to remove the top grill (thank you for those Dennis!), double wrapped the brisket in heavy duty foil and loaded everything back up. Total time about 2 minutes. Stabilized after temp spike because of oxygen infusion and it's now climbing about 1 degree per minute. :)

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202 Degrees @ 4:00 on the dot! Double Foil Wrapped w/ then two towels in the Yeti. :smt038

Takeaway...should have ensured the first 5-6 hours were @ 225 rather than 207-210. Also probably should have put Brisket on @ 10 pm to allow for the massive cooling from the 9 racks of ribs.

That said I believe in the future I will always use the modified crutch...I just can't bring myself to take something off a grill / cooker and bring it inside to an oven. I'll just let it stall for a few hours then wrap in foil. We'll see in a few hours if I screwed it up but I doubt it. Ribs looking good...I've shut everything down for the next 1.5 hours then remove the ribs. Temp spiked to 265 last opening. All is well. Film at 11.

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Next time, instead of foil, use the pink (unwaxed) butcher paper. It's Aaron Franklin's technique. It is a great compromise on the TX Crutch - you don't lose the bark like foil wrapping and the butcher paper soaks up a lot of grease and holds in the heat to speed things up a bit. 

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