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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2017 in all areas

  1. Another in house bake today. Made a loaf using a recipe from HalfSmoke's, Field Blend bread for a neighbour. Decided to try out an old pan for a loaf of sourdough to see how it would work. The taste test.
    3 points
  2. Last evening a friend brought a tasty dessert, coffee mousse and I made a chicken stew with dumplings just for fun. My friend thought I needed this fridge magnet too;) The clan motto is: Fortune Favours the Brave. BTW, it tasted fantastic as a breakfast dessert this morning.
    3 points
  3. I always had my grandmother's carving knife lurking around today I was scrumaging through some box's in my spare room that I had kept with some of the things that I got from my grandmother after she passed away all those precious things and to my surprise I found the fork lol .whilst everyone got the gold cooking must have been in my heart lol its amazing what we forget what we have .gave the knife a quick whiz on the warthog sharp as its been used and sharpened over time you can tell but that's the beauty of it how many roast were carved with this interesting feature on the fork. Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  4. Selling these down here new twist on beer can chook Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  5. Jeff: The herb rub/crust is an old standby: Fresh rosemary out of the neighbor's yard, fresh sage & parsley, a ton o'garlic, smoked habanero, S&P and EVO; all pounded into submission via my mortar & pestle. The blackberry & ginger BBQ sauce is from an old Sunset Magazine: All the same suspects including ketchup, brown sugar, maple sugar, honey, black berries and a considerable amount of fresh grated ginger.
    2 points
  6. These are becoming more accessible down here which is great someone signed me up to a closed BBQ group here in Perth which has been really great lots of post of which butchers have the best deals and getting hold of lump and fruitwood.so I got a couple of tips today and picked up thesetrimmed one of them upand gave it some of thisI let the rub soak in on both sides and added some morethen vacuum sealed itthen put in the fridge for a few hours.i then took it out of the baglove the way the vacuum seal helps the rub soak in gave it some more rub and ready to go onI put it on at 250 with some Cherrywood and took it off at 135gave it a sear and ready to gocarved it upDee made a salad[emoji12] and plated this sure is a nice cut of meat Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  7. Herb and Citrus Chicken I wanted to cook tonight for my family and I wanted something different.. I had Chicken. I want flavor.. So I found this recipe and it sounded so good. Had to try it. I got my grill temp up to 375* Ingredients for Chicken Mix all ingredients in dish. Place Citrus slices under and around. Cook for a hour. Chicken goes on the grill Citrus Chicken is done Ingredients for Skillet Apples and Biscuits *I used can biscuits , but you can use homemade. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar. Mix vanilla in Apples.set aside. Melt a stick of butter. Dip biscuits in butter and sprinkle cinnamon mix onto biscuits and place in greased skillet. Pour the rest of the butter over biscuits and sprinkle the rest of the cinnamon mix over the top. Cook at 375* for 1 hour. Dinner is ready Thanks for looking
    1 point
  8. Yeah, Wegman's is definitely awesome. Far better and more reasonably priced than any Giant or Safeway around here. Meat is often cheaper than Costco too. That said, the farmer's market stuff is still better & fresher. While definitely better than stuff imported from Chile, Wegman's still has that characteristic of produce picked a bit early, warehoused, then trucked to the store. Miles better than produce at any other supermarket, though.
    1 point
  9. Heirlooms are great they bring back fond memories. And that knife looks like he's had plenty of use. Lucky you
    1 point
  10. Aussie, those ARE two precious reminders of your Grandmother.
    1 point
  11. I have to say pecan will top my list but if you can get hold of some pear it's a bit milder than apple but we'll worth it on the white meats Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  12. Something to think about - when the dome and latch are adjusted properly everything is basically a snug fit. It sounds to me that things have gotten out of adjustment. You shouldn't need to make a custom mod to the latch. I would replace the gasket with a new double gasket, readjust the dome then readjust the bottom latch plate and see what happens before spending time and effort on something that might not really be an issue. I imagine it's possible that when you straightened the latch back out it is no longer exactly as it was when new but I would figure all this out before modifying.
    1 point
  13. Spun some legs Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  14. I fired it up tonight and did some burgers and man were they tasty. Cooked them around 350. Didn't have a thermo but the ol' hand test said 350ish. Few things I noticed and thought about. First when I was driving home from work today I was thinking about things that needed to be done with the KK. I realized that I may have fubar the cap underneath as if the cement I put on sat to low inside the dome it would restrict airflow leaving the top. I started to get pissed at myself for not thinking about this. Below is a pic from inside the dome looking at the cement circle. There is plenty of room around the outside so I thought I would be fine but wouldnt be able to tell until she was cooking. After getting it to temp smoke was flowing out very nicely so I figured I am good on that one. so problem I thought I had is not a problem. Next is not a problem but just a design aspect I have noticed in previous grills I have had and wondered if it is ever thought about. When you go to flip burgers it is much easier to have your spatula running with the grate. The KK grate bars run sideways causing the spatula to catch sometimes. Really no biggie just something I have realized with all the grills I have owned. Next problem is when moving it in and out of the garage there is a lip in the concrete. The only good leverage to lift the front is with the handle and that is a no-no. So I need to come up with a solution for this problem. I think I am going to weld on a piece of steel tube on the side table brackets where I can throw a steel bar thru when I need to lift one side over a lip in the ground. This will distribute the force over all bolts on the bracket evenly and the tube wont be seen as the tables will always be on. Finally I now have a lid problem in that it doesnt close tightly. If I close the lid the latch moves all the way to spot #2 and it is not snug when I go from latch #1 to #2. you can easily move it. This causes the lid to have about 1/8" play in it. Adjusting the lid down wouldnt solve problem as the latch would be even more loose I would imagine so I decided to come up with a aesthetic fix. I will remove the center bolt thru the latch and replace with a modified piece with an outer coat of polished copper. I will make it roughly 1/8" wide in diameter to give me the extra leverage to pull the lid down all the way and giving it a nice touch of creativity. I think it would look good against the bronze. Also, looking at parts online is it worth looking at adding the 2nd gasket? I only have the one gasket and the only place that doesnt have any play in it is about a 2 inch section at about the 7 o'clock position on the grill. All other areas you can press on the gasket and it has some play in it. Do you think this needs to be replaced as well?
    1 point
  15. Hell ya blackberry BBQ sauce. Plenty of wild blackberries in GA. When my son was younger we use to go picking every spring and make wild blackberry jam. Maybe me and Mrs skreef should go this spring and make wild blackberry BBQ sauce.
    1 point
  16. Well, dinner looks awesome. and I love this pix.
    1 point
  17. Meat and pesto? A winning combination!
    1 point
  18. dstr, is teasing us big time.
    1 point
  19. Cs I was thinking Osiris as well. Fitting for journey this KK has gone thru.
    1 point
  20. Mjolnir, the name of Thor's hammer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Do a photo of you standing closely next to the 23 and the same position for the 42 and that will shjow relative size.
    1 point
  22. Excellent cook looks and sounds so tasty Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  23. I started some pizza dough yesterday and thought I might fire up Little Pebbles but is is just sooooo cold out there and dark, I put in the oven instead. Dressed and ready to cook. I have read many years ago to put the cheese on first so the dough doesn't get soggy and read it again just recently. I don't think I like this idea and the next pizza will have the cheese on top and I'll see what I think then. Baked for 8 mins. at 450F.
    1 point
  24. Six pounds of bacon. Have tried a number of bacon recipes lately, and this is the one I like the best. It's Meathead's Maple Bacon from Amazing Ribs. Have also tried Chris Lilly's from Fire & Smoke, which is similar, and Raichlen's bacon from Project Smoke, which is far too salty. Used the cold smoker with maple chips. Awesome.
    1 point
  25. I found the photo funny because of the caption contains no nuts, I just turned 8 right before the summer games and when he won remembering my dad saying he was the greatest athlete of that time. I can still say at that time he was the greatest athlete and he can still be your boyhood hero because at that time you were a boy and he was the greatest male athlete. Michael Jackson has an well just a history that some believe and some don't, but I can still listen to his music because that's were the genius was, not the man himself! Garvin
    1 point
  26. Bugger leaving my beer behind .it's a sad case of affairs when the blokes are starting to look better than the girls lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  27. Haven't been here a while - but been using the grill a lot right through all seasons. I love it, every time. I didn't really know where to post this - but seeing as it was the Sous Vide thing that got me looking for a simple solution this is where i have posted it - admin feel free to move it. I believe Sous Vide and the KK are a match made in heaven. Numerous uses. However often I found myself just wanting a quick finish, and firing up Yoda was just too much and too long. Enter spying a Sportsman Grill by Lodge - gee that looks like it would fit in my KK 23. Shop around $60 delivered to my door. I love it, I mostly use it inside the KK unless i already am using the KK, but as more of a grill style BBQ it's an ideal solution. The KK serves as a great repository, i can have this little thing flamed up and settled down in 20-25 minutes, sear, finish, grill whatever I want for 10 minutes - even smoke it by closing up the KK with everything inside for the last 5 minutes (or less). It's perfect if you've done Sous Vide Steak, lamb, or chicken filets. I'll post next time i use it - but I thought I'd show some pic's of how it fits in - it may not sell any more KK's but i think it will extend how we all use the KK, it's one of my best hacks, period. Excuse the stae of the grill in the pic's it was snowing outside when i cooked 2 nights back.
    1 point
  28. A bit o salmon. Stinking deer creeping in the woods while cooking again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Ok........Not sure where to begin For starters make sure and have some help! Packaging is the same as the 23", well done Dennis. To make life easier, unscrew the 8 lag bolts at the base of the crate; the crate will pull straight up. However this didn't happen in my case; I stepped away for a few mins to grab some tools and my helper was feeling like Hercules and started destroying the casing At any rate, from start to finish it took us about 2hrs to get her to the final destination. I CANNOT believe how much stainless steel she comes with!!!!!!!!!! I need to go see my Chiropractor after lifting all the grates. Below are all the photos from the unboxing; enjoy!!! Dennis you are a mad MAN; this thing is beyond anything I could imagine!!!!!! BTY - The last photo is for member 5698K
    1 point
  30. I came across this article if you scroll down he mentions his burger. http://www.robinbenzle.com/recipearticledetail.asp?ID=29 Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  31. Blackened Pork Chops I used some Prairie Dust as the seasoning and CI seared the chops turning frequently. Served with rice pilaf. Also salad with Reef's Bistro Sweet House Dressing. This is the last of the house dressing Will have to order some more ingredients really soon. The Prairie Dust worked really well as it's a mild blackening spice which my son appreciated.
    1 point
  32. A good source of smoke wood is someone selling firewood. You'll get much more for your buck than those bags of dried out smoke wood in the box stores. The guys around here will sell you a few logs/splits so you don't have to buy a whole rick. I can get red oak, pecan, hickory and cherry locally. Cherry being harder to find. But give your spouse/buddy/room mate/squeeze, a sample of your bbq and ask them what smoke wood they think you used. I'll bet they can't tell. Pecan is my go to wood because it compliments just about anything.
    1 point
  33. I also smoked a brisket flat while on daze off (they’re more fun spelled that way). This was a little over 4 lbs. I like the point much more but one wasn’t available. I seasoned with salt and pepper and smoked for 6 hours at 200* until it was getting late and I increased the temp to 250*. Got to an IT of 205* then wrapped and into the cooler. Two hours later it was delicious. Once again no KK or platted pics. I’ll try to do better as time goes on. On a related note, after these two cooks my wife looked at Bob and said he needed a bath. She broke out the Zep 505 and a bucket of hot water and gave him his first sponge bath. He was very happy mon!
    1 point
  34. I picked up a 4.5 lbs. small rib roast. The roast was seasoned with salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder Monday morning. It was then placed in a well-stocked beer cooler. The temps in my area have ranged from a low of 25* to a high of 42*. I’m thinking there’s no problem holding the meat outside as long as I can keep the critters out of it. I did regular checks on it…might as well grab a beer while I’m here. It remained in the cooler until Saturday when I cooked it. I wanted to get some drippings for Au Jus so I elevated the roast above a glass dish using onions. This put the roast higher in the lid so it cooked quicker than I thought it would. I was shooting for a 225* temp but Bob settled in at 250*. Three hours later the IT was 115*, perfect. Wrapped in foil and towels and into the cooler. An hour before we were ready to eat I raised Bob to 450* and finished the roast. There wasn’t any drippings for Au Jus but the flavor of the meat was good. No KK or plated shots. Bad planning on my part.
    1 point
  35. I, too, love my kk. However I do not wish I bought it sooner. I am glad I bought an akorn to find out how much I love kamado cooking. I'll eventually do a write up lol.
    1 point
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