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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2017 in all areas

  1. I picked up a 10 pound brisket (smallest I could find at Costco) and smoked for 12 hours at 225*. Awful pics I really need to buy a camera. Cleaned and ready for trimming Seasoned with S&P On Bob at 5:00 AM (really bad outdoor lighting) And the finished product Needless to say a 10 pounder is about the limit (real estate limitations) for a 16" TT The point was really good. The flat is always a little dryer so I gave that away. It ate well!
    5 points
  2. Just got back from vacation so I thought I would treat myself to some lamb chops. Sorry no plated pictures, getting lazy!
    2 points
  3. After 14 years this is where I'm at with the KK lineup. The final grill the 21" Supreme will be shipped later this spring. It's the grill I was trying to build when I created the 22" standing grill which is discontinued. I will also faze out the 19" standing grill. I believe the new 21" is a great size and price point. Full Size Standing Grills Square tiles Pebble & Bronze metallic tiles 42" Serious Big Bad $9,200 $9,460 32" Big Bad $5,900 $6,100 23" Ultimate $4,260 $4,440 21" Supreme $3,500 $3,620 Table Top Grills 22" Hi-Cap Table Top $4,120 $4,280 19" Hi-Cap Table Top $2,800 $2,900 16" Hi-Cap Table Top $2,080 $2,150
    2 points
  4. The New Zealand location and the sense of humor made me think of Aussie Ora.................... QuickThinker.mp4
    2 points
  5. It's probably one of the hardest things for new folks to adapt to - not fretting exact temperatures! Cardinal Rule #1 - Don't chase the temperatures! Like others have said +/- 50F dome temperature is nothing to sweat about on just about all cooks. Constant fiddling with the vents to hit an exact temperature is just wasted effort and overly frustrating.
    2 points
  6. It didn't come across as well in this video as it did when Andrew Zimmern visited there on his show, but they actually have 4 different temperature/humidity controlled rooms to simulate the environment in Tuscany for each of the 4 seasons! The racks of hams get moved from room to room over the course of the year. That's dedication to a craft, even if you're using high tech methods to do it. Best quote from the Zimmern show - he asked them why Iowa to start this business, when neither of them are from here? Their answer - this is where the tastiest pigs are! You got that right! Here's a picture of Carl from Rustic Rooster Farms, that raise only heritage breeds, showing off a mulefoot whole hog roast (they did 4 different breeds of pigs that day - hog heaven, indeed!)
    2 points
  7. It's funny, if someone asked me my vent settings to get a certain temperature, I would have no idea. A little bit here, a little bit there.... but it always lands right around where I want it to. I'm not one that worries too much about 50-75 degrees either way of my temperature. Somehow, the KK always seems to know what I want.
    2 points
  8. Makes me want to cook a brisket.
    2 points
  9. Yep, I trim the same way, I was taught by Johnny Trigg. I don't trim the fat cap at all, it always goes down. I don't bother seasoning the fat cap either. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. Salad and plated Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  11. That is so true about the grocery store seafood counter, especially shrimp. Almost all of it is put out in the morning still frozen. That's fine if you're going to take it home and cook it that evening. Otherwise you're better off asking for some still frozen from the back freezers.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I forgot to include detailed rebuild cost Bought damaged - $250 Mandatory replacement parts plus shipping from over seas (tiles, acrylic grout, thermometer, guru port plug, gasket) - $534 Parts ordered didnt need (dual draft door, heat shield) - $169 Misc costs - $100 Total costs - $1053 I would say I have a good looking KK for slightly less than new
    2 points
  14. OK, I see a couple of folks that have little reason to leave their patio!! WOW, good brew, great grilling/smoking and a beautiful tranquil setting. Life doesn't get much better than that
    2 points
  15. Believe me I know 200% more of it now than a couple of hrs ago. Thanks to this great community! salute to all of you!
    2 points
  16. Ordered my 23 Ultimate in Terra Blue to celebrate upcoming BDay. I am searching forums for info and advice. I look forward to posting pics on its arrival and can't wait to fire it up....name suggestions appreciated!
    1 point
  17. Whatever catches your eye I looked for days but still chose the one I liked first Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  18. It blows me away from before to after. I've heard your story from someone on the brethren... it's nice to see the journey of the re build! I think half smoke waxed his up to make it shiny so that's the next thing you could do to "bling" it up.
    1 point
  19. @Garvinque - the best way to solve the color question is to ask your kids what color they like best. Your kids are going tolerant to cook on your KK and they are going to inherit it anyway, so they may as well get to pick the color, right?
    1 point
  20. If you think the flat was a tad too dry, there's always burnt ends (aka Meat Candy)! It wouldn't be an Aussie dinner without Dee's salad!
    1 point
  21. Whatever color you choose, it will be the best grill/smoker you've ever owned - that is, until you buy your 2nd one!
    1 point
  22. Been listening to George Carlin lately, have we?
    1 point
  23. Did you coat the soaked brisket in coarse black pepper & crushed coriander seeds before smoking? That's pastrami!
    1 point
  24. So I got to wondering about freezing and thawing steaks. I was wondering what freezing would do to the final texture of steak. Ckreef remarked something about how he doubted a person would be able to tell the difference even if they were side by side. So I decided I needed to know. This would have great application for me as I only like to grocery shop once a week but usually cook fish first out of my groceries- or if I found a good sale I could stock up if I found the texture to still be good enough. So I picked up two similar rib eyes. I seasoned both heavily and vacuum sealed them both i wanted to make sure they were a similar as possible in their preparationone went in the freezer one went in the meat drawer in the fridge. I waited more than 36 hours, and the frozen meat was definitely rock hard. Then I moved it to the meat drawer to slowly defrost (I had one bag labeled so that's what the weird black mark was)then a could days later I pulled them out and they were ready for a reverse sear flipped every ten minutes or so since that is what Kenji recommends and every one of his recipes I have tried is AMAZING . Now it is time to sear! Action shot! this is where the difference started to emerge. as you can see, the steak closer to the camera started to kind of break into pieces. This is the one that was frozen. resting for ten minutes. And slicingabove not frozen. Below previously frozen and side by sidevirtually indistinguishable. My husband though the lighting made them appear more done than they were so here is from the dining room mid dinner In terms of texture and/or flavor, neither of us could maker a preference, meaning I will definitely be freezing steaks on sale. The only disadvantage is that the steaks don't keep their shape quite as well which doesn't really matter. This happened again when I later bought two more steaks which were sealed and frozen before cooking. Overall, a fun and useful experiment
    1 point
  25. First for the delicious part. I had chicken thighs marinating in franks red hot. Then threw them in the basket. Then I was thrilled that the basket had enough clearance that I could have the lower grate in place for a grilled avocado I gotta work on my timing for grilling avocados on the lower grate- but I'll figure it out. Now here comes the problem I put the thighs on the lower grate and then put some more red hot on so it would be on a little thicker. But I couldn't get the dang spit out of my grill. This has happened on multiple occasions, where I am struggling to get the basket out. It seems that the rod (which I have made as small a possible). Has enough clearance to fit in the grill, but once in and heated the metal must expand by a tiny amount (about a mm or 2). Which makes it very difficult to get out. In previous instances, it took me a few minutes, this time it took 15 minutes. I was pushing and pulling and if a roast had been on, it would have been impossible to remove and would have ruined dinner. However, I could open this basket and remove the chicken thighs as needed. Has anyone cut the rod down/ground it down?
    1 point
  26. I'm still amazed at how intuative this thing is and at how much I can close my vents but like Dennis said airflow even a whisper can get you where you want to be Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  27. Garvin, that is a tough one, there are so many great colours to pick from it is not an easy task.:)
    1 point
  28. Looking moist and tasty, Aussie.:)
    1 point
  29. Just a quick rump sear for dinner love how quick Ora heats up Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  30. I'm hoping late 2017 or early 2018 I'll be ordering a BB 32"!! Can't wait.
    1 point
  31. I thought smoked corned beef was pastrami. The times I've made it I soaked the corned beef for 3 days in clean, cold tap water changed a couple times a day.
    1 point
  32. Probably early next week I hope...hoping next Monday...ive been reading forums for tips and hints...very helpful ....trying to improve on this and other things
    1 point
  33. @5698k I saw your outdoor kitchen on the website for the KK and I nearly broke my jaw from it dropping so fast Garvin
    1 point
  34. I nearly ordered two last week as well, then thought I'd wait just a bit to see if there was an Easter sale. Bought three.
    1 point
  35. @HalfSmoke-Thank you! @Steve M Isn't that always the case Garvin
    1 point
  36. The butcher cut them up for me.
    1 point
  37. Got everything I wanted to get done today. I was able to fill in all the cracks. Got the gasket installed. Gave her a good wipe down and in the process noticed a few cracks that need to be filled and 2 tiles that had cracks in them that I didnt notice the first time around. Just going to leave those there as they are not noticeable. Called Dennis and he was able to walk me thru the adjustments to the front draft door to get it to sit flush. It is almost perfect. May need to tweak it a little more but not much. Here are the before and after shots. Been a long road but happy with the result. Burn in is set for Wed which means the first cook is a brisket next week. Before FINAL!!!
    1 point
  38. See if you can find some Tiger Prawns in your area, in particular Asian markets, as they are usually in this size category. In the States, this size is usually only found during peak harvest season in the Gulf, around August.
    1 point
  39. Aussie don't make fun of my accent...I can do better! Thought I'd try my hand at some rotisserie shrimp. These were in a Valentina hot sauce marinade. Next batch i'd like to get a blazing hot fire and brush on bbq sauce. If this is done in the Komodo Kamado I'd recommend lid open and crank up the heat. Looks like you can do 32 shrimp per pair. I found it easiest to just squeeze them end to end and slide them right on the tines. Thanks for looking!
    1 point
  40. @Keith B - Geez Louise! That's something else! Impressive. Here's to great brews!
    1 point
  41. Makes me want rotisserie shrimp and grits. Just gotta get the grits thick enough to spin.
    1 point
  42. Brisket is ready sliced off the flat and wrapped in foil and a towel and placed in the oven sliced up the point for burnt endslove my grandmother's knife a hint of a smoke ring the flat the pointwhere did it go lolsome beef brothand thison go my first burnt ends whilst I was carving this thing up I could not help thinking how the advice out there is to have a waterpan mop spritz I done this straight on the advice I got on here and it is juicy and tender as the KK just blows everything else away I almost feel like crying in BBQ love lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  43. Ready to goand on it goes with some cherry wood Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  44. Like minute steaks or steak-umm's but with pork instead. I've done this a few times in the past but usually only 2 flavors at a time. This time I made 8 different marinades. Nothing special but they all taste good. A full boneless pork loin. I rinsed off the outside and trimmed all the fat and silver skin off. I then sliced it in 1/8" slices. Would have been easier with a slicer but my new knife got the job done. 8 piles ready to go. Each pile has 16 slices for 4 servings except today's lunch pile (12 slices - 3 servings). I still had a little pork leftover I'll use for stir fry or something. I took each pile, spread it out on a plate then poked a bunch of holes with a fork. I then put it in a labeled food saver bag with the marinade. All bagged up. I'll put the Chipotle pepper version aside for lunch. The other 7 I rolled up and put them in the freezer. Once they are frozen I'll finish the vacuum sealing process. Nice easy weeknight meals ready to go after defrosting. The Chipotle pepper pork-umm's. With a 450* griddle only about 30 seconds per side. Building the sandwiches. Sriracha mayo, Colby Jack cheese, 4 pieces of Pork-umm's, tomatoes. I almost forgot my onions and peppers. At the last minute we decided to make redneck panini's - aka George Forman Grill - it gets the job done. Served with breaded/fried okra. Excellent lunch. A really great way to get a bunch of quick meals stashed in the freezer ready to go.
    1 point
  45. Neat idea. I think to terrorize my kids I would cut two vertical slits in the middle and call them "Snouters".
    1 point
  46. I forgot to show dinnerit was super good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. Bacon is ready finished off with maple syrup and cherry rub smoked over peach and pear Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  48. I can get lamb at Costco here. Of course, it's labeled "Product of Australia"
    1 point
  49. I just finished mine, I used a small, left handed crescent wrench. I do suggest to others who plan on doing this change to take a picture of the old rods in place before removing, there is only one way the rods go. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
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