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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2017 in all areas

  1. This was such a good idea! I love it when they split open too!
    5 points
  2. These burger patties contain 1/3 diced portabella mushrooms(by weight), diced onions, soy sauce, pepper and salt. Sure not looking that great at start of the cook. On the grill- Cooked, now they are looking pretty good. Mush cheese burger put together with onion, cheese, tomatoes, relish and Burger Bomb Sriracha Sauce. The cheese totally melted over the pattie and the Burger Bomb Sauce ran over everything. Plated with some micro greens. I thought this was going to be impossible to eat but it was not. Things did not drip and drool over me. I could have eaten two it was so tasty.
    4 points
  3. Here they are in living color!
    2 points
  4. Grabbed a standard TriTip and a Wagyu TT and threw them on the 32 using the OctaForks Keith so generously sent me. Just got a fresh box of spices from World Spice and so I did one Chimichurri and one Smokin' Hot Garlic Pepper both are awesome. used to splitters to create a V dead center in the 32's charcoal basket. I did not want the charcoal that close to the meat . Worked well, I may make something up to make this easier. Threw them in cold with the cold smoker only for about 45 minutes. Then lit the front and back pile of charcoal and brought it up slowly to about 230º spun them to about 100º and then pulled it up to 350º until I hit 125º then 425º just for color and get them a bit more cooked for my wife. My mother was here and I cooked some trips sous vide and the grilled.. they were perfectly cooked but VERY RED.. my wife was not happy with "all the blood juice on her plate" LOL she could not complain because my momma was there! This bit over rare was my peace offering.. Pulled these about 138º Cant argue with the results
    1 point
  5. I reverse seared a 36 oz tri-tip last night that I got from Harter House Meats. I first rubbed it with EVOO then Dizzy Pigs Cow Lick Steak. I used the cold smoker with pecan chips and the smoke flavor was pronounced but not overpowering. I really like this setup as I can add wood without opening the lid. I cooked it at 230 to an IT of 125. Then pulled the tri-tip and opened the vents to get to searing temps. Once the fire was blazing, I seared on the bottom grate.
    1 point
  6. Breakfast cooked on the KK this morning inspired by above freezing temps. Ready for the grill. Cheese is just starting to melt. Bacon is on. Added the sous vide egg. Yolk is creamy. Plated with some micro greens that I have growing in the house.
    1 point
  7. Super, Duper excited now!!! The Dizzy Pig order has shipped, so it should be here by the end of the week - fingers crossed! Then I'll be able to ship out your box of goodies.
    1 point
  8. First kick at the KK with my favorite, traditional Diavola Napoletana pizza. I fell in love with it after visiting Di Matteo Pizzeria a couple of years ago in Naples... Basic, San Marzano tomatoes, Mozzarella di Buffala, Genoa picante, basil and olive oil... Bellissima!! I used a pizza stone heat soaked at 550.
    1 point
  9. Maple is a good accent to a pizza! Very tasty looking and kudos for such a good first pizza on your KK.
    1 point
  10. I'm super excited especially since I am a fine dining establishment - LOL. Really awesome you did this for us. When we first started talking about it I had no idea how hard it was going to be getting them. Of course last years drought threw a monkey wrench in the plans.
    1 point
  11. Totally awesome. I got a good laugh at you munching on a few berries - LOL. Did they turn your tongue purple or did you spit them out to soon? Still laughing. So my goal today is to order a grinder. Getting ready for my brain to explode with all the choices. Would love to order the handmade ones but would want 2. One for salt and one for the pepper berries. Just not into spending $200 today.
    1 point
  12. Just started to look like an oven before you know it we will have a digital komodo with a clock lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  13. It's actually dry maple that I use for heating the house
    1 point
  14. Raised 1.3M dollars for kid and their families fighting pediatric brain tumors. 94 teams, 4th place ribs
    1 point
  15. Haven't used the KK much lately. I've been busy with this/that project and opted for simple quick meals and/or eating out (mostly yuck on this front). But today afforded the time and weather to load my 23" with coffee-char for this recipe try out. The only change I made to this Lemon-Rosemary-Garlic Chicken from MyRecipes was the addition of 1-cup of good concentrated chicken stock. Ok, and two other changes :D: I only had 2-lemons, ripe Meyer lemons, but still not enough to provide the juice and the slices so I added the juice of one lime. Oh yeah, I also added a couple of sliced shallots. Other than that I followed the recipe. http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/rosemary-garlic-chicken-potatoes Super super tasty! And quick & easy to make. Served it with some local Pugliese bread made crusty from the residual post-chicken bake Komodo Kamado ... what else?! Although I didn't have any, fresh asparagus would be a super vegetable to serve with this recipe!
    1 point
  16. Well, it sure made for a great video.[emoji4] Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Awesome cook, Keith, love it. One of these times I'll have to get my fire really going.
    1 point
  18. Leftovers got made into chicken salad today for lunch. Its going to happen again ... and again ... and
    1 point
  19. Only way to cook eggs! I keep a jar of bacon grease right by my stove, just like my Momma did! She didn't raise no fool - well, at least not in the kitchen!
    1 point
  20. I think that I'd eat an old leather shoe if it was cooked in lemon caper sauce!
    1 point
  21. Go for it Charles they are awesome not the same as deep fried but your arteries will thank you lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  22. We seasoned and then fired up the new pancake cooker this weekend to test out the temperature regulation. Did a nice Sunday morning breakfast of bacon, fried potatoes and eggs. Learned a lot. Temp control was easy using the handheld infrared temperature gun. Need lots of extra table space. Make sure the cooker is level. All the grease puddled up in the back of the grill and it was like deep frying the potatoes and bacon.......however the over-easy eggs were fantastic cooked in the bacon grease. Need lots of paper towels and some spray cleaner. I have to say it was fun to cook on it. Not used to cooking with so much grease/oil/butter vs. grilling......glad it is not for everyday cooking. After cooking three food groups at once, pancakes should be a breeze!!! Those Champagne Breakfast egg cookers will not know what hit them this year!!!!!!!
    1 point
  23. Pulled collar butt akka pork neck scotch Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  24. And ready the summer peach rub is awesome these tasted so good will definitely be getting more Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  25. An oven pizza using Forkish's overnight levain pizza dough and his pizza steel + broiler method. Mushrooms, artichoke hearts, fresh mozzarella, and prosciutto. Outstanding.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I have always been a big fan of 2 zone cooking. It was the reason I started my journey in kamado cooking with the oval shaped ceramic brand. However, I have to admit I stopped using the Jr. oval once I started cooking on the KK 19". Giving the Jr. to my son-in-law this spring. To my liking the 42" Serious Big Bad is two zone cooking on steroids. I will own one of those beauties in the near future. It will replace the oval XL, which will go to my neighbor & childhood friend. I have been drooling over the 42" ever since Dennis told me about it and sent some pictures. We are pouring a concrete pad and building a gazebo roof for it this summer (my buddy next door has really supportive ). Dang...........if my daughter had only eloped instead of having that big wedding.......I would be cooking on it today!!!!!!! However......I did get a great son-in-law out of the deal...........and the deal we made is.......that he can't give her back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  28. I'm told $3500 to 3600 is much easier to swallow than $4260-4440. Seems to be a mental barrier there.. The size is also great for a couple. The 19" is really too small to do many full cut cooks easily. My experience and feedback is that when one loads up with some accessories and delivered, the new 21"grill will be in the low $4000's making it more accessible or easy to convince wives than just over 5 grand for the original 23". I've believed for a long time that a $3500 -3600 price point for a full size KK would hit a sweet spot.. Time will tell. BTW the 32" BB for the first time has more web views than the 23". I attribute this to the release of the 42" which confirms the 32" is not too large and makes selling it to the Mrs... MUCH easier. "Honey, I'm not getting the big one!" Suddenly the 32" is a compromise
    1 point
  29. Welcome to the KK family you are absolutely goint to love cooking on one... great choice in color
    1 point
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