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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Mixed some left over peach rub with some dominator then chopped up some spuds carrot and onion with some rosemary drizzled with evvo. then gave some corn a dash of Qnami Tony sent metied it up and everything is ready to gocan't wait Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    5 points
  2. Ready to go Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    4 points
  3. Oh yeah Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    3 points
  4. I forgot how nice it is not to require deflector stones. I was helping a buddy install his new big joe the other day and remembered just how much I hated them. I hated the smell and taste dirty stones would impart into my cook so I always foiled them. Removing them to add wood and always worry about them cracking or dropping. So nice to add a small piece of foil and an instant deflector. Someone asked me how this is possible. I really don't know but assume it has to do with the fire to grate distance being greater on a KK then other ceramics.
    2 points
  5. Been a lot of years since I did fluid dynamics and heat transfer for a living. Today, I do my darndest to keep that dark side of my past hidden from my employer, lest they ask me to do it again!
    2 points
  6. And here I thought that based on the title of this post we would be talking about a shrimp cook! Nothing to add to what @tony b and @Pequod have to say. I always loved the transport sciences even though I am/was a thermodynamicist. We have some classically warped minds here. All the rest of y'all should really rethink the company you're keeping!
    2 points
  7. Cleaned them up then gave them a bit of cherry been saving this one on it goessitting nicely looking goodand ready to gothey turned out great the rub tasted awesome Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  8. The Qnamai tasted great on the corn .I had run out of twine so next best quick solution lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  9. The foil will absorb and therefore re-radiate less heat. For the mathematically inclined, heat transfer from radiation decreases with the square of the distance. So...let's say distance from KK grate to burning fuel is double that of a garden variety (i.e. glazed pot) Kamado. This means that radiative heat transfer in the KK is 1/4 that of ceramic pots. There's still convection, but overall heat transfer will be lower due to the decreased impact of radiation, and re-radiation from a ceramic deflector.
    1 point
  10. Aussie, you are just eating too well.
    1 point
  11. Thanks, Bosco. But remember, I am an Engineer after all and heat transfer was my area of specialization.
    1 point
  12. Basically what the foil is doing is blocking the direct infrared radiation from the coals, which is what the stone deflector was also doing. However, the stone, once heated, will radiate heat the same as the walls of the KK, but to a much lower extent than directly from the burning coals. The foil, being very shiny, reflects a lot of radiation and doesn't absorb nearly as much as the ceramic heat deflector (especially a used one that is darker in color). Both also absorb heat via convection (hot air/gasses) and conduction (direct contact with the hot grate), and while the foil is a metal, which transfers heat better than the ceramic, the foil has so much less mass than the stone, that again, the stone will transmit more heat than the foil.
    1 point
  13. What's the verdict on the QNAMI? I've used it on lots of veggies, but not corn-on-the-cob yet. I have one ear left in the fridge from my weekend buy, so I might give that a go for dinner tonight. Tip - next time, don't use a toothpick to hold the husks together - use twine. Works a lot better.
    1 point
  14. Here are some pictures of a cabinet Dennis made for me
    1 point
  15. That looks fantastic.
    1 point
  16. Nice looking meal
    1 point
  17. Tasty looking cook mate
    1 point
  18. Aussie, that is delicious looking.
    1 point
  19. Well, without my KK, travelling in Toscany We where invited to friends house where we purchased la bistecca alla florentina and a picanha. Slow indirect cook on a ciment carbon bbq as they call it here, smoking was a challenge but we finally used mesquite wood and it turned our really well! Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. I vote for the roof concept
    1 point
  21. Cheers CC Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  22. One of my favorite sayings as an Engineer - "Perfection is the enemy of 'Good Enough'."
    1 point
  23. So did I, it's called a ziplock baggie. I just cut out one of the lower corners for the wires to go through.
    1 point
  24. Build a patio problem solved lol it still blows my mind how many yanks stand out in the rain great for all year round cooking Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  25. Please help me understand the large salt crystals seen this before but don't understand the why.. What does that do for you?
    1 point
  26. yes indeed totally normal you will never recover from it lol
    1 point
  27. Perfectly normal and expect that condition to last for some time and you may never recovery.
    1 point
  28. just wait till you cook on it!
    1 point
  29. @wayne romanowicz - congrats on the new addition to your family! This is great news. We're all looking forward to pics of the uncrating and first cook! Again, welcome to the KK family. Oh, amd BTW, if you and your family like the name COLOSSUS, then COLOSSUS it is! Your daughter has spoken.
    1 point
  30. Wayne, quick, replace that camera card, we need to see Colossus's pixs.
    1 point
  31. Great News looking forward to the pics
    1 point
  32. Looking forward to the pictures
    1 point
  33. Great news Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  34. Can't wait to see the pictures.
    1 point
  35. This is a very good Tjhread Wilbur. Wayne, remember the statement back in this Thread about "Like a clown car with all the stuff that keeps coming out of the KK".... It is no joke, Dennis packs a lot of thing in a very small space, very much like engineered packaging where once you get all the pieces out you will never figure out how to get it all back in there. Just like Pandora Enjoy you new KK when it comes and just take you time moving it and get more muscle than you think you will need...
    1 point
  36. Some fish and a couple bread sticks!
    1 point
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