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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Low Country Boil - a nice winter treat. The basic setup. The ingredients. Everything is added over time depending on how long they need to cook. This is at the end. Everything is down in there somewhere. What a great way to bring a little summer to a cold winter night.
    6 points
  2. My butcher got in some new 4+ score ribs thought about doing them on the kj jr lol but my deflector plate needs replacing did lot like being dropped..cleaned them up..and thought I would try the dizzy pig on some beef .on they go over some pecan and cherry..starting to draw back nicely. .getting there..salad is ready to go ..time for a rest..and ready..sliced up..and plated tasted so good really moist . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    4 points
  3. About -34C this evening so perfect time for sous vide and air fryer dinner. Earlier today I baked a couple loaves of 40% whole wheat bread that was proofing overnight. Yesterday ground up some hard winter wheat berries to make the whole wheat flour. 600g regular white flour and 400g of fresh whole wheat was used to make 2 loaves. The crumb-
    2 points
  4. You had me at the stone crab claws, dude! My favorites and can only get them on the rare trips to FL in season! @MacKenzie - I'll double check my mailbox, but it shouldn't be full??? UPDATE: Yes, it was full! I cleared out some older stuff and made room. Only 80% full now.
    2 points
  5. This newbie tried out the smoke pot for the first time yesterday. I hadn't been planning to post anything because so much has been said on the subject to date but I feel compelled to do so. First, because it may be worth summarising all the stuff that you guys have learned and second, because the results were so good! Here goes. This is what I learned: 1. Buy a beat up, second hand pot from eBay. You don't feel anywhere near as bad when you drill through it. 2. If at first you find you can't drill through your cast iron pot, get someone with a drill press to do it for you. 3. Drill max three holes to focus the smoke output. 4. Choose how you seal the top. I used a dough ring. Won't win any baking competitions, but it works and knocks off easily at the end. 5. Put the pot in directly over your hot coals. If you can, pre-heat the pot. Things I still have to learn: a. Look out for the blue smoke - I went indoors and didn't see if this was produced. b. Find out if I should have used a drip pan above the smoke pot. c. Find out what size smoking lump to use. I used chips and some may have blocked the holes. Now for some pics. Here is the underside of the pot, with the initial hole The Husband tried to drill in the middle. He said that is as far as he got, with a new bit, after 3 minutes. He got our carpenter friend to use his drill press yesterday and it apparently took seconds to drill the other holes. Carpenter friend happy because he has been promised the left over hardwood from breaking down the KK delivery crates. He is delighted to have some undefined, foreign wood to play with. ( Note for non US folk: a Le Creuset #18 is the equivalent of a US 2qt pot) The small smoking chips that I used. The outcome after over 5 hours. It was a 1.8kg piece of pig. Shoulder I think, but I'd lost the label. A delight to smell and behold. And eat. The MEATER readings of the cook. The big dip in the middle was when I was fiddling with the two racks of ribs I included with the shoulder. Other than that, I still marvel at how easy it has been to set and control the temps. I noticed that someone, Ceramic Chef I think, uses the small vent holes in the second lower damper to manage/set the temp. I did the same, keeping the main lower damper shut, and found it very easy to reach and hold the temperature. (Temps in Centigrade) I took the ribs out after 4 hours and they made a lovely snack while we were waiting for the pulled pork. A fat 2018 awaits I think. And my poor dirty smoke pot. Should clean up OK but wonder if I should have used a drip pan.
    2 points
  6. So, as you may or may not be aware, on the guru there is a challenge to cook anything you want so long as it comes in at under $3 per plate. I thought this was going to be super hard, so I started watching the circulars for ideas. When chicken quarters went on sale for $.79 a lb my husband waved me down and said he wanted that. So I got to looking through the other circulars to find what else was on sale that would go with chicken quarters. The makings for mango salsa (amazingly ever item necessary was on sale) and brussel sprouts were on sale at sprouts so I headed on out. Here is my sprouts reciept i used everything except half of the onion and half of the cilantro. Then I headed to get the chicken and some bacon. Truth be told, I always have bacon at home, but I didn’t have a reciept from the last time I purchased it. If I do another cook that involves bacon I will just use this price. I feel a little silly buying a new pack of bacon when I had one in the fridge and another in the freezer (although that one is from SRF so I shouldn’t use it in a cheap challenge cook) I used all the chicken and four strips of bacon. Total cost 10.50 when making four servings it averages out to 2.62 a plate. Even though my kids didn’t eat full plates I accounted for them as if they were adults. Got on the salsa right away. seasoned the chicken with salt, Tasmanian Mountain pepper berries, garlic powder, ground mustard and paprika got them on the grill at about 375 then started the Akorn jr for the bacon and brussel sproutsthe chicken was finishing up i brushed them with a little peach jelly mixed with lime juice. I wanted to use honey, but I realized we were out! Oh well the jelly worked well. And dang do they look good brussel sprouts are finished. the risotto was done in my instant pot. I love this thing for risotto. All together now my husband says this was bomb doggity. I have to agree. This was so good and I can’t believe how cheaply I can get food when I really keep an eye out for it.
    1 point
  7. So, the Bayou-ish is a winner in the Aussie household? Told you it was good on beef, too!
    1 point
  8. You crack me up, Aussie!!! Let's hope the wildfires down there don't take out this year's harvest of Purple Crack!
    1 point
  9. Lucky Christmas present for sure, Charles! Fingers crossed, my knives from the Kickstarter campaign should be here soon! My late Christmas present to myself!
    1 point
  10. Hang in there, MacKenzie! We're supposed to actual break freezing here for the first time since before Christmas!
    1 point
  11. Looks great I wish I was there to help you eat it.
    1 point
  12. Tekobo, I forgot to mention, your pork roast does look delicious.
    1 point
  13. I don’t pre heat, I’m not sure it’s an issue. Can you find chunks the same wood as your chips? Mixing the two might do it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. You do ribs well! It is a long and slow cook for those results. A definite two thumbs up on choice, thick and meaty!
    1 point
  15. @@@@ TonyB CK, I want to contact Tony, but his email box appears to be full. I am sure he will read you post about the awesome boil you did so I hope he sees this.
    1 point
  16. I would very much enjoy a plate of those ribs and salad.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Looks wonderful. Aussie you always make such great looking salads.
    1 point
  19. And on bad years they don't even have a harvest - just sayin - took @Aussie Ora a year and a half to get some berries to send our way due to drought.
    1 point
  20. Looks tasty nicely done Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  21. Nice knives and interesting sharpener. Work has a Christmas present random drawing for management people. The main office wraps a bunch of different presents and labels them with a number. You then pick a number out of a hat and see what present you get. This year I got a boxed knife. It's not a totally bad knife. Will use it as a travel knife when I go to my sister's house. She has a Henkle set that every knife has micro scalloped edges. What a total piece of crap those knives are. Henkle should be ashamed selling knives like that. Anyway I got lucky this year in the Christmas present draw.
    1 point
  22. Looks spot on to me, from my time in Georgia.
    1 point
  23. Good grief I can’t believe the weather you guys are having! Mac please tell me you got your well pump working? The meal looks scrumptious. I think I may try my hand at baking some bread yours looks so good. I think I’ll cheat and use my bread maker LOL
    1 point
  24. Well there is 3 large goldfish down in there - LOL
    1 point
  25. Looks great Mac! I’d love to try that bread.
    1 point
  26. Two very nice tools that will certainly do the job and serve you well
    1 point
  27. That all looks so appetizing Mac, the fries and onion rings perfect. Nice meat and bread too
    1 point
  28. Aussie, that sharpener looks like some sort of medieval torture device! (btw - the scuttlebutt on the web says they're going out of business?)
    1 point
  29. Works for me! Can't wait to try that one. Screams "shrimp on the barbee" to me!
    1 point
  30. Aussie, you are all set to go.
    1 point
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