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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2018 in all areas

  1. I had a package labelled Beef Short Ribs in the freezer but when I opened it there were no ribs, all meat, bonus. I used that meat to make this stew. It had a ton of black pepper, a whole ounce of ground pepper with 1.75 pounds of beef as well as 1 and 2/3 Cup of a nice Chianti. Took this seared meat shot with my phone as camera was dead at the time. Here it is after about 6 hours in the oven at 250F. Plated. Then I added a little more of that oh so rich sauce.
    6 points
  2. Ok here they are sorry only a couple pictures.ok the first pic is thepork with dizzy dust and vacummed sealed, the second one is prep, third one is grilling and the forth is my friend and me enjoying the fruits of my labor lol. Tony I teally like the dizzy dust, thanks for suggesting it. For some reason I had a hard time getting the KK up to the temp I wanted. The pork turned out very tasty.
    5 points
  3. Morning everyone. Reporting in on first cook. Made a homemade rub for the spare ribs I’ll be doing today for a small crowd (no pressure). Used the left over rub to season these beautiful loin chops. Ingredients: brown sugar, salt, black pepper, celery seed, fennel seed, sweet paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, cinnamon,mustard powder. I sprinkled a very light amount of salt, pepper, and garlic powder before rubbing on some mustard followed by the bbq rub. Had a bell pepper. Instead of roasting it I decided to STUFF IT. had some goat cheese laying around so I diced some tomatoes, onions, crumbled the cheese. Splashed a little olive oil in there with oregano, salt and pepper. SO DAMN GOOD! Beautiful cut.
    4 points
  4. @alimac23 I can just see it now. 15 years down the road and the wife will say, "Do you know what today is?" and you'll reply, of course...It's the day we decided what KK to purchase!! On a side note, today is the wife and my 30th anniversary. Been together so long we're starting to look like each other...her mustache is phenomenal!
    4 points
  5. My plans for my wife's return from her work trip to Vegas, and her birthday the next day went really great. @MacKenzie, I went medieval on my spice cabinets - tore everything out, threw away the older stuff that didn't smell fresh anymore, added some new three level shelves, and managed to fit in all my new stuff from World Spice with a little room to spare! Whew. When I threw open the cabinet doors with a flourish to show her what I had done, I got a satisfying "wow" from her. She was also greeted with a nice bouquet of birthday flowers I had picked up from the florist the previous day. For dinner Thursday night, I had spatchcocked a chicken the previous day, dissolved salt, sugar and poultry seasoning in hot water, then chilled that with a couple cups of ice, then added a quart of buttermilk and dropped the bird in there for 24 hours. I cooked the bird on the upper grate with a drip pan under on the main grate, at 265 degrees until the breast read 159 degrees. When the breast is around 130, I like to take bacon straight out of the fridge and lay it on the breast. It slows the breast down and ensures the dark meat is fully cooked when the breast comes to final temp. Plus, it gives us a couple delicious pieces of bacon to nibble on while the chicken rests! For Charlane's birthday dinner on Friday night she got her favorite meal - Korean BBQ. I had ordered some flanken cut Wagyu short ribs from Wiens Waygu, and had them marinating in bulgogi sauce for 48 hours. Grilled down low, hot and fast, because of the awesome quality of the beef and because of my magnificent cooker, it was maybe the best Korean BBQ, I've ever cooked. Fresh corn just showed up at the farmers market, must be from Florida, it was great with the beef. It was such a nice day we decided to eat outside on the porch. My wife said it was a wonderful birthday, and that made me a very happy husband!
    4 points
  6. Here are the unpacking pics as promised. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday so far!
    4 points
  7. Grilled sea bass stiffed with fresh herbs from my garden. Asparagus, portobellos, and peppers as a side. Wife complaining she’s still hungry after dinner. [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  8. Made two loaves of ciabatta today. Child’s play for the BB32 baking stone. Here is the photo shoot. Funny how I don’t have many pics of my kids, but loaves of bread...yeah! We’ve got those! First, washed and waxed the winter grime off my KKids today, so here’s the BB32 shining. Made the biga last night and mixed the dough this AM. Ciabatta is a very wet dough. This one was 84% hydration. The results. Posing. I used @Syzygies steam oven technique. If you have a KK and you aren’t baking bread with it...well...let’s just leave it right there...
    3 points
  9. Adam Perry Lang Peach Rosemary pork tenderloin on the 23
    3 points
  10. Tekobo I’m going to grill that pork today and try the dizzy dust. I opened it yesterday tried a little taste it’s really good! Now I just have to figure out what else to cook with it. I think I’ll make some cauliflower steaks maybe use some of the dizzy pig curry rub. Pictures to follow. Everybody have a great weekend!!
    3 points
  11. Thanks for the info I’ll put it to good use
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Just one small correction, I am of the female persuasion. MacKenzie, is one of those names that is given to females and to males.
    2 points
  14. Bruce, I'd probably go around 325-350F until the internal temp was just over 145F
    2 points
  15. @sfdrew28, sounds like you need to buy two fishes next time! I usually get the opposite reaction - "Dave, you cooked way too much!"
    2 points
  16. Thanks.[emoji9] Yes, it is a La Chamba casserole and that was Israeli cous cous under the stew. I really wanted to use a nice creamed potato but it was very late and did not have the time for that. I plan on having a leftover serving of the stew today with creamed potatoes. It maybe be even better the second day.[emoji6]
    2 points
  17. Lots to ask you about @MacKenzie! The microgreens looking good. No questions there - you've explained how to "make" those, I just need to execute now. What are the round white things - is that rice or something else? Is that a La Chamba pot I see? And how did it all taste?? Oh yes, good looking cook!
    2 points
  18. I love your pyramid of rubs Bruce. As someone else said, you don't do things by halves! I got the dizzy dust too, coarse. Will try it soon and we can compare notes. We've got friends coming for dinner tonight and I have sort of set my heart on trying out some Turkish recipes. Not sure that I can sell a Dizzy Pig rub as being authentically Turkish!
    2 points
  19. I saw this and curiosity got the best of me. My intuition said this is just a gimic for someone who doesn't bake bread. I just couldn't let it go and had to try it out. First don't believe the recipes that come with it or those on the web, the translation is bizarre. I started this loaf of rye bread only to find out an hour and a half later no that was not supposed to be baking powder it was supposed to be yeast. Since my motto is never give up, I kept going and going just like the EverReady battery, expecting the worst but hoping for the best. Every thing is done in this silicone container, it opens to a bowl and the bread is baked in it too. I put the loaf in to brown for another 10 mins. Those are rye berries that I flaked for the topping. What a pleasant surprise, guess I need to write up the correct recipe so I can reproduce it. Where is the pastrami?
    2 points
  20. Yum! Awesome garnish as well. Love me a good stew. I have a weakness for rice. I always eat double portions.
    2 points
  21. Went and picked up my building blocks this week. 16" x 8" x 4". 90 blocks per pallet. I really only needed 1 1/2 pallets but they had 2 nice wrapped pallets sitting there. I figure if I bought both pallets I could get a deal and I can always find a use for extra blocks in the future. Started talking to the man in charge about cutting me a deal, he was willing to play ball. I told him since he was cutting me a deal I'd write him a check instead of paying by debit card to save him the 3% processing fee. In return he didn't charge me sales tax. Win, Win all around. 2 pallets, 180 blocks, $450 total. Oh Yeah. At HD or Lowes this would have cost $700 + tax. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow and it's going to rain all day Sunday. At the least this weekend I'll go buy what I need to reconfigure my electricity. We'll see what happens.
    2 points
  22. You faked me out at first with that sliced shot, MacKenzie! I thought that you had some glutinous blobs in the bread and it had turned out as a disaster. Closer inspection revealed you'd buttered it already for snaking!
    2 points
  23. She arrived in great form without a scratch. The Dragon Egg is so gorgeous! I can’t beleive how much better it looks and feels in person. I will be posting the unpacking photos later on today, but here she is in her spot inside the garage. I have about a half an inch drop from garage to pavement, I’m buying an aluminum door threshold from Lowes today to fasten to the floor for easy roll in/roll out. - 2 side tables - teak grate grabbers - 8” rotisserie rack - pizza stone - charcoal basket splitter I also carefully removed one of the “Komodo Kamado” signs with my wife’s idea and put it up on the wall! Badass! More pics to follow! Doing the burn today after work to be ready for my Spare rib and pork belly weekend festival this weekend.
    2 points
  24. That bacon looks really good Mac! I’ll have to get mine out and make some bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. i received my dizzy pig rubs today and have attached a picture Wow this should last a long time. The two on the left second from top and top are not dizzy pig. The one on top is my go to rub in the past. Now where to put them lol
    2 points
  25. Sliced the bacon so now I can get back to having a slice at breakfast, a treat.:)
    2 points
  26. You musta been a car salesman in another life to crack that deal. Good job
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Mac, Tony thanks! I think I should have put more char coal in my basket. I think I’ll be putting dizzy dust on everything lol
    1 point
  29. Well done, Bruce!! See, it wasn't that hard, was it?? Glad you like the Dizzy Dust. I'm sure that you will find others in the mix that you will enjoy too. All the steak rubs are great!
    1 point
  30. And there's leaves on the trees, too! Despite this weekend's weather setback (more snow tonight/tomorrow), things are popping up out of the ground. My daffodils and day lilies are about 4 inches high. Grass is beginning to sprout, but no sign of activity in the trees yet. @Pequod - tasty looking loaves.
    1 point
  31. There ain't no flies on you, Bruce. Just look at those shish kabobs, those mushrooms and those chops. There has to be an air flow problem if you didn't get the temp. up to where you wanted. Did you stir the lump in the basket to get rid of the ashes from the last cook and maybe check to see if there is a build up of ashes in the bottom of your KK? Now you'll have to invite your friend back for a rerun once you determine the source of the air flow problem. I'm sure he will be delighted.
    1 point
  32. @TheNomad, you need to email @DennisLinkletter to get yourself added to the “owners” group. You’re one of us now!
    1 point
  33. It is a day one is not likely to forget. [emoji1]
    1 point
  34. Thank you so much, I’m really happy to be here. It’s like I’ve joined a long lost family. Makes sense with the unpacking pics. Quite a day the arrival is!
    1 point
  35. And, he stealthily covered up his tracks on buying all those spices, too! Oldest magician's trick in the book - misdirected attention. Open the pantry door - see what I did while you were gone. Then quickly hand her the flowers - Happy Birthday, honey! before she spots all the new spice jars on those new shelves! BTW - the Korean BBQ ribs look awesome!
    1 point
  36. Thanks for the unpacking pics. It is great to see them and it brings back great memories. [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4] BTW, we are glad you are here.[emoji4]
    1 point
  37. Lol! I assumed and made an ass of myself! Edited and done! Won’t happen again haha.
    1 point
  38. Hey Bruce, took advantage of the high heat before it stabilized for the ribs and I had it hold the temp at 450. Cooked them on the top grate with the hickory I had I threw in the basket. Perfect temp for 3-5 minutes a side and gets good color and fat rendering.
    1 point
  39. Amusedtodeath, I know who I want to cater my birthday party. What a lovely birthday party you arranged for your wife, I bet she was thrilled.
    1 point
  40. Yes sir! wasn’t gonna falter on that promise! Love it’s here already and looking forward to being with y’all for a long while.
    1 point
  41. Happy wife = happy life. My wife's name is Sue so my tag line for years has been, You don't want to piss-off the Sue and I'm not talking Indians!
    1 point
  42. sf, looks like you did a great job on the sea bass and the veggies and it sure sounds like your wife thought so too.
    1 point
  43. Later today Mac. I have rub on the pork as we speak
    1 point
  44. First burn in progress. I’m stunned at how well this beauty actually works. Thirty minutes since ignition and already at 450 Fahrenheit. Unpacking pics to follow soon! Nomad, Out!
    1 point
  45. I have two 32" Terra Blue in ready stock at the Surabaya factory.. It's a holiday here so won't be able to get shots of them until Monday..
    1 point
  46. I'm on my PC, so at the top of the box where you type your messages, you'll see a menu bar for things like changing the font style (Bold, Italics, etc.) One of the buttons has a smiley face emoji on it. You hit that and it opens the menu with the emojis. You'll see a short list of them. But, there's a "Categories" down arrow in the top right corner. Hit the down arrow to open the entire collection. Others will have to guide you if you're using TapaTalk on your smart phone, as I don't post here that way.
    1 point
  47. Their jerk seasoning isn't as hot as what I use, but it does have some kick. Do a taste test out of the jar before seasoning any proteins with it to see how it rates on your personal "spicy" scale. My scale is much higher than most folks, so just sayin'. More "heads up" if you don't like hot/spicy - both IPA and Swamp Venom definitely have a kick. I've only used the Peruvian-ish once, but it's supposed to have aji pepper in it, so it might be a tad hot, too. The Bayou-ish has a great Cajun flavor - spicy, but not necessarily hot. Makes a nice blackened pork chop or chicken breast! And, the Bombay is straight up curry. Good on lots of proteins, especially lamb and shrimp.
    1 point
  48. Come onTony you know Mac would not have a Gluten blob in her bread lol! By the way how do you get all those emoji’s in your posts? Every does it but I don’t know how
    1 point
  49. Thanks pequod, I’ve been trying to convince myself that I’ll be happy with the 23 for a while but there was always a little voice saying go the 32. I’m part of a bbq team and the guys are all keen to come over and do lots of cooks on the new KK so the extra space will be very useful! Just sent Dennis a WhatsApp message. I really like the lighter terra blue tile that is on one of the 23” KK’s Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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