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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Awesome cooks everyone, and happy birthday Aussie!! We cooked pizza tonight. KK at 300c for 1.5 hours to heat soak the KK and the stones. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  2. Family in town for the weekend - great reason to load up the KK. Ribs cooked 3-2-1 method - always a crowd pleaser.
    6 points
  3. 20h (no crutch, no butcher paper) and still half a basket left at the end. Quite satisfying and good fuel for the poker night. Though I will definitely try the 350F method next time. Did I read that the Forum prefers chuck to brisket? If so, shall experiment.
    4 points
  4. A fair point. If you want authentic Deep South, go with a glazed double smoked ham. I’ve done this one and it’s a keeper: https://lanesbbq.com/blogs/recipes/this-double-smoked-ham-recipe-will-blow-your-mind. There is cola in the glaze.
    3 points
  5. Put the Rolled out pizza dough on the stone for 5-7min then bring in and put all the ingredients on, then put back in the KK
    3 points
  6. Ready to go Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. Roadkill is looking good time for a rest. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  8. It's my birthday today Dee and I went out last night to see a local play it was hilarious. A great show by local actors . Dee wanted to take me out to a restaurant today but I decided road kill will be the go .shoved some tyme and purple crack butter under the skin and sprinkled with tony's penzeys poultry seasoning. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. “Walk around a snake like you are a branch blowing in the breeze” Is he kidding? I’m running....... after a 5 second snake dance. Everyone knows the snake dance. World wide it’s exactly the same, kinda like running on the spot with high knees but not getting far enough away. Then the brain kicks in and says you are not moving fast enough, revving high, but still in neutral. So you put it in gear and take off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  10. Hi KK'ers My wife has decreed that there shall be a ham this Christmas and she wants to do it in Cola. I've found a recipe that I think looks decent after having drawn blank searching on this forum along with Amazing Ribs which surprised me. So I thought I'd try this: https://www.delicious.com.au/recipes/nigella-lawsons-ham-coca-cola/A3UnN7EQ but it occured to me that someone may have a tried and tested recipe on the forum that they might be willing to share? If nobody has a go to recipe, I'll post up how the one above goes for the benefit of the group with pictures of course. Thanks and gratitude in advance for any recommendations. Alex
    2 points
  11. Thanks Basher. Yeah, I think you're right, a trial is definitely required. The high sugar content of coke is what does it. Per the recipe, I worked out that it's 212 grams of sugar (factoring a 2 litre bottle). I think I might end up inventing my own version once I understand the flavour profile. There is a recipe that I picked up from Waitrose supermarkets in the UK for ginger glazed pork hocks. It calls for a fiery ginger beer - their in house product that they recommend is great but Canada Dry or similar is a perfectly good substitute. I was struck by just how much ginger flavour the hock took. It was fabulous and I was really surprised as ginger generally is a more subtle flavour and harder to exaggerate unless you get really extreme with fresh ginger. So an observation on carbonated flavoured drinks and pork. 😃 We're staying away from family this Christmas so it's just my wife and the dog so we only have ourselves to please. The dog is a most willing participant in any of these experiments.
    2 points
  12. So...the heavens have parted and a dove descended. Wife and I were at the new house yesterday for the pre-drywall inspection and discussed the patio with the builder whilst we were there. This got wife and I discussing the grill arrangement today. She commented that she didn’t want me to put the Rubbermaid lawn box back there. Too ugly. She suggested something nicer. Like teak, I said? Like teak, she said. This is where the partin’ and descendin’ happened. Says me: I know where I could get a really awesome teak cabinet that fits the boys perfectly, but it might be kinda pricey. Make it so, says she. Once I scraped my jaw off the floor, I set out to show her these fine cabinets at the main KK site...and the link to KK Teakworks is busted! Busted, I say! 😫 @DennisLinkletter - help a brother out, here! Is there a direct link somewhere that shows examples of your fine cabinetry? Below is the rear of the house. The structure straight ahead is a screened in porch. Just to the left is the patio. I’m imagining the boys connected by a teak cabinet positioned at the front left corner of said patio, facing toward the screened in porch.
    1 point
  13. Busy day around here so it was cheated pizza for supper. The previously made Lebanese Mountain bread was the crust. Topped it off with sauce, semi dehydrated tomatoes( wow those things are sweet), prosciutto, fresh mozza, Parmesan, anise and fennel. Baked. Just before doing the pizza I roasted 3 pounds of carrots. My carrots were so big this year it only took 3 huge carrots to make 3 pounds. These are going to make carrot and ginger soup. More on that tomorrow.
    1 point
  14. Agree. That’s why I like Bruce’s cabinet. Grates on the right. And then use the left side for charcoal. I’m imagining no drawers there, but maybe a pullout and add an after market charcoal bin I can lift out. Even better would be a double bin where the inner has holes in the bottom to sift out the fines.
    1 point
  15. Get the drawers where you plan to store the grates lined with stainless steel. Dennis will also cover the top of the cabinet with stainless steel, as another option, but seeing as it will be exposed to the sun in its new home on the patio, be forewarned that it will get very hot in the sun!!
    1 point
  16. @Mcjudsten - did I see that you'd stuck the Meater into a spud at the back of the grate on that rib cook?? Interesting idea. While it is a nice holder to gauge air temps, not sure how the internal temperature measurement would correlate to what's going on with the ribs though, if you were using it to gauge doneness?? Most of us use the "bend test" to tell when ribs are done. Pick up the rack with a pair of tongs, about 1/3 of the way from the end. Gently bounce the rack in the tongs. If the meat cracks in the middle, then they are done.
    1 point
  17. That’s exactly what I’m looking for, with cutout for 23 on the left and 32 on the right. Want enough cabinet space for extra racks and charcoal.
    1 point
  18. That ham looks sooooo yuuuummy can you send me a slice? LOL
    1 point
  19. Also very nice looking house
    1 point
  20. Pequot, Dennis can make you a custom cabinet. He made this one for me. I asked him to make pull out shelves. Makes it very convenient.
    1 point
  21. No, I put the db pan on the main grate then added the upper grate with the stone on it. Here is the arrangement and it sits on the main grate which is in the KK. (Not in this pix.)
    1 point
  22. I had posted earlier about deboning a whole Turkey as alternative with the stuffing inserted and tied. Height wouldn't be an issue. I practiced on a good size chicken and the results were very good. If your daring and welcome something outside the box this might be the challenge your looking for.
    1 point
  23. My god that looks good. I've just had a look at the website and I suspect the 'secret sauce' is their Sweet Heat rub. I'm going to try the Cola recipe next weekend by which time the Sweet Heat rub will have arrived. Thanks for the recommendation.
    1 point
  24. Yeah. I agree with you but there is something inauthentic about someone making recipes which are so far removed from their own food traditions that it makes me slightly mistrustful. It's undoubtedly an unfair assessment but when you think Nigella, you think 'deepest home counties' not 'deep South!'.....
    1 point
  25. Well, 'Alright treacle' is Cockney rhyming slang for 'Sweetheart' so not sure that substituting molasses in for Londoners would work! 😁 I've added the Scott Rea project to my watch list, thanks for the tip. I'll be expecting a post match report from you with a selection of reviews from your 16 guests of course!!!
    1 point
  26. That is some delicious looking salad, Dee.
    1 point
  27. Allimac, I'd say you had a pizzarama night, they so look awesome. Aussie, I hear you are having a birthday, sure hope it's a fantastic day for you. That chicken dinner is looking beautiful.
    1 point
  28. Salad is looking good Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. I'm practicing for Thanksgiving and I thought what a great presentation at the Holidays. On Youtube there was a video from this gent in England deboning a turkey and showing how quickly and masterfully it can be accomplished as an alternative to traditional turkeys. I'm sure folks here have seen this before but I hadn't and thought that those whom haven't may try this or it may be of interest. So type in on the you tube search bar TheScottRealProject and scroll down a bit to the deboning turkey, stay on after the video because it diverts to the American way in the next vid and shows how to debone starting at the bottom of the turkey. Anyhow I thought if you get the turkey prepared the day before it would free some time up on Thanksgiving for a cordial or two. Excuse the wrapping with string it's a work in progress.
    1 point
  30. That looks tasty Alex. It reminded me of my carnie days in Canada. We would load up flipping burger patties before the lunch rush and keep them in heated bowls of bbq sauce mixed with Coca Cola. Coke was the secret ingredient, people would rave about this sauce. You will have to do a trial run before Xmas day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Used my steam disc on this loaf of sourdough, can't wait to cut it to see the crumb and to see how sour it is.
    1 point
  32. Awesome - just the thought of turning vegetarian was starting to send me into a nervous breakdown.
    1 point
  33. Mostly the extra thermal mass. There's still plenty of room for airflow.
    1 point
  34. HATE snakes, of all kinds, doesn't matter if they bite or not! Nice side benefit of living here in Iowa - snakes are very rare - too cold in the winter.
    1 point
  35. We actually had a nice day today, so celebrated by grilling some lamb chops. Plated with roasted potatoes and carrots. Charred the romaine for the salad, too.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I just use what is called a Kurly Kate and after that I use an old dish cloth to wipe it clean. If I have thick stuff baked on then I use a metal scraper, followed by Kurly Kate and a last wipe with the old dish cloth.
    1 point
  38. I have been busy cleaning out the fridge, took out 25 jars of "things", you know the ones, the ones that are leftover but you think you will use them later. Then did the same to the fridge freezer only this time it was 37 jars. In there I found a Salisbury steak sooo had that for dinner, it's gone. Made some spaghetti to go with those leftover mushrooms. Let's set the mood-
    1 point
  39. I've always done my pizza using the method Tony just posted until I read the uses for the double bottom pan that Syzygies posted. Since then I've been using the double bottomed pan on a grate under the upper grate with the KK pizza stone on it. The top cooks better and the bottom does not burn. This is now my go to method for pizza.
    1 point
  40. Sorry. forgot the pics. Almost looks like a lobster.......................................it did come out well
    1 point
  41. On the back of the dial is a hex nut. Gently loosen that and you'll see that you're able to move the dial needle by holding the shaft and turning the dial. Place the thermometer into a boiling water bath, and being careful not to burn yourself, turn the dial until the needle is at 212F/100C. Carefully tighten the hex nut (this part is a tad tricky - don't hold onto the dial, as it will move the needle. Just grip the shaft with one set of pliers and lock the hex nut with a second pair) - and you're done!
    1 point
  42. Ok, I dug out the boxes with my DigiQ and CyberQ again and only found a 10 CFM fan and looked at my Procom box and it only has a 10 CFM fan. So went back and found the article and now it rings a bell as to why I stated earlier that you don't need more than 10-12 CFM for at least the 23" KK. Thought I had 12 CFM, but not like my memory is very good, lol, so I have two 10 CFM fans. I'm currently finding that depending on how you are cooking, 1/2 damper closed or more after it gets close to setpoint works even tighter. Sure more higher CFM will work if you have a damper door, but my luck I'd forget....LOL. I'll never own another type grill, so just see no need for higher flow and to me it's more of a PITA to pull out and setup to blow on a high temp grill when I'm already using a torch. Also, smoking ribs tonight using the DigiQ and it's working like a champ. Bench tested the CyberQ, same deal. They've has been put away in a box for quite a long while, as even before all my back issues, my Procom was always the favorite. So actually being used for over a decade, I can only attest to the Procom's quality (even with a several year hiatus), it still got used a ton. The other two are freakn brand new in the box basically, as I kept them packaged in the cloth bag and bubble wrap, only used one set of temp probes between them. Doubt they will ever really see much action long as my Procom is alive...LOL. Honestly the CyberQ might as well be a stand alone like the DigiQ, with the exception of dual pits and probes, it has no real "internet" capabilities as you have to connect it via USB to a computer to use it that way. The new CyberQ looks like they wised up and figured out having Wifi and a webserver, which Stocker had way back then. I think he used RTD probes if I'm not mistaken. If it wasn't for his box being huge, I think he probably had one of the best Que controllers on the market and I've still yet to see one better. It had the ability for tons of probes and someone developed a cell phone app for the built in webserver. I think he release a second version that was much better, as the first required an end point connection for wifi or ethernet cable. Shame he quit making them
    1 point
  43. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    0 points
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