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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Wanted to get a propane camping stove for me and Mrs skreef. I ended up going with a Camp Chef Explorer, 2 burner model. I also got the grill box and professional griddle. The grill box has a heat deflector under the grate to make a more even temperature and a CI grate. It did a pretty good job cooking burgers last night. Strangely enough I got it from a local Bass Pro store. It was cheaper than online and I commented to the Bass Pro guy that Bass Pro is never cheaper - LOL. He laughed out of courtesy but I don't think he thought it was funny. Anyway I have a few other accessories I want to get and one day I'll get the pizza oven accessory for it. I'll post the other accessories when the get to the house.
    7 points
  2. Salmon with ground purple crack. Kale from the garden with honey and apple cider vinegar to steam it, and roast cauliflower. Cooked down low, quick. And plated With a 20yo semillon that looked like cats P but tasted pretty good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  3. I selected these spices for a flavor profile, sweet and with a little heat. Finished off with a mix of Rufus Teage (Whiskey Maple) and Head (Apple Habernero). Don't know what it is about BBQ sauce but I always take a sip from the bottle, just can't help it. Anyhow here's a few pics to show I actually did the work, nah, no work, it's always enjoyable. Oh, before I forget. You may already do this with your spices as I just stumbled across it's application and how it helps to preserve your spice. The covers on most rubs in larger containers aren't air tight and once open and used turn out the second time around for use as a hard as a brick. I found that if you cover the top with a piece of plastic wrap your spice stays true to form for it's next use. The covers the manufacturer supplies is great for dispensing but air and moisture rob the product of it's shelf life not to mention hardening it like a rock. You may already do this but if you don't it may be worth a try. By the way, that's 12+lbs of ribs, they sat quite comfortably on that top rack
    5 points
  4. I had decided on this Explorer 2 model but hadn't ordered it yet. I was out shopping in the vicinity of a Bass Pro and something told me (must have been the devil) to stop in at Bass Pro. At only $99 for the basic unit the price was right (the price is never right at Bass Pro! ) so I grabbed a cart, a few accessories and off I went. This is there no thrills model. You need to use a long camp lighter to ignite it but that doesn't bother me. It's really heavy duty and big enough so a large stock pot or my paella pan fits on it. It has large air flow control so you get a nice blue flame. Even though it has really big burners you can adjust the flame really low and extra high. The nicest feature is the control knobs are pointing in towards each other. This keeps the knobs inside the foot print of the frame. A lot of their other models the knobs stick out straight on the outside of the frame which makes them more prone to damage when transporting. If you are ever considering something like this it's a good sturdy unit. Check out this burner picture. Low and slow or raging hell fire to keep the devil happy
    4 points
  5. Funny I was looking at those the other day at Bass Pro. Actually went in to see the dehydrators for jerky on a whim. Anyhow they had the 3 burner model right beside it, yep, purdy nice. I didn't jump, wanted to, that devil was biting on my ear. I guess we musta been shopping like at the same time, you know a deja vous thing...well before I knew it that Devil flew down to Georgia and landed on another ear. By golly, phew..I was saved.
    3 points
  6. Thought it was George Washington Day. I'll be darn, got three racks on now myself, bon appetit. Hope mine look that good.
    3 points
  7. Thanks! That will be my second order of business tonight.....first is open a good beer.
    2 points
  8. Simple tricks for keeping spices fresh. When I buy the larger containers that I know will take me a while to go through, I usually break it down into 3 or 4 smaller packs and vacuum seal them. I'll try and remember your trick for the smaller ones.
    2 points
  9. Worse than a bad virus and if your wife finds out she just might kill you - LOL Bass Pro is a kewl store I just don't like their prices.
    2 points
  10. Nice ribs tony and thanks to Jon b for introducing Dino sauce to us all .that stuff is mint . Ravioli is a labor of love Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Rumbled! You identified my underlying motivation. I am a roast pig girl and don't much like pulled pork, hence all that distraction activity around crown joints and such. Happily for you, other more sensible people turned up to give better advice. I like this idea @Basher. As you say, no chance to move grates much but it sounds like a good way to vary the cooking times. Only challenge would be how to get the crunch on the roasted joints. Maybe put them in close to the end and raise the temp once you have taken out the pulled pork joints? Help! Didn't realise the choice round here was pix or death!!
    2 points
  13. She spent the rest of the day lounging in and out of the pool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  14. Nice job on the ravioli. I still have some in the freezer from my last batch. It is nice to be able to pull them out of the freezer for a quick and very tasty dinner. Those ribs looking perfectly delicious.
    2 points
  15. @Aussie Ora - must have been rib day, as I took advantage of a "warm" day here (it was 37F) and tossed on a rack. Indirect, 275F with the Guru, smoker pot loaded with hickory and apple chunks. Rubbed with mustard and Sucklebusters 1836. I slathered the middle with some Dinosaur Slather Sauce about 30 mins before they came off. Needed to practice may ravioli making, as I hadn't done it in a while, and will be cranking out about 300 of these puppies for a fundraiser dinner at the end of the month. Fillings were a spinach and cream cheese, and 4 cheese blend (ricotta, mascarpone, red pepper Boursin and parm). Came out nice and held up during the cooking. Froze the leftovers for another day. Fingers crossed that I can do this again in a week, but 6 batches of 48, not one!! Sorry, no plated pics, as my plating was seriously sloppy, between the rib sauce and arrabbiata pasta sauce. But, it was tasty, nonetheless!
    2 points
  16. The next time he calls patch him through to my line, I'll take it...we'll talk Turkey.
    1 point
  17. Don't mean to sound insulting but Righty tighty, Lefty Loosey and then when your done step back and admire your work and open another. It's only right or was that left
    1 point
  18. Thanks, Jon, but you can skip me this go around, as I'm set for a while from that last care package! THANKS!
    1 point
  19. Guess I better put some more Care Packages together soon............................
    1 point
  20. That day my wife dropped me off at Bass Pro and she went over to Trader Joe's for a few things. I know how you feel, it's like walking into Oz for the first time, a beer garden with 40 brews on tap, you gotta be careful. Now she was gone an hour and called me she was coming by to pick me up but I said, " I only been here five minutes" or at least that's what it felt like. Never left the cooking area the whole time, let me ask you....is what you got catchy and does it spread?
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Nicley done quick and simple . Bet you skulled that cats .lol Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. I'm sure they will turn out terrific Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. A walk in the park,.... no liquor once the match has struck, that's critical...but if nobody's looking or you have to ahh use the bathroom,,, well those my friend are like avenues of opportunity not to be cast aside. They don't count. Just refer to the Holy Porker cook book on swine, follow the path, reach your goal and please all them hungry souls waiting at the Garden of Eden. Kinda like that
    1 point
  25. LOL death or pictures , yeah. Having a meet tonight over beers to discuss all the great input here, see if anyone wants roast too. That might be cool, something for everyone. So shoulders on first and bottom, hams on second mid and chest section on top last. Depending on what I can fit. I was thinking of I got it all on by 6pm friday , depending on heat steal, i should be able to get chest section on in the morning ( whatever AM hell its finished lol ) and ready for the beer gardens by 1 PM saturday Yeah I have a deadline here, hungry beer drinkers will want something warm and tasty soon. TBC uhm I could post pics of the last 3 pigs ive done I guess
    1 point
  26. LOL, very true, very true. My blood has "thinned out", as they say.
    1 point
  27. When is it ever "too cold outside" in San Diego???
    1 point
  28. Consistently good...... again Aussie, they look superb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Pizza day here, I had some previously roasted tomatoes, and some grilled chicken drumsticks so decided to do a pizza. Started the dough yesterday and used half today for the pizza.
    1 point
  30. Always unpack the kitchen (or ODK) first! The boys made it to their new home thanks to the Tucker boxes. Wife is back in Crazee (beltway land), so I’m slumming it in my new town of Crozet (pronounced Crow-ZAY). That’s right, we’ve traded Crazee for Crozet, whine country for wine country. Roadkill on the 23 over coffee wood lump.
    1 point
  31. Nice cook. Just curious, where does an Aussie get his hands on an American whiskey barrel? The only one's I can find are at the Garden Center cut in half and used for planters. Did it roll off a tanker and end up on the beach? Nice brew too.
    1 point
  32. Tri tip and shorties I cooked this weekend gave a Tip a mixture..on it goes..carved nicley. .nd plated with air fryer chips and veg. . I went a lime theme on my shorties. . On they go over jam wood. . Looking good. . And carved yum so juicey. . And plated my new black plate makes it shine lol. . Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Big MoMo is officially SOLD and gone. Believe it or not to a gentleman off of Craigslist. Hopefully he will get many years of awesome meals off of it. I want to thank all of the KK Community for your support and advise trying to get it sold. Farewell to all and God bless. Car Doc is out.
    1 point
  34. I pretty much just start it after lighting the coals. Plug it in and let it do the rest. You’ll close down the top vent more than for an uncontrolled cook. You want the fan to do the work.
    1 point
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