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  1. 1 week down Troble and a week ahead of schedule. Expecting some small rain next week so might lose some days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  2. Tyrus this leg has now been marinating in balsamic and a few other herbs and spices for 5 days. I don’t think there is any problem with the absorption rate. I’ve popped the vac sealed bag and will let it fridge dry overnight, planning to spit roast it tomorrow. Apart from the balsamic smell when I opened the bag, the strongest scent coming through was the basil, a little molasses, cumin and garlic was mild... it smells delish. The basil has a light, fresh fragrance. I think I’ll reduce the bag juices with a little brown sugar for a baste tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  3. Hello Again everyone. I have saved enough of my pennies to place my order for the 32 Big Bad. I would like to send a shout out to Pequod for taking the time out to allow me to see both of his KKs. Thanks to Dennis for taking time out to help me with my decision. I will call him YOLO. 32BB BRONZE 2 Side Tables Rotisserie & Motor Cover for tables Grate Grabbers Basket Splitter Bigshep
    4 points
  4. No pizza stone? Don't forget to load up the pallet with as many boxes of coco char and coffee wood charcoal & chunks as will fit. Only way to get it.
    3 points
  5. We're supposed to hit the mid-60s this weekend!! GRILLIN' TIME!! So, I broke down and did the full-on French mashed potatoes - sous vide (192F for 90 mins) with lots of butter, then riced, and finally ran through a fine mesh screen. Paired with a nice Frenched pork chop and a side of elotes (Mexican corn). Spuds were very smooth, but didn't quite hit the French Laundry standard. Needed a LOT more butter. I only used a 1/2 a stick for 3 med red potatoes!
    2 points
  6. @Basher nice! Make sure you resist the urge to drive that cat while it’s in your backyard! i got a notice yesterday that my KK cleared customs and I paid my balance and am ready to schedule delivery!
    2 points
  7. Thanks, Looking forward to when I get the call to arrange the delivery. I haven't thought about the first cook. Deciding on the color was bad enough. It will be something simple. It will be my first time ever cooking on this type of grill.
    2 points
  8. Hello All my name is Troy and I’m in the process of getting a 32 KK cobalt blue pebble....I’m originally born and raised in San Diego and lived here my whole life except for the one year in 2007 where I sold all my possessions and traveled around the world by myself and found much inspiration from the food and culture I experienced on my trip my parents lived in the house I grew up in for 40 years and my wife and I moved into it 5 years ago. Being in San Diego I’m very lucky to have incredible weather, produce and seafood and I cook outside at least 4-5x/week. We have a natural gas fire magic grill that we inherited along with a killer double side burner that I use for wok cooking my wife’s favorite Peruvian recipes (she’s from Peru). I also purchased a 22.5 WSM about two years I ago and I’ve mastered brisket cooking on that thing and I mostly make brisket, pork butt, whole roasted chickens (with Peruvian green sauce), baby back ribs, whole turkey, and I’ve messed around with a few tri tips. But my wife says I’m obsessed with my cooking.....reading this forum for the last 4 days it looks like I might’ve found the right group to hang out with We recently contracted with a landscape designer who should be submitting our design for review around New Years and we’re doing a massive backyard remodel to help unlock the potential of our backyard. this deadline has forced me to make a decision on my smoker and while I was originally thinking I wanted to get a lone star grill so I could do true Texas BBQ with real wood I decided on the KK because it’s the best and because of the versatility. I already cook so many different types of food and I really want to make pizza with my 4 & 2 year old girls as they grow up. Heres a quick rundown of what I’ll be cooking Brisket, ribs, chicken, pizza, bread, corn bread, buttermilk biscuits, Moroccan clay pot, gyro and my “holy grail” adobada tacos (I saw how you guys have been doing gyros meat and I think I could do the same thing with pork shoulder/adobada rub. I tried it once in my WSM and it looked good tasted good, people loved it but it wasn’t authentic to me.....I was toying around with getting a true Trompo on my gas grill to do Adobada/gyro but I think this can be accomplished with a KK/diffuser I have a few questions.... 1. I never cooked seafood in my WSM because I didn’t want to have my meat taste like fish. I’d like to cook whole fish on my KK and I cook salmon weekly on my gas grill with a plank. Is there any concern with cooking seafood in the KK and having the fish stench cross contaminate? 2. Is the rotisserie that comes with the KK sufficient if I want to roast pork shoulder adobada style? Or do I need an Octofork? How would one go about getting a diffuser to fit my 32? 3. What other accessories are “must have”? I’m gonna get the cold smoker...do you need an extra charcoal basket? What it used for? I’m also leaning towards getting the basket splitter/reducer 4. I think I’ll need to invest in some cast iron pots for the KK I can see myself cooking risottos, chili and chicken soup low and slow on that thing is there a preferred brand of cast iron? 5. Where does one find the yakitori grill or the thing basket that could hold a whole fish? I want to cook whole fish as well as grill octopus on the KK 6. I’m planning on constructing a small gas grill with fridge and side burner for quick cooking if needed I’m sure I’ll use the KK 80% of the tine but sometimes I need to grill up some chicken real quick for quesadillas for my kids and like I said I have been using my gas grill for my salmon in the past. Is is sacrilegious you have a gas grill with my KK? My KK won’t be in the US till February and my backyard won’t be done till May so I got lots of time to research but any ideas on how to integrate this thing into a backyard would be appreciated. When it’s all said it done it’s gonna be great. My parents were there 40 years and I plan to be there 40 years with my KK so we’re doing it right. anything I’m forgetting? I’m really excited to be part of this community, you guys seem to really take care of each other and are passionate about your cooking Troy
    1 point
  9. Hello everyone I have been cooking on a Weber (WSM) for many years. I have never used, eaten any food from a Kamado grill. All of my friends have and use various types and name brand smokers/grills. I do want to purchase a Kamado grill. I want to purchase a Kamado because I feel you can do everything smoke, grill and bake on them. I have searched the web and researched other Kamado brands Primo, Saffire, KJ, Monolith and Blaze. I am here to gain knowledge about the product. I have been lurking around here viewing the topics looking at the pictures of peoples KKs (very impressive setups) and I decided to introduce myself and not feel as though I am sneaking around. Background I am married two sons, one rotty also I am a retired Senior Chief Petty Officer from the United States Navy. (26yrs)
    1 point
  10. It a pork belly and actually there are 2 pieces in the pix. I bought it as a full side but needed to cut it in half so it would be easier to deal with. The 2 halves and jammed together.
    1 point
  11. Mac, that's an unusual piece of meat...is it a run way. Was it specially cut for you at the butcher, nice. Toney, I know you can eat two..it all looks good.
    1 point
  12. Go with a pork butt/shoulder. Almost impossible to mess that cook up. Good way to learn temperature control.
    1 point
  13. It's been a long winter and this feels sooooooooooooooooo good. Those garden beds are made from 3 rows of 2X10s. The beds on the right are lower and they are not even visible.
    1 point
  14. This going to be so exciting to follow.
    1 point
  15. Glad you tried it Basher. I believe mine was in the bag in the frig 14-16 hours and I just didn't wait,.. for moi patience is a virtue misdirected at birth. Let's see, those complimentary spices sound good, I'm sure the spin will do it well.
    1 point
  16. Well finally, and welcome aboard the love boat...a little cliche' but, it's the truth. It's going to be your last BBQ , it'll amaze you with performance and every time you uncover it you'll not have any regrets on your decision, your gonna love it. A 32, well go big or don't go at all, kind of goes with Bigshep....yah....you like things big, great pick.
    1 point
  17. I may have helped sell @BIGSHEP a KK, but now he’s got me pulling in quotes for a solar install!
    1 point
  18. Well, the meat came out as expected but it's been at least 30 years since I did this prep at my old house. I let this one soak over nite and the results were way shy of what I expected but if memory serves me right it was a two day soak with a whole bottle of the Balsamic to get that tangy meat. Q1. Leaving the meat in longer is an experiment, the longer the better for penetration, don't be shy. Q2. The balsamic has a sugar content and will darken the meat on the outside however, the inside is yours for temp, this cook should be at medium or better. So again let it soak, turn it, and let the marinade do it's thing. You may fork it for quicker penetration, I'm still holding to the longer the better although that's up to the indivigual.
    1 point
  19. Four Wagyu Tri Tips, reverse-seared and smoked with cherry and coffee wood. Best beef you can put in your mouth. Grilled on my 42" Serious Big Bad of course!
    1 point
  20. One of the pork tenderloins went to make breakfast meat slices. Partially freeze the pork tenderloin and get a nice sharp knife, eh Bruce, and slice the loin very thin. Sprinkle with coriander, cumin, light brown sugar and pepper all in equal proportions 1/2t/lb. I divide it up into serving sizes and freeze. It's a breeze to cook in the morning only take a few seconds. Here it is sliced and ready for spices and dividing.
    1 point
  21. Went to Costco yesterday to get a pork belly that I want to turn into bacon. It is in the cure as I type and will get smoked on the KK next week. While there found some pork tenderloin so made a new to me recipe - Pork Marbella. It has prunes, olives, garlic, and capers. Seared. The goodies are added and it is ready for the oven. Just look at that moisture. Plated.
    1 point
  22. We had a nice break in the weather this weekend - highs in the 50s! Just a teaser for Spring though, more cold and snow on the way this week. Took advantage and grill up a nice steak dinner. A nice piece of pichana, rubbed with a mix of coffee/chile based rubs, direct on the lower grate with chunks of mesquite and post oak. Simple baked potato, sautéed mushrooms & shallots, with a nice side salad.
    1 point
  23. As the Nike slogan goes ... just do it we have enjoyed using ours several times a week since starting in 2007. You will enjoy, for years.
    1 point
  24. By far the best decision I have ever made was seriously doing my head in motor bike or KK .I love my bikes and Q .had a kj classic and loved it but this just surpasses it in every way ,still have my Jr great for those quick ark up meals .and if your coming from a weber these retain the moisture so no dry heat but you can still get pork crackle .once you suss it out .if you have the spare coin go for it mate you won't regret it Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  25. Welcome to the Obsession! We call it that for a reason - everyone here that owns one becomes a super fan very quickly after getting it home and cooking on it! Just look at how many "converts" we have that previously owned lots of other ceramic grills, Webers, etc. We're here to help with all those pesky little decisions, like size, tile color/style, accessories, etc. And, like others have mentioned, Dennis is an absolute joy to work with. Jump on into the pool - the water's great!
    1 point
  26. Welcome to the kk forum and thank you for your service to our country.. Dennis is the best ... you wont find any other company that takes care of you from start to finish and beyond like dennis does simply a joy to work with.. I have a 23 have had it for just over a year before that i had big green egg for many years, and before that a weber kettle.. when you get a kk and cook on it you wont believe how awesome and moist your food is going to taste,you wont want to cook on anything else but that kk ...like others have stated get the biggest one you can afford you wont regret it ..good luck with your decision
    1 point
  27. Bigshep thank you for your service to our country and welcome to the forum. I echo all the above members. Dennis is one of the good guys and you will enjoy working with him if you decide to go with a KK. These KKs are works of art and I guarantee you will love it. I have had mine about a year and a half and still just like going out and touching it. I have had the best tasting food cooked on it. I have a BB 32 that will be passed on to one of my children one day, not anytime soon I hope lol. Again welcome to the site.
    1 point
  28. Welcome, I totally agree with what the others have said, 100%. The KK is awesome, the service is awesome and while you may find this hard to believe there is a big improvement in the taste and moisture of the food that is cooked on the KK. Is also awesome. It will be one of those purchases that you make and you will know you've hit the jackpot.
    1 point
  29. Welcome aboard from the Northern part of the Commonwealth. A KK (or two!) would be a great way to celebrate retirement after all your years of service.
    1 point
  30. Hello BigShep, Welcome to the forum. I am just outside of Richmond in Midlothian, VA. I had been cooking on a Vision kamado prior to purchasing my KK. It took some time to convince my wife that the KK was worth the extra cost. She eventually gave in and has been very happy with the food that comes off of it. The Vision has been sitting idle since the arrival of the KK in April. Now I am trying to convince her that we also need a 32" Big Bad to go with our 22" Hi Cap but as yet she has not budged! The temp control on the KK is by far easier and repeatable due to the fact that all airflow is directed through the fire as opposed to other kamados where the fire bowl has space around it for the airflow to completey avoid the fire. The build quality is amazingly over the top. I could not be happier with this purchase. The only thing I would have done differently is to have purchased the 32" Big Bad from the beginning! Good luck with your decision. Keith
    1 point
  31. First of all, thank you for your service. Second, if you are considering a Kamado grill, you've come to the right place. The kk is simply the finest Kamado, and one of the finest grills of any kind available. The construction is far superior to all others, you'll never hear of broken bands, cracked fireboxes, broken domes or bottoms, warped grates, and so on. Look closely at pictures of both the kk, and any competitor, and the differences start to jump out at you. Watch you tube videos of people using their grills, and you'll see things like the kk lid lifting itself, the quality of the stainless grates, and the multiple cooking levels. With every kk you also get another advantage no other company can offer. Before you even buy your grill, you get the support of the owner of the company, Dennis Linkletter, plus he's with you along the entire journey. From purchase, to shipping, delivery, and set up, even some discussions on cooking, he's available. You simply won't hear much about warranty claims with kks, but if you do, it's about how quickly, and completely the situation is handled. In all, the kk is the way to go, I also recommend getting the biggest one you would possibly consider. Or get several, whichever works better for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. I might call Dennis and ask him to about the pizza stone. I did ask him about the coco char and he said he can't ship it out yet but he is working on it.
    0 points
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