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  1. There’s still a little tweaking too do, but @Christinelynn and I agree this is the best brisket we’ve ever had. The bark is crunchy without being tough, it’s smoky and beefy rather than pot roasty (not a word), and it’s super tender/moist.
    8 points
  2. Ribs turned out great..... Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    8 points
  3. Made a couple of my South Side thin crust pizzas on the 32. Perfect clone of my hometown favorite, the legendary Colucci’s. Two 14” pies fit no problem. Homemade sausage — only way to get that distinctive Chicago flavor. Always, ALWAYS cut square. Wedges are the enemy of the people. 🤔
    7 points
  4. Celebrated Mother’s Day tonight with my mom and dad at a separate table 6ft away. Like my jump shot and golf game I’m committed to nailing this pizza thing. Cheese, veggie, couple Hawaiian couple pepperoni
    6 points
  5. My new ritual - a steak night every week in lockdown! Tonight, it was a Porter Road Chuck Steak, direct, lower grate, dome around 325F, with a chunk of grape vine. Turned out a bit more "black & blue" than the rare that I was shooting for, but it was still a nice damn steak! Plated with frites, sprayed with duck fat and fried in the air fryer, with dipping sauces of chipotle ketchup and an aioli. Marsala mushrooms and a nice chimichurri for the steak. A nice side salad with blue cheese. Bon Appetit!
    5 points
  6. 14 pound brisket. Following Aaron Franklin’s process and wrapping later than I usually would. Here’s a couple of pics just before wrapping. 36” paper is pretty handy.
    4 points
  7. Got an interesting cut of pork from Porter Road a while back and decided to try it out last night for dinner. They call them Pork Wings. It's a cut from the shank area of the front leg. Website says to cook them like ribs. I was a little behind schedule, so I did them "hot and fast" method - 325F, direct, main grate, with peach wood chunks. WTF??? I can't upload any pictures? Had a similar problem in another post, as well. The upload "times out" and fails. UPDATE: PFM - it's working again!! The interesting thing about this cut is that small bone was barely visible before cooking. Plated, with homemade pasta and sauce. This was a very tasty cut of pork, somewhere between a pork chop and a beef rib. Got a nice smoke ring on it, too!
    3 points
  8. Freezing cold here with snow overnight and rain and wicked winds, time for comfort food. Chicken drumsticks, baked potato and a salad coming...... Drumsticks on the KK. Plated As usual the chicken was moist as can be.
    2 points
  9. Troble, I never should have looked at your pizza pixs, it is breakfast time and I love a tasty breakfast and I'm thinking your pizza would be just perfect for that. Hint hint, FedEx, Percolator, UPS or DHL will work.
    2 points
  10. Ridiculous as always troble! You’ve done a great job with everything I’ve seen you cook.
    2 points
  11. @tony b so many components all executed flawlessly. Well played sir
    2 points
  12. I admire the effort @tekobo. It's a bit like how my day started. Checking the forum as a break from the relentlessly 'new normal' and decided that maybe today was the day to 'fatten the curve'. I thought I'd do a classic French scrambled eggs on sourdough toast. Browsed the thread. Then felt like pizza at 7.30am. Made the dough then realised we were short on toppings. Other than Wild Garlic. Essentials trip to the shop later and selection of ham, salamis and other oddments acquired. Currently waiting for the KK to reach temperature......
    2 points
  13. Have you ever done a breakfast pizza? That could be fun. I do breakfast burritos quite often and I make frittatas that I’m hoping to get on my KK soon, but at some point I may venture into breakfast pizzas....eggs, bacon, cheese.....possibly left over brisket with eggs.....you got me thinking now!
    1 point
  14. Pequod, that looks delicious..
    1 point
  15. Yep. Guess I have a small unoppened pack. I will try it today on my rib rack that is currently in my KK with a pork shoulder
    1 point
  16. Thank you all. I believe i have some pbw around from my wine making days. Will give it a try.
    1 point
  17. @Wingman505 nice smoke ring. Looks tasty
    1 point
  18. Wingman, that looks like a monster brisket. Lots of great eating for sure.
    1 point
  19. Tony, you sure are cooking up a storm, a food storm.
    1 point
  20. Hi, Eggary! Been a while. Yeah, Dennis developed this smoker tube device that plugs into the Guru port. You can use it for cold smoking (works great) and if you don't want to use Syzergies Dutch Oven smoker pot, you can use it to generate smoke during a normal cook. Here, I'm using it to hot smoke some pastrami. Not a great picture, but you get the idea. What you don't see is the aquarium pump that attaches to the metal tube to blow the smoke into the KK.
    1 point
  21. Let us know what you think.
    1 point
  22. Probably a very wise investment if he can get them to actually grow, assuming in vitro.
    1 point
  23. I ordered a bag to give it a try.
    1 point
  24. Ahh you gotta love third world living.. I have a full time gardener who lives on the property. My grates are automatically cleaned the day after he smells smoke! It's a dirty job...
    1 point
  25. You need to get some Powdered Brewers Wash (PBW). Check you local homebrewing supply shop or go online. Mix up some in warm water and soak the basket in it overnight. All the gunk will just rinse off or with just a wipe with a damp sponge - easy, peasy! I was going to post the pic of the job it does on the basket, but I can't seem to upload them - multiple tries. Just trust me (others on the Forum will corroborate) it works! But, the stuff isn't cheap.
    1 point
  26. I think the trick here is to find a balance. This shouldn’t be a one and done. But rather, an opportunity for the slow drip that lasts a lifetime. Would you rather have $10,000 today, or a penny a day with compound interest? Start small. “Hey Wingman, remember those two KK’s? Howsabout cooking me...[insert favorite food item here] with a nice bottle of wine?” Wingman eagerly complies. Being Wingman, he thinks you’re singing his tune. Soon it becomes, “Hey Wingman, remember those two KK’s? Howsabout I remodel [pick your favorite room in the house]?” Again, Wingman complies. After all, he gets some benefit from this as well. He’s also only half paying attention because his brisket hit the stall and he’s freaking out about where to buy pink butcher paper. Keep working it another year or so. “Hey Wingman, remember those two KK’s? There’s this really cool $5M cottage in Malibu. Comes with a Lamborghini.” By now, Wingman doesn’t even realize what’s happened. He nods up and down, drool dripping from his chin. That’s from the tri tip sandwich he’s finally mastered. This is called gaslighting. Look around. It works.
    1 point
  27. tekobo, looks like my kind of breakfast not sure I'd have room for the egg though.
    1 point
  28. I'm not sure if I'm honest. The leaves look a little Nettle like in shape. You don't want to eat raw Nettle. I brushed against some yesterday morning and my leg is still stinging from the experience. Dread to think. The plant looks like some sort of Viburnum (opulus or dentatum). Or it looks a bit like a Guelder Rose. I'm not an adventurous forager, tend to only really forage blackberries and wild garlic. Do you have a link to the YouTube video, might give me some clues.
    1 point
  29. Here's a pic of the two zone in action. Note the half main on the left. Once I got enough char on, I moved the steak to the half main and closed the lid for about 5 minutes. With a reverse sear, you start on the cool side until you get to the right internal temp, then flash it over the coals to sear. This configuration also works for low and slow. I'll keep the temp down in the 250-300 range and put the meat on the half main. No need to reconfigure anything.
    1 point
  30. In my limited experience which is limited to what I have now lol pecan. Pear. Apple and cherry. Pear gives a nice subtle touch a bit milder than apple but noticeable. Pecan sits with me really well I love it goes with anything according to my taste buds anyway lol. Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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