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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2020 in all areas

  1. Take the plunge Lance. The day I purchased the KK, I spent a fortune building a roof for it. Does the KK have to suit the house, or does the house have to suit the KK? [emoji847] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  2. Says he who has a chandelier in the ODK.
    5 points
  3. @Christinelynn has two celebrity crushes. Oddly enough, they both are female. First and foremost it’s Chrissy Teigen. The 2nd is Joanna Gaines. I’ve bought her the “Magnolia Table” cookbooks as well as Chrissy’s “Cravings” cookbooks. We’re cooking for the neighbors tonight so Christine wanted to bake dinner rolls as part of the meal. I’m still temperature hunting a little bit, and learning the grill so the dome temp got to ~35 degrees higher than I wanted it to for the bake. They came out amazing. Cooked perfectly internally, but the tops were darker than we’d like. The picture actually makes them look darker than they are, however. They weren’t bad, just not perfect.
    3 points
  4. [emoji3166] Well spotted Mac. I just spent $100 hanging crystals off it. I’ll post a photo tomorrow afternoon when the winter sun hits them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. It's so he can swing from it after each successful cook! 😄
    2 points
  6. Good thinking and a towel on the other
    2 points
  7. Haha... yes very phallic in nature lol figure that's where I'd hang my tongs 😜
    2 points
  8. I suggest heating what ever wood you are using in the microwave.. this pulls lots of moisture out and helps the material smolder. I heat the wood in a bowl, then open the door and blow on the wood to remove the steam, while doing this you can gauge how much more moisture is in the wood. But most smoking wood will have a moisture content of about 10%. I also suggest running the smoker at the lowest airflow you can and keep the material smoldering. Lower burn will produce cleaner smoke, don't worry it's not enough it builds up. And put your meat into the grill as cold as possible, the vapor is transferred to the meat by condensation.
    2 points
  9. This was helpful, answered a bunch of questions for me. Definitely can see a 16” in my future for small cooks and secondary options. Thank you for the comparison pictures and measurements.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, I only had the left wheel open. I had it open half way and had the top vent open way too much. Got impatient and didn’t wait for the temp to fully stabilize prior turning it up... the. It overshot and I turned it way back. All of this is against KK good practice of course. This thing is ridiculous. I shut the vents down to the 225 mark and it’s dropped about 50 degrees in three hours.
    1 point
  11. Well done wingman. I cooked 10 pizzas last night- sorry, no photos. Had the fire going nice and early so through a sourdough cob in before pizzas while the heat was up and noticed the left hand side cooked much quicker. I checked the settings and realised the lower wheel was opened a quarter circle to the left of centre and the dotted wheel was opened to the second largest dot. I spun the wheel so it was opened right of centre( more centred into the firebox) and opened the other to the largest circle. By the time the pizza went in they cooked evenly. This was my learning last night, sorry if this was obvious to others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. @ Lance, Jon is probably boating this weekend so I'll take the liberty and tell you why I think the SS plate is there. I believe it is there to keep live coals from falling out the vent holes. That's my 2 cents.
    1 point
  13. Nice! I see she’s on track. Working that Lamborghini. Nicely done. Very nice. 😏
    1 point
  14. I'm a Jonanna Gains fan also. The rolls look delicious.
    1 point
  15. It also doubles as a place to do dips, to work out the triceps. 😎👍 ....it funny bc i left them long, (they are part of the timber) as a creative :"non conclusion". Meaning not sure whats gonna happen with them quite yet, but better have em and not need em, than need em and not have em lol.... we shall see. I have the bore to make them smaller, or maybe i cut them off shorter. Who knows, where the creative muse takes one.... guess we shall see! I have more content on IG @Chateau_de_Mathieu including all my food creations, as well as an off-grid cabin build i just completed in the Northern Adirondack Mtns in Upstate NY. 👍
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Good things come to those who wait Tyrus. I think shipping prepares your inner KK zenmaster for the first low and slow.... 🙏
    1 point
  18. I had to take my 23" up 7 steps in my house to get it to my deck. I built a ramp for it of 3/4" plywood. It took 5 of us to push/pull it up those stairs, with the dome removed. Rolled it through the living and dining rooms, then over the transom of the kitchen door out to the deck. We did it, but it was a chore! Glad to only have to do that once! If I ever sell the house, the KK is staying with it. I'll buy another one for the new place, just so I don't have to move it off the deck again! Good Luck!
    1 point
  19. Actually......I just did one recently (pictured below). 11 - 12 pounds @ 250* to an internal temp of 205*. I believe it took about 10 hours. The stall was almost 3 hours. I do not use a controller for my cooks. I find once the cooker is dialed in, I don't need one. Also the newer 16"TT have a higher dome lid which is very nice for larger cuts of meat. I have cooked 2 - 8# butts before in the 16 TT. Turned them the other direction than the photo below, so the thermometer was in between the two pieces of meat. No pictures of that cook. Do have a picture of 4 butts I cooked on the 19" TT..............................
    1 point
  20. Troble, I sure hope it doesn't discover my KKs that could be a real disaster. Jon, I think I'd recognize you and Bruce even in bear suits, at least you'd better hope I do.
    1 point
  21. I guess we can't all have everything. I am envious of your outside space and ability to fit in all that fun cooking kit.
    1 point
  22. I too own a KJ Classic 2 and I just sold a BGE XL I previously owned and sold a Weber Summit gas grill and a Traeger. I can't really add much to Pequod's response above as I completely agree with all of it. I've been cooking on Kamados for years, and nothing compares to the KK. I received my 32" Big Bad and only needed to cook on it a few times to understand how different it is. I've cooked 2 packer briskets, whole chickens, steaks, etc. The KK performed flawlessly, with ease, and produced the best tasting version of each protein Ive ever had. I ordered my 23" Ultimate just two weeks after receiving my Big Bad and we're currently anxiously awaiting its arrival. That seems a little crazy, and it probably is, but the results spoke for themselves. What's truly crazy is my wife, @Christinelynn, sanctioned the second purchase. She's the family accountant... She does that job far better than I ever would, could, or want to. If the food produced convinced her to make a second KK purchase, it'd convince anyone. I guess I did have some to add.
    1 point
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