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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2021 in all areas

  1. @tekobo, @Basher @MacKenzie I went to the post office and UPS to try to mail you guys a huge package of goodies but was shut down saying I’m not able to send perishables to AU, UK or CAN @tony b yours is on the way @Tyrus , @jonjmessage me your address and I’ll give you the package was planning on getting you guys in round two drove home quickly to drop off the bags and to my surprise the delivery was in my driveway to deliver my new KK, he showed up 4 hours early even though I confirmed multiple times I wouldn’t be home till 1pm today. So good news bad news gotta run to work appt back later to unpack
    5 points
  2. It snowed out here yesterday and 6.5in were deposited on the lawn for removal. Now most folks won't generally remove the snow from their lawn but my critters like a runway. Let me also show you my winter hideout for the KK under the deck, snug as a bug in a rug. Recently I read a post that someone wanted to see our winter spots for the KK, well mine is nothing fancy but it's close to the door for easy access in and out. Additionally I have to mention that when the temp skirts above 32 the water starts dripping on your head between the decking boards so it's an umbrella or you gotta work fast. I do envy those living in warmer climate being able to use their KK's or any of their toys without hesitation, it makes life so much easier....I think, but geez I wouldn't know. The snows removed , the dogs are happy...wings on the grill tonite...where did football season go. They call this bit of time before robins make a return, "the last stretch", cause better days are coming.
    4 points
  3. Perhaps you need a 42...it comes with a goat
    4 points
  4. @Forrestwelcome! Don’t let them give you a hard time about your age, I’m 41 and get grief for being young, they’re just jealous you figured it out before they did! gkad you’re hear, great people on this site who happily share their wisdom
    3 points
  5. Finally got warm enough here (15F) to fire up the KK last night for dinner. First time in a week and a half! Flat iron steak, marinated in shio koji for 2 hours. Gunpowder rub. Lower grate with chunks of post oak and mesquite. Plated with roasted smashed potatoes, with Peruvian green sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a nice salad of greens/radicchio, orange slices, pomegranate seeds and pistachios with an orange mint vinaigrette.
    3 points
  6. Uncrated the KK just now. Now just got wait a bit for my neighbor to get up so I can get some help rolling it off. Much easier and simpler the second time. Packaging of the KK is truly remarkable
    3 points
  7. I’m doing a Boston Butt today for the in-laws who are in town. I’ve read a couple places that people have had good success with the Syzygies Smoke Pot method by only using a foil wrap around their wood chunks with a couple of holes in the bottom of the foil wrap. I’m testing this method this morning and I’m shocked! Within a matter of 15 minutes I’m getting this absolutely gorgeous thin blue smoke profile. I’m using three large peach wood chunks and it smells wonderfully too. There was never thick billowy smoke at the beginning like I’m used to when I just throw the wood chunks by themselves on top of the coals. I guess we will see how long this smoke runs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  8. Two 14” pizzas. One stone.
    3 points
  9. Adobada Tacos/Tacos Al Pastor You probably know this dish as Tacos Al Pastor. I call it Adobada Tacos. Who is right? The answer is both of us are. In Mexico, the terms get used differently depending on the region and you will find further discussions about if it’s Al Pastor or Adobada depending on if it’s on the griddle after it’s been cut. The sensible answer to this is that Adobada is the type of sauce or marinade that is commonly found in many Mexican dishes. You will often see dishes served “in adobada sauce”. They call the pork on the spit Tacos Al Pastor. But in Baja California which is close to where I live in San Diego, we call it Tacos Adobada, and that is also fine. For a detailed discussion on this read this article https://frugalcooking.com/is-al-pastor-the-same-as-adobada/ Now for the dish. What exactly is Al Pastor or Adobada tacos? It’s the ultimate fusion food. It’s basically a Mexican version of Middle Easter Shawarma. But the Mexican people adapted it to their region and used their spices and pork instead of chicken. That’s it in a nutshell. For more info about this check out this article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_pastor I live in San Diego, precisely 8 miles North of Tijuana, Mexico where their taquerias are legendary and Adobada/Al Pastor reign. I actually had a business in Tijuana for 2 years and ate at all the best tacos stands in the City and I consider this one of my areas of expertise so it’s always been something I wanted to cook at home, especially now in the Pandemic, when I can’t cross the border to get my taco fix. In previous attempts I have used the rotisserie on my KK to attempt this dish. (seen here https://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/2453-everyday-misc-cooking-photos-w-details/page/296/?tab=comments#comment-127969 I stacked the meat on the spit and then used a foil tray to act as a deflector over the coals. This worked, but it was hard to manage. Hard to cut the meat and eventually the aluminum tray would get super-hot and sometimes end up melting by the end of the cook which isn’t good either. So, enter the Trompo King. I saw this thing on the KK forum and thought that could be a great solution for what I am looking for. The Trompo king allows for vertical stacking of the meat, but more importantly it has a nice collector tray below it where the meat can be shaved and then cooked further which is key to executing this dish. The Trompo King can be found here https://smokeware.com/products/trompo-king Here is the recipe I used as a template for this cook. I think this recipe is pretty damn authentic, although I do think it’s a little heavy on the adobo sauce side and I may try increasing the sugar on subsequent cooks, but it is damn good to start to start with this and season as you see fit. There are a couple of key ingredients you will need to purchase to make this cook happen. I will list them below. 1. Dried Guarillo Peppers – available in any Mexican market but also on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Guajillo-Chiles-Peppers-Dried-Whole/dp/B087XBKNB7/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=guajillo+peppers+dried+el+guapo&qid=1609555947&refinements=p_72%3A1248897011&rnid=1248895011&s=grocery&sr=1-16 2. Dried Chipotle Pepper available at any Mexican market but also on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Dried-Chipotle-Morita-Chile-Peppers/dp/B0821P2R3G/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=dried+chipotle+peppers&qid=1609556057&refinements=p_72%3A1248897011&rnid=1248895011&s=grocery&sr=1-5 3. Achioete Paste - https://www.amazon.com/El-Yucateco-Achiote-Red-Paste/dp/B0000GHNVI/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs2_0?crid=3HZWBZNRY04XJ&cv_ct_cx=achiote+paste&dchild=1&keywords=achiote+paste&pd_rd_i=B0000GHNVI&pd_rd_r=a9ce6812-13a3-475f-9a3d-5cda389c772e&pd_rd_w=Dd06o&pd_rd_wg=3VpEl&pf_rd_p=a64002b9-9c26-4361-b8a1-b0f5a4835670&pf_rd_r=5AJEBBH4CTYWAQ63MXRR&psc=1&qid=1609556116&s=grocery&sprefix=achio%2Cgrocery%2C231&sr=1-2-38d0a374-3318-4625-ad92-b6761a63ecf6 The rest of the ingredients calls for Mexican oregano, Mexican cumin, Mexican Thyme, and Mexican brown sugar. You can use what you have in your pantry but if you plan to make this dish often there are subtle flavor differences using the Mexican herbs and sugar you can also find those on Amazon. When prepping the adobo sauce, I like to use my KK and cast-iron pan so it has more of that “smokey flavor” I generally cook something else the day before on my KK then make the adobo sauce while my KK is still going and prepare the marinade and meat for the next day. When prepping the pork butt, it helps to freeze it for 4-5 hours so you can make nice cuts prior to marinating. When you are prepping to cut the pork butt, trim off the fat cap, also make cuts that would look like they would fit well on the skewer. You want about ½ thick cuts. Take each cut and lather it in marinade and then refrigerate overnight. I like to use pineapple juice and orange juice in my marinade, but that’s up to you. The other recommendation I have for executing this dish is to make sure that as you slice off the outside layer of meat, spray the spit and meat on the tray with pineapple juice. it helps to caramelize it all. I cooked the meat at 375 and it took me about 3 hours to do a 7 lb. pork butt. In previous attempts on the spit, I’ve done it at 450 and it cooked faster, but in this last attempt I liked the cadence of slicing every 20 minutes as I could let the meat cook on the tray below and prep some condiments. The condiments to this dish make it all come together. It’s essential that you use you the following 1. Raw onion 2. Sliced radishes 3. Fresh cilantro 4. Pineapple chunks I like to make a creamy salsa verde but that’s also up to you. If you are so inclined one could use this recipe https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/tomatillo_salsa_verde/ (although I do add a 1/2 cup of Mexican Crema to this recipe because I like it creamy) Lastly, the final key is to serve this dish on a lightly toasted flour taco sized tortilla. This isn’t a burrito, find and source some small taco sized tortilla. The tortilla is really a key ingredient here and it’s easy to gloss over it. I don’t make my own because I live in San Diego and can go to a stand and pick up a fresh pack super easily, but if you live in another country or a place where getting fresh tortillas isn’t an option have you no fear. It’s upper easy to make and it’s a great skill to teach your kids to do for you while you cook. Here is a recipe to make fresh tortillas https://thecafesucrefarine.com/best-ever-homemade-flour-tortillas/ if you are so inclined you can get a tortilla press to make it even easier If you’ve never had a fresh tortilla, I encourage you to try to once and see what you think. It makes a world of a difference in the end product. https://www.amazon.com/Estrella-Tortilla-Pataconera-Original-MEXICO/dp/B01LRDID2A/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=tortilla+press&qid=1609557105&refinements=p_72%3A1248915011&rnid=1248913011&s=home-garden&sr=1-7 Here are some photos of the latest cook using the Trompo King. If you have any questions on this cook please reach out, I’d be happy to help but it’s an amazing dish to cook for your friends.
    2 points
  10. I’m so excited I won’t be able to sleep tonight!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Someone just wrote me and asked about this.. I have not been able to get a reply from TelTru but I asked Uncle Google and was given the following.. Temperature range: The bimetallic thermometer should be within the upper and lower limit temperatures. Due to extreme temperatures, metals may reach their expansion limits and not rebound causing the thermometer to be permanently damaged. Looks like it's best to bring them indoors. When the Arctic winds blow...
    2 points
  13. I thought the same tony b. Tekobo rocking a Ferrari in the demolition derby. I’m not mad at you though tekobo, can’t say I wouldn’t want one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  14. If you want it I would raid your children's piggy banks and get one. Life is too short for KK regrets.
    2 points
  15. The older one is moving on to another pasture. I worked out a deal with my buddy who wanted a KK and love the pebbles and color. We picked that before I did our backyard so was able to get a new tile KK that matched a little better with the colors of the backyard. Win/win for everyone
    2 points
  16. So if I were a betting man, which I'm not, I'm figuring 3 to 1 tiles are better than pebbles. Pictures don't lie, didn't anyone mention magnificent and shiny too. What's that do-hickey located between the upper port probe and the lower guru port.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Cute pooches. Jack Russell terriers - aka "terrorists"?
    2 points
  19. Yes, it was a lovely Pinot. The Peruvian green sauce is another "crack" in my house now. It's just crazy good on roasted potatoes like these.
    2 points
  20. I like chefs table on Netflix and the season of BBQ chefs table was my all time favorite
    2 points
  21. @tony b every time I see you eating Peruvian green sauce it makes me smile. Glad you got to fire up your KK, looks delicious as usual for you btw I see that Siduri Pinot. Love their wines
    2 points
  22. As part of the bottom crate, make sure to keep the box in the middle - it's essential if you ever have to move the KK to a new home. It keeps the weight off the legs during bouncy transits.
    2 points
  23. I’ve had my 23” Ultimate for a couple months now and have had some really successful cooks, most recently these tri-tips smoked at 225-250 dome temp until rare then reverse seered on bottom rack at 500 dome temp for a couple minutes on each side. The roasts turned out more medium than medium rare but they were still incredibly tender and juicy (pics below)! I also made a home made Chimmichurri sauce to accompany the meat. Questions: 1) I can’t seem to get temps to stay at 225 or below. I was reaching 245 to 250 with a tiny crack open in the bottom vent and the top dampener opened about an 8th of a turn. Any tips on how to maintain 225 or even lower? 2) Are there any drawbacks to having a full charcoal basket at the start of each cook? I’ve noticed a lot of you aim to have only the charcoal you need for a cook. C8D1FA3C-32D9-4607-AAAD-FC8DDB632478.mov IMG_5478.MOV
    2 points
  24. 4EAA1DA9-BF19-4720-AA0F-881E9DE2B65D.heic
    1 point
  25. My delivery driver has a pallet jack and was kind enough to move it through the garage for me and out the back, but obviously that will depend on the delivery driver on the day. You may find a nice tip will help get the delivery person in a more helpful mood Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Just the excitement of it, and the unboxing and burn in experience. Very surreal after waiting so long. I’m in Western Australia and the tracking of the ship and delivery experience were all part of the fun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. The journey begins!! Enjoy every step of it, the delivery day is insane! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Why did you do this to me, I’m going to talk to Dennis about the 42. Shit I’m really considering it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. I guess that means you must buy a serious big bad now??? That’s how it works right?! [emoji2957] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. This foil pouch has me 2nd guessing if I even need a smoke pot now. Literally turned out the most beautiful best smelling smoke like this for 3 hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Take the back roads, watch the border crossings and wear sunglasses and speak with a British accent...always worked for me.
    1 point
  32. While that would be great, I don't leave IA until the 11th. Maybe next time?
    1 point
  33. Thanks, but I'm currently planning a road trip in 3 weeks, driving to CA (San Jose & Napa), so I'm planning to load up with good beers and wines for the return trip.
    1 point
  34. I can send a pic next week when I get mine, but this video came in handy when I was making my decisions. If you are doing Brazilian style mixed meats there is probably some accessory for the spit that would give you the best option for separate multiple spears. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. @tony bill send you more plinys anytime buddy just sat the word. I picked up 6 yesterday. Probably have two today
    1 point
  36. I follow the Peter Pan model, personally!
    1 point
  37. I’m not nearly as young as Forrest, but I’ll have fun all the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Well that would be one hell of an accessory.
    1 point
  40. And the Forum chant begins: Forty-Two, Forty-Two, Forty-Two!!
    1 point
  41. Yes. The man himself made a video on this one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Seriously, as I look at I'm thinking maybe a fastner for the cold smoker where it would hold it in place. My KK is becoming an antique before my eyes
    1 point
  43. That they are, but even terrorist need a place to do their thing. "You know the thing", oh can't say that you could get ex:communicated
    1 point
  44. I couldn’t agree more! I had to bust mine down with a hammer (carefully) to get my cookers off of them, so I’ll have to make some should I need/want to move.
    1 point
  45. Cool. A 42 and a goat would be more fun though.
    1 point
  46. Congratulations @Troble! That is a really gorgeous KK in a lovely colour. It is close to the vibrant blue that I liked but The Husband vetoed. Lucky you. It 's like getting this year's model of your favourite car. Looking forward to seeing it all set up in its new home. Now, that box you had packed up to send looks lovely. My guess is that it will be super expensive to send to me in the UK so feel free to cut down on what you send me to save on postage. USPS folk can be weird but I looked on their website and it says perishable goods are fine to send internationally. It is just at your risk and subject to customs at this end. Once again, congratulations!
    1 point
  47. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
    1 point
  48. Glad to see that we’re a couple of Canucks here despite the hurdle to get the KK sent in Canada. I’ll post a picture of my winter set-up this weekend and would love to see yours. New outdoor summer kitchen planned for the spring that I will be proud to show too! Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk
    1 point
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