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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everybody!!! Happy Saturday to all of you. I haven’t posted anything for awhile, I just wanted to say I do check in almost everyday. Today I just turned another year older and am celebrating my 80th year on this beautiful planet that we live on. You all have a great grilling day and keep those yummy pictures coming!
    6 points
  2. Um yes, I tried everything, back in the day. My first cooker was an offset firebox, then a POSK before graduating to a Dennis-grade KK. I'm best known here for devising the cast iron "smoke pot" that came out of a related charcoal-making experiment. People complain that cast iron isn't nonstick, yet Michelin chefs use stainless pans easily? It's skill. Wood smoke can be seriously nasty. Barbecue using wood takes skill. More skill than anyone I know has, or perhaps I'm unusually finicky about how food should taste. Ideally one has two fires, one to prepare embers, and another for actual cooking with fully developed embers. True wood fire experts use some green wood, but that's getting into Olympic-grade difficulty. If you want to transfer embers into the KK, that have given up all nasty flavors already, you might be happy. Consider a large fire pit such as a Solo Stove, for preparing the embers. I had a friend burned out of his apartment, lucky to be alive only because his 70's Advent speakers were hung using fishnet that burned through, making a loud crashing noise that overcame his inebriated coma. I was first back into his apartment with him, aghast at the horror of his lost LPs and .. the smell. That's what cooking with wood tastes like, if you're not extraordinarily careful.
    2 points
  3. Hello all KKrs. It has been a while since I've posted but not for lack of cooking. Did my first beef cheeks this weekend for the purposes of a good old barbacoa taco. Smoked at 260ish for 4 hours with only an S&P rub, leaning heavily on the fresh ground pepper. I made an adobo with guajillo and ancho chilis, onion, garlic, fresh graded cinnamon, dried mexican oregano, salt, and white vinegar, and water. Since I couldn't find wagyu beef cheek and took whatever was available at the store (I assume choice), I added about 1/2 a cup of wagyu tallow to the dutch oven as it started heating alongside the cheeks the last 30 minutes of the cheek smoke. Put the cheeks in the adobo in the KK after 4 hours. I realized 3 hours into the adobo braise I'd forgot to put the lid on the dutch oven so the sauce had cooked down a lot. I added a couple of cups of water, put the lid on, then continued the braise in the KK for another 1.5 hours, 4.5 total. Then shred the meat, scoop off some of the extra fat from the adobo, return meat to broth. Before serving I'd put the meat in a bowl and mash with a spoon to get the liquid to the surface, returning the liquid to the pot and leavingn the meat flatted in the bowl. Finished off with a fresh roasted tomatillo salsa that was fiery from the serano. Canned charro beans from HEB (they're fantastic - just add some S&P while heating). Smokey, rich with fat, spicy (not hot) from the adobo sauce - it is perfection on a corn tortilla Lunch is going to kick-ass for the next few days!
    1 point
  4. Smoked a Costco Prime Brisket using Goldie’s resting method. Came out great. Here’s the basics. 1. Worcestershire Binder 2. Light sprinkle of Garlic Salt and Lawery's Seasoning Salt 3. Rub 2 to 1/2 Pepper to Salt 4. Dry Brine over night 5. Harry Soo’s Weber Smokey Mt wood/charcoal setup. If you are not using this, you are missing out. 6. Inject the flat with beef tallow 7. 250 degrees. No cruching, No spritzing. Threw fat scraps on my perforated heat deflector. Rendered fat = incredible flavor profile. 8. Pulled when the point probed like butter and the flat was 195 9. Goldie’s - foil wrap twice. Be sure to put a dig scoop of tallow under the point. Into a foil pan, 1/2 cup of water, foil cover over the pan. 10. Put into my Igloo Sous Vide warming cooler at 160 degrees for 22 hours. Brevel Toaster oven works too. Aggressive trimming and a long controlled rest key to a perfect brisket evert time.
    1 point
  5. We have been concerned about the number of emails we've received from people in the last year lamenting how our last price increase put the grills outside their budget. Our material costs increased dramatically during the pandemic, mostly from outrageous shipping charges. These inflated production costs forced us to make our first price increase in over 10 years. Responding to this feedback, we have been pushing suppliers to review and reduce their pricing now that shipping has dropped. (actually less than pre-COVID) We have reduced the previous price increases by 50% with these savings. We hope this helps make our grills accessible to more people. Please let any interested parties know about this adjustment..
    1 point
  6. I’m doing my first ever Bacon smoke early next week. Following Meathead’s “Simple Bacon Recipe”. A friend of mine shared some with me and I thought it was very good so going to try this one out. Picked up a 8lb pork belly and started curing it yesterday. Before this I’m looking forward to smoking 3 racks of ribs on my 32” KK. Will use both the smoke pot and cold smoker until the ribs are cracking nicely on the bend test! Going to dry rub with Oakridge BBQ Dominator Sweet rib rub. Once cooled down going to vacuum seal and reheat via Sous Vide for a quick easy meal when in Canada on a fishing trip! If I think of it I will send pics to the KK forum. All the best,
    1 point
  7. I think that works perfectly - no pressure to share!
    1 point
  8. Been awhile since I’ve made pizza and my two little sous chefs each wanted to make their own pie. KK ran a little hotter than normal and we were a bit out of sync on our timing of pies so I got the first one a bit crunchy on one side but it all worked out and my 7 year old sliced all the bell peppers herself and did all the toppings so she was pretty proud two pepperoni & a bell pepper w/black olives
    1 point
  9. Another tasty KK thigh cook last evening. Salad was tomatoes, cukes, and sweet onion.
    1 point
  10. Decided to make a steak for watching the basketball game, luckily the right team won so i was able to enjoy it lol Tried to insert a mov of the searing but I guess those cant be inserted from a Mac EDIT< trying MP4 IMG_9248-1280.mp4
    1 point
  11. I haven't made a meatloaf in ages so ....
    1 point
  12. Scored some big-ass beef brontosaurus ribs at CostCo. Did one rack yesterday. Trimmed up and rubbed with yellow mustard and Meat Church Holy Cow. On the KK for 6 hours at 250F (w/Guru), drip pan, smoker pot of post oak, coffee wood and apple chunks. Glad that I opted for the drip pan over just a sheet of AL foil, as these ribs rendered out a LOT of fat, despite me trimming off at least a pound or two before rubbing them. Plated, with the corn (from FL - not bad. I won't see local corn until late July) and homemade cole slaw that I "Mexi'ed" up for Cinco de Mayo (added some jalapeno and the dressing had some Tajin tossed in.) These things were huge and so rich that I didn't finish mine.
    1 point
  13. Hey all, I hope you are all well. I recently made some sausage with a friends, Italian hot links and Borewors Whilst making the sausage, we thought we’d make a day of it and cooked a large suckling pig, this one was a fairly big one and just barely fit in the 32BB Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Last weekend, some friends came to town for a birthday party and some music. The birthday girl wanted some baby back ribs from one of the local high-end BBQ places. This weekend, I made these. Much better, even if I say so myself.
    1 point
  15. I'm still cleaning up the freeze before this growing starts. Working on the beets, still.
    1 point
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