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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Good idea.. Good idea.. I've actually been playing around with building a small ramp to ease getting the KK off the palette which is the only difficult/impossible part of the un-crating to do alone. Maybe use one of the four 1/2" boards for that also. Maybe attach them with drywall screws to ease getting them off.
  2. Good idea.. Good idea.. I've actually been playing around with building a small ramp to ease getting the KK off the palette which is the only difficult/impossible part of the un-crating to do alone. Maybe use one of the four 1/2" boards for that also. Maybe attach them with drywall screws to ease getting them off.
  3. Pilgrimage to Big Bob Gibsons I'm really jealous, I gotta get out east and eat some of the famous places. Will you please try to figure out why these images open into thumbnails instead of full size images that I can properly drool over.. I agree with ordering basically Everything.. Sai has a habit of ordering 4 or 5 plates of food for the two of us so she can enjoy a bit of everything in her favorite restaurants.. and then just doggy bag what we can't eat. She does not understand what's odd with it if you bring home what you don't eat..
  4. Great post. thank you. I think that this is the first time we've had a delivery post that rolled tight into a first cook.. And a home run first cook to boot! Congrats on the cook and getting our first matte creme cooker built. That KK caused quite a stir in the factory because how great it looked took us all by surprise and storm. Really elegant in person. The tiles are matte and have a stone texture like the matte blue green. Beautiful KK! Love to see 'um in their new homes too.. Thanks again for the great post!
  5. Looks great, thanks for posting these. Looks great, thanks for posting these. I don't have any of this color in it's new home.
  6. Our first post from Japan.. Land of the original Kamado! I sent Jeremy an OTB to Japan in March of '06.. I was always please to have one back in the land of Kamado..
  7. Umalas Bali this summer 2009 These two were taken out my living room door in Bali, 6 feet from where I sit at my computer.. Life's a beeatch! Live the dream.. Same place a few minutes later
  8. Pretty much takes your breath way.. Damn.. Doesn't get and more beautiful than that.. Pretty much takes your breath way.. Thanks for sharing..
  9. Re: Side table availability I've just Emailed you..
  10. Re: temps Always make sure you have airflow going out the damper top.. Closing the top is the reason your fire will die 99% of the time. Having a little wood for smoke in your first cooks also helps you visualize how much airflow you have. Please check to make sure you are using the TWO POSITION latch.. First position engages when the top is closed.. Then press down firmly on the handle and press the latch towards the body.. It will be a little tight at first but will get easier to close as the gasket breaks down a bit..
  11. The units usually last about 18 months.. Have the units died or just the probes? The probes that came with my unit (ET-73) are definitely lightly built and I can't imagine them lasting too long. They do have heavier duty probes that are supposed to be better but they are $17 a piece if I remember correctly. . The units usually last about 18 months which for the price is almost acceptable. I'm real careful with the probes but still have a few good ones. The high humidity here might be part of the problem..
  12. How about this? To open two hot doors and then getting anything into the grill would be impossible with only two hands. I'm guessing a removable insert would make everybody happy..
  13. Already standard.. The current Gen 2.2 comes with an upper/sear grill, a lower grill and the main of course..
  14. It is EZ Que's basket.. It is EZ Que's basket.. but for some reason Viking always has stock even when EZQ does not. But I'm pretty sure that if you look on the side of the half round plate it's stamped EZQ and their patent information.
  15. How to check/adjust your draft door's adjustment To check fully close the door and press in each of the four corners. It should not move at all. If the right top moves inwards, you would insert a long screwdriver into the right guide tube from the inside of the cooker and GENTLY press DOWN to move the most inside end of the tube.. This will tighten the top right corner. Reverse this to tighten the lower corner.. this will make sense when you're doing this. This is a very small adjustment we're talking about here..
  16. No problem cranking it down a little.. No problem cranking it down a little.. what you don't want to do is tighten it and then re-open it before it cools..
  17. Re: TEMP PROBES You can just use the Guru fan-less...
  18. Moved to Cooking General.. Moved to Cooking General.. This area is for new members to check in and say hello..
  19. Re: Second cook I prefer chunks of wood but when they are not available and I only have chips I make a big pouch out of tin foil and only make a few holes in the bottom leaving the top closed. This will slow down their burn and clean up the smoke as it will be forced down thru the hot coals which will burn off some of the acrid volatiles.. sort of an after burner effect. General consensus here is that fluid in the drip pan in unnecessary.. I'm not sure how much flavor from the vinegar if any would actually would actually end up on the roast.. All in all sounds good.. an most importantly it was "very juicy and tender, flavorful as well." Thanks for the report.. Moved to Cooking General.. This area is for new members to check in and say hello..
  20. Three grills.. four cooking positions. Time for me to step in and clarify things a bit.. Three grills.. four cooking positions. Upper/Sear duo use grill.. Has the tall legs Main Grill has the door built in, sits near the lip.. Lower Grill.. has the open space up front (to add wood for smoking) It's the upper / sear that can be used in two positions.. is of course can be set on top of the main or lower grill for a "second story cooking configuration.. Then it can be flipped over with the tall legs, now handles up and sit it down right on the tall handles of the charcoal basket.. with a full bowl this can get the grill right down on the coals... There you have it 3G.. 4CP
  21. I'll get one posted in the next week or so.. I'll get one posted in the next week or so..
  22. Re: Baby backs! May I ask what the formula is for your 90 minute brine is... Does it use more than Syzygies 3% formula?
  23. I used to use Pam spray on olive oil.. I adopted Fm's rolled and tied airplane towel stored in tupperware trick and am very happy with the thickness of the oil on the grills.. I use regular olive oil which is a bit thicker.. Before that I used to use Pam spray on olive oil.. It's also an easy and fast way to oil up a grill but expect a bit of flare up from the overspray..
  24. I leave my fan plugged in always.. I'm too lazy to put it away. I don't use the Guru for airflow control but rather as a thermometer because all 4 of my Mavericks have died..
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