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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. I do those thick ones low and slow and even throw some smoke on them first.. I then wrap and ice them to pull the heat out. Once the meat is cooled.. I sandwich the meat between two bags of ice.. I pat dry, baste in herb ghee and proceed to brown up the outside. Cooling it inside ensures I do not cook it any more.. After properly browned, I pull it off to the side, put a probe in it and wait for it to warm up.. Perfect texture and pink from edge to edge.. slice up and plate..
  2. As I always say.. if you want to cook low and slow for a crowd.. the 23" Ultimate has great capacity.. Brisket, butts and ribs.. If you want to "Grill" for a crowd the 23" is limited by it's size. You just can't throw on 6-8 steaks and vegetables... The 32" and 42" are great GRILLS which also have more low and slow capacity than most will ever need. The 32" is no slower nor does it use noticeably more fuel. Outside of the 20% more in cost and almost twice the weight there is no downside I can think of to getting a 32" Big Bad.. It's all I cook on these days. I pretty much leave the basket splitter in at 50%.. even when I low and slow. That being said, If you want to work a bit you could reverse sear 6-8 steaks and then brown them up three at a time. Gets the job done, but there is a reason there are no 23" gas grills on the market.. it's too small.
  3. I think BonFire is going to be in love with this one...
  4. DISCOUNTED ~ 99% NEW GRILL - Steven Raichlen just cooked a few times on this 32" Big Bad in Cobalt Blue for his PBS show PROJECT FIRE.. It shipped with Teak Side Tables with the Stainless inserts and the charcoal basket splitter.. $1000 off Would like to ship it directly from set in CA to you.. 42" Serious Big Bad has already been sold..
  5. I hear your pain and raise you some.. The most frustrating thing is that this is not the carrier I booked this on. This was booked on Roadrunner who is my favorite carrier and they subcontracted the last leg out to this local carrier.. Argh and double Argh!!
  6. My wife uses all different kinds of fat to make popcorn.. my favorite is from foie gras and the oil from coffee smoked bacon..
  7. The determining factor is how much vacuum the exiting hot air creates in the chimney.. You can have the largest hole with very little vacuum and have almost no airflow.. or the smallest hole with the chimney all the way open creating lots of vacuum and forcing lots of air through the (smallest) hole.. You can however fine-tune an existing temperature by changing the lower dial setting.
  8. Depends on the volume and density of the fuel used.. Small chunks will of course burn longer than chips.. The chips have very little actual volume.. Think about the weight of potato chips and french fries to compare..
  9. That being said, I've used the side polder port as the only exhaust before.. Smoke blowing out of it..
  10. You can now make better on your KK!!
  11. I'll make up a post on tricks I've discovered to keep the chips burning.. in the mean time please give me a call to discuss this issue.. The Smoker should keep puffing without issues.. First thing I'd check is the moisture content of your chips. Second is how well it's lit..
  12. It's been almost a month.. of very much needed family vacation in the US. We had not been there in 4 years and so had much to do and many people to catch up with. We've been staying with my momma in Corona Del Mar CA most of the time, beautiful place but not really the real world.. LOL Highlights.. We visited a close friend in Montecito just a week after their neighbors were evacuated for the fire but 10 days before the mud slides.. Talk about just missing two huge disasters. I set my son up in Las Vegas to study at CSN and then he'll transfer to UNLV. He's studying hospitality so that's the place.. Took the family to Big Bear where they all saw snow for the first time (and skied) Communication blip.. My momma gave me an iPhone X for Christmas but the install left out some passwords and I may have missed mail in some of my email accounts.. My staff has been wonderful in covering emails and I've been taking calls and handling mails they are unable to.. but I'm guessing there should have been more. Happy Belated New Year to you all.. Going to be great to sleep in my own bed again, sometimes holidays can be soo much work that you can hardly wait to get home to get some rest..
  13. First I of all Happy Holidays to all.. and of course I hope you are all cooking for your friends and family and eating great food.. This month in Bali started out rather unusually with a rather large 9,944 ft volcano interrupting about 50-60 miles from my house. This closed the airport and left my wife and son stranded in Bangkok for a week and stopped the flow of almost 30,000 tourists a day from coming and going. While the ash was not very apparent because it was raining multiple times a day, and there was no noticeable smell from the smoke. I suddenly had pretty severe respiratory issues. I had never heard of VOG before but VOG is created when volcanic gases mostly sulphur oxides mostly sulfur dioxide (SO2) react with sunlight, oxygen and moisture. The result includes sulfuric acid and other sulfates that cause lots of problems. Common symptoms are Headaches, watery eyes, sore throat, breathing difficulties / asthma attacks. It caused havoc with my asthma and I needed to retreat to Surabaya to the factory but it seems that I had unknowingly breathed enough sulfuric acid that my cough stayed with me.. NO fun at all to say the least. The next problem is the ash is silica and basically glass.. also dangerous to breath and bad for your eyes.. Best to just leave, I flew to the States mid-month and am hoping the volcano either erupts and blows completely relieving the pressure, or just goes back to sleep before I go back after the new year. Still taking meds to stop my coughing every 12 hours but am feeling much better.. How has your month been?
  14. PS your upper grate and stone are sitting backwards here.. The grate should match the shape of the grill when installed..
  15. Duck fat to make popcorn is awesome too.. As is Foie Gras oil
  16. Duck fat to make popcorn is awesome too.. As is Foie Gras oil
  17. So any trick to slicing perfectly uniform like that? Looks extremely uniform for freestyle. I'm assuming you put it in the freezer for a while first.. Then?
  18. I'm guessing it would be very heavy.. Let me go weigh the (warped) ones I have..
  19. Wilbur! Nice to see ya back.. Any cross-species meat-ing should be limited to anything with Pork i.e. bacon.. LOL
  20. Gotcha.. I thought you could not get it to 350..
  21. Always remember the temperature is airflow.. if you got stuck at 350 , I'm confident that you either did not shake out your ash from the previous cook before you started or you poured your charcoal directly from the bag into the charcoal basket. The problem with this is all of the smalls trickle down between the larger pieces restricting your airflow. Best to pour your charcoal into a box, give it a few shakes.. use the medium pieces for your low and slow cooking, your largest pieces for your high temperature searing and all the small crap at the bottom only pour around the very outside next to the cement in the Charcoal basket this way it does not impede your airflow.
  22. Happy TurkeyDay to all.. Had to settle for flank steak and pumpkin pie..
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