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Everything posted by kjs

  1. Nice looking cook. I'll bet your guests were impressed with the meal.
  2. ckreef, mmm, looking delicious. You now how some owners of other grills get together and organize cooking events. We should all try organizing a KK event...watcha y'all think?
  3. Really nice first brisket.
  4. That's a good looking brisket.
  5. I would suggest a 32 and a 23, or two 32's, or a 32 and a soon to be released 42.
  6. Steve M, nice looking ribs and chicken.
  7. Yes, once bitten there is no going back.
  8. That is one great looking cook.
  9. Nice photos folks, everything looks delicious.
  10. Looks like a good time was had by all.
  11. Nice place you have up there MacKenzie. That's one chubby little squirrel. I like the pic of the chipmunk and ground hog. As always your food shot is great.
  12. Back at you Dennis, hope you had a good one.
  13. MacKenzie, I love everything you cook.
  14. Nice KK and I can't wait to see pics of your first cook.
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