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Everything posted by Poochie

  1. I hope all the surgeries are painless and you recover quickly. When it rains, it pours.
  2. The guys (2) that delivered mine were great. I had a 4" slab to conquer to get it into my shop. I built a ramp ahead of time and waited for them. They told me they weren't required to muscle it up the ramp, but money talks and after I greased their palms, the 3 of us got the loaded pallet jack up my ramp without a problem. One pulled it up and the the other dude and I pushed. Mine was in two crates and both were heavy. Once it was in the shop, the rest was easy. Except for when I stepped on a pallet board with a nail sticking up. Note: Don't wear sandals to uncreate the beast!.
  3. Good teamwork! Like everyone else said, get some juicy animal on that thing and take a few daylight photos. The more you use it, the more you'll love it.
  4. Congratulations. I see that baby will be eating a lot of good BBQ in her future.
  5. Welcome to the club! Good to see that you didn't waste any time getting some good BBQ going on it.
  6. I wouldn't mind it, but it's not a deal breaker
  7. I vote to leave it as is. No problem seeing it.
  8. You just HAD to go and make that monster size, didn't you? And you know we're all thinking about where we'd put it. I also can see a pig roast for Easter and Christmas. You're messing with us and you know it. When will the first one be ready to ship?? Inquiring minds want to know.
  9. That looks delicious Bosco. I've got to try that.
  10. Poochie

    Steak night

    You guys can have all that snow. Makes me appreciate hurricanes!
  11. That would make a great meal. A perfect Cajun dish!
  12. Looks great, Dennis. Perfect color!
  13. You always did like researching rappers! I can't wait to see your CD collection.
  14. Both of those cooks look great MacKenzie. I'm guessing you could use pork loin for the strips. Or Boston Butts. Making me hungry looking at all these pictures this morning.
  15. I'm happy to see that Komodo Kamado is a movie star. I hope the sales go through the roof from the publicity.
  16. Hey Jon, that's one clean Komodo. Mine looked like that on day one.
  17. Looks like we've got another Komodo master on our hands. Great assembly and first cook for sure. I'm still amazed that you picked the lid up by yourself. I would be singing soprano in the choir if I attempted that. Congratulations and keep the cooks coming!
  18. I agree 100% with the majority here. I always load it up and if there's any left over tomorrow, it's just as good as it was yesterday.
  19. Beautiful Mac! My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.
  20. Happy New Year folks!! May all your briskets be tender and flavorful!
  21. Outstanding, Tony! That's one to really be proud of. Happy New Year to you!
  22. OK, I have lots of ideas to consider. Like Tiny and MK1 said, the rotisserie isn't necessary but it makes an impressive cook. And MacKenzie, you know you're always welcome to a meal and an adult beverage any time. The rest of you can ride with her to my house.
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