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Everything posted by Poochie

  1. Poochie

    Not Kooked!

    That looks great. A well balanced meal with the chocolate dipped peanut butter. If I were you I'd call him/her back in and operate on something different. Tell 'em you like the 2016 Lamborghini.
  2. That looks delicious, MacKenzie. A few slices of that meat on the homemade bread will be a killer sandwich.
  3. What a treasure chest of great beef! Please post pictures when you cook one of those beauties. And maybe find a recipe for those mini ants. We've been recently invaded with crazy ants. They don't bite but they take over everything.
  4. Looks super yummy MacKenzie. As usual.
  5. Poochie

    Jerk Chicken

    You get a pass on this one, Tony. Looks like a nice piece of yardbird. Your butt in that other post looks sunburned.
  6. That looks like the same heat gun I have. I use it every once in a while and it works like a champ.
  7. Congratulations Jon. That 19" can cook just about anything you can think of...except maybe a whole hog over 30 pounds. Your love for it will grow the more you use it. Can't wait to see the photo arrival of your new baby.
  8. Poochie

    Jerk Chicken

    Tony, Tony. You didn't learn your lesson from the last cook you did that didn't happen?
  9. That fish looks great Wilbur. Asparagus too. I cooked steelhead trout one time and thought the same thing you did. I never looked it up, but now I know.
  10. Hey egmiii, I use Royal Oak all the time...short cooks and longer ones. I've never run out of charcoal during a cook and I have the 21" too. It's better to put the charcoal in a plastic tub so you can see what sizes they gave you. Put some larger pieces on the bottom of your charcoal basket and smaller on top. If you have crumbs (fines), put them on the extreme edges of your pile of coal. I usually light it right in the middle of the pile with a starter cube for low and slow...torch for hotter cooks. All in all, your ribs and pork butt look great to me. I'll bet the butt was still good even though you had to finish it in the oven.
  11. I was wondering about the dude myself. Show your mug here CC so we know you're still alive.
  12. That's a winner for sure. Great job on that meal!
  13. Congratulations ckreef. Thursday is just around the corner. You guys will have a blast opening all the boxes together.
  14. I agree about that smoke ring. Looks great Tony. The slices look nice an moist too.
  15. I wish I would have had some chili to put on them. But I would have kept the sauerkraut too.
  16. Did the skin end up being crunchy? That's a beautiful cook if I ever saw one.
  17. Looks delicious to me. I'd go for a slice or two right now!
  18. Amazing cook! That had to be sooooooo good.
  19. Wrapped some all beef hotdogs in bacon and smoked them on Bolo for a while. Cranked up the heat near the end to crisp the bacon. Add onion and chipotle peppers Mustard then sauerkraut I would have loved some homemade buns, but my delivery service (MacKenzie's Fun Buns) wouldn't drive to Louisiana to bring 'em. Anyway, a bunch of photos for a hotdog cook. I've been cooking steady on this thing to the tune of 4 to 6 times a week and loving every minute of it.
  20. Is that a greenhouse in the background? I believe you have the art of cooking the egg mastered! By the way, beautiful sunrise!
  21. Looks great, as usual, MacKenzie. Is that a hot sauce on the eggs? You said you overcooked the pork by 10 degrees, what temp were you shooting for. All in all, I'd say the food pictures are worth framing and hanging on the dining room wall!
  22. Nothing like a good juicy burger. Those get an A+ in my book.
  23. It looks like that fish is sized perfectly for your Komodo! I'll bet it was delicious!
  24. Looks great tinyfish. I love chicken anytime.
  25. It may take longer than you think, Bosco. I see a 15hp Mercury on the back of that tug.
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