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Everything posted by Poochie

  1. That's a fine looking meal you created, MK1! I haven't tried the coffee char yet but it's another thing on my list.
  2. I like your trim boards. It really adds a nice touch to the Bistro. What is the small wire running near the bottom? Phone?
  3. Lunch is served. I'd go for those nice ribs right now!
  4. Poochie

    Lamb Chops

    I wouldn't date a girl with low enough standards to go out with me.
  5. Congratulations tinyfish. You're going to be one proud cook handling two of those babies. But I think the math, according to Cajuns around here is: "pi R round, cornbread R square"
  6. Poochie

    Lamb Chops

    MacKenzie's right. No pictures, didn't happen.
  7. Good food to warm your insides on a cold day. But it's good any day. Very colorful and yummy looking.
  8. That's a treat for a cold winter day. Sure looks good!
  9. They look good and moist to me. Appears to be a great supper/lunch for you!
  10. Looks great, tinyfish. A neat spin on a old favorite. Another one to add to the list
  11. Oh yeah, pork city! That looks like an idea I just have to try. And I too found out that sweet potatoes on the Komodo take on a different taste and texture. Great meal you have there!
  12. A little old lady who had lost her marbles was running up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she ran, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say "Supersex." She ran up to an elderly man in a wheelchair, flipping her gown at him, she said, "Supersex." He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, "I'll take the soup."
  13. Nice color choice! Welcome to the world of Komodo's and all the crazy people on here that'll cheer you on.
  14. Great start! Can't wait to see the results.
  15. I use the same method as tinyfish and CC. Wisk broom and dust pan.
  16. You missed a good chance to find out what med rare skunk steaks taste like. But it's hard eating with a clothespin on your nose.
  17. I use a porcelain grate with holes in it. Fish won't stick to it or the Komodo grate.
  18. I agree that he has the art of pizza mastered. Looks delicious!
  19. Your soup looks delicious. When temps drop from the high 80s, I'll try your recipe
  20. Beautiful set you have there. I love the color of that Komodo. If there's another in my future, it's that color or cobalt blue.
  21. Using tinyfish's method, a 3/8" wrench, I can get exactly 98.3% of all crud off my grill grates. For the next cook, my grills will be heated to at least 230 degrees. Whatever gremlins were left on my grates are sizzled to a crispy goodness that even the most refined pallet couldn't taste. Satan himself, or in the case of some ex-wives, herself, doesn't clean their grills spotless after each use. Don't ask how I know.
  22. I used Aaron Franklin's method for the one brisket I did on my Komodo. The butcher paper makes the big difference over foiling. I put it on around 4am and it was done for supper. I agree with mguerra that the point is one delicious piece of beef! I've tried hot and fast before on briskets before I had my Komodo, and while some were OK, they didn't compare to a low and slow in my opinion. Like my Dad says, "you can sleep all you want when you're dead," so make the time and lose a little sleep if necessary to cook that brisket.
  23. High will be 81 here today. I'll send some sunshine your way so the birds can get a drink!
  24. I hope if you painted on the Bistro that it didn't look like a Picasso! Of course, there is such a thing as drinking in moderation. I'll test that theory one day.
  25. Tofu does have its place...staying on the store shelf! OK MacKenzie, you said you wouldn't know it was tofu after you cooked it...what does it taste like coming off the Komodo? Chicken? I always thought tofu was for yuppies that don't want to eat meat or for a healthy snack after they do yoga or Zen studies. Serve tofu at a tailgate party and they'll put you in a rocket and send it to the sun.
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