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Steve M

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Everything posted by Steve M

  1. Really gorgeous. Congratulations on the successful launch!
  2. I love seeing an oasis being built.
  3. it's a good time for everyone to familiarize themselves with what poison ivy looks like.
  4. The EVO is basically a 30" diameter griddle. It is great for putting a sear on a steak, anything breakfast, kebabs, stir fry, fish, and on and on. I use mine quite a bit.
  5. I will just leave this here... Happy Thanksgiving
  6. Outstanding steak and taters (and photography)
  7. Tortillas look great! The press works really well and you could fly through that batch quickly.
  8. Scallops and Halibut with an asparagus sauce on the EVO.
  9. Bruce, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.
  10. Really nice job on the build and I'm very intrigued. Some of my favorite hobbies all in one thread. I was obsessed with Sam Maloof and his style when I got into woodworking. I made a couple of barstools and my own design "Maloof style" headphone stand. I really hope to make a rocker one of these days. And I am also a fan of Think like a chef. One of the best books on cooking I have seen.
  11. That's some gorgeous color on those chickens. I really need to stop browsing this thread when I haven't had lunch.
  12. Thanks tekobo! I have a large warming drawer just to the right that gets used a fair amount. The double drawers below it are just abut all EVO essentials - utensils, cleaning stuff. The double doors below the EVO stores a lot of stuff for the KK and also my routine cleaning supplies to keep things looking shiny.
  13. Gorgeous job on the renovation. I haven't used my cover since I put it under a roof. Make sure to keep the vents open when not in use, especially if you are going a few days between cooks. Otherwise, you can get some condensation inside and it will absorb water. I don't think it is a big deal but it wouldn't be a good habit.
  14. My favorite part too. He’s head of security.
  15. Thanks, I'm really happy with the setup. I spend a good majority of my time out there. I've been working on a few enhancements to the tiki bar side of the kitchen. I carved this one for the corner beside the bar. new tiki
  16. Steve M

    U5 Shrimp

    Awesome looking dinner!
  17. Gorgeous garden MacKenzie! You show that groundhog who's boss!
  18. Nice looking kitchen! When I was building my ODK, I went to a local dealer and he asked me what kind of gas grill I was putting in. I told him I wasn't and he said I was the first person he had ever heard of that built an outdoor kitchen without it. The Evo and the KK make a great combo and I wouldn't ever want to be without either.
  19. Good looking brisket!
  20. I love Porter Road. Everything I have tried there was great. The tritip is close (enough) to SRF's wagyu at less than half the cost. Good looking steak. chimichurri.....yum
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