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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. That's true Bruce, how'd I forget that.
  2. It's kind of like tinkering with your carburetor, redoing the jets and changing the amount of airflow for better performance. That's what it is, performance. Is the 32 any different for time till it's completely heat soaked vs the 23.? I heard the 32 is more responsive vs the 23 between temp changes. Seems to me, a question of balance. Good luck
  3. A legendary undertaking, a challenge to say the least, and I'm confident in your success.
  4. Philly win.? You don't pull the mask off the Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with the Pats. Jim Croce
  5. Could you please graph that for all of us too....lol bell shaped curve Dr Frankenstien
  6. Not yet ED, been having pretty good luck with the left and developed a habit of going there. Almost as if it's not there, thanks for waking me up, kinda forgot about it
  7. Your making me hungry, all my favorites on that plate
  8. Sounds you need another one of Dennis's cabinet's there Bruce
  9. Sounds like a marathon in preparation but undoubted well worth the effort. In my area as in New England as a whole Canadian geese are in abundance throughout the empty corn fields the many lakes and ponds. They were migratory birds but stay all year long nowand have become pests because of there numbers at airports and golf courses. I have often thought how they taste but if they have that much grease it would present a hazard to cook. Seems to me your on the legendary road to this cook, let me ask, is it similar to smoked salmon later for a cold smoke or is it secret. And what are you going to do with the goose fat
  10. I did allude to it though. You know the chicken coming off the KK is always moist, the KK factor I call it, sort of a built in forgiveness for the operator. The taste had a sweet vinegar coating with a warm setting to the lips coming through from the rub. Together they played well. Visually, I would have liked to have seen more red from the sauce like I saw on Eddie Mac's pork but the taste overrode any expectations with appearance. The bacon was spot on as you Brits might mention, just enough salt inside to make it one you would appreciate. That's it, not legendary, closer to epic. Gotta go, patriots are having there rally on TV and Huli Huli chicken is on google video if you wish to try. Go pats
  11. those hotel turkeys are good too,,no fussing with wing and legs, but if you like the dark meat hold your course.
  12. Sure sure put the bacon in frig but before I slice it goes in the freezer for an hour to stiffen up a little more then I slice.
  13. I went from 200 on the bacon to 350 for the chicken and I think it climbed to 400 when I came out after a second check. No problem, I took it off later and the meat was just what you would expect. No work involved, have to say I was quite pleased. Nice tool, nice toy.
  14. Doing another one tomorrow, that one is maple. Bag and tag
  15. When I received the rotisserie I knew chicken had to be first, simple and good test. A nice toy almost as good as the Lionel railroad set I had as a kid. Well, it was a 3 part process, brine, rub and sauce. While the brining was on I smoked up a 4.5 Lb piece of pork belly for bacon. This piece was cured for 5 or 6 days with an addition of apple jam and cooked to 150 with some pineapple juice and soy sauce baste. That makes it Hawaiian, if a Kangaroo walked by it would Australian. I got the spit on and it was a wonder to behold, don't take much to please me. The chook was rubbed and about 40 mins later basted with the sauce. The sauce was real good but was used up as a baste, it would have been nice to dip at the end. Hope you like the pics
  16. Tyrus

    Beef Stew

    Here is the pumpkin/sunflower sour dough bread that just a short while ago came out of the oven. For a change I baked it in a Dutch Oven as opposed to free standing. I expected it to have a lot more oven spring but it wasn't lacking in flavour especially after it was buttered with some cultured butter.;) There is a gorgeous crust and tomorrow when round 2 of the stew is served it will be with bread for dunking. do they have contests for whom can make the best loaf of bread cause that's a winner.
  17. Tyrus

    Beef Stew

    Very nice meal, the gravy, it all looks perfecto.
  18. They look so good, love the way they pull back..amazing
  19. Great cook and impressive store. And the pics were a pleasure to see, spices, sauces
  20. Tyrus

    I like beer!

    I like beer too, should of said that earlier. 50? 50's a number and when you come to see that, it really is nothing more than it is, a number. So young lady, whip the post, the eagles post and if I see any feathers down the bottom..well it's all good. I don't bite. NO guarantees though
  21. Tyrus


    You are a accomplished woman, you attained your goal, and more than likely they got more than they expected. The world is turning and maybe quicker than you realize for me for you, let's hope for the better. But, I'm sorry the bet can not be diminished, as happy a soul your are today those things could be quickly taken away. Reference Pats vs Phillys Cheers my lady
  22. No No No just more time to rub the meat with spice
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