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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. So sorry, I didn't realize you were in a head to head competition with the man from down under. Be careful, there's a reason why all those people were put on that island. Don't show your full hand until the end.
  2. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    Somebody pickup that Gauntlet
  3. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    Funny I was responding again to your post when you answered to my earlier one. I do believe the Pebble finish to be a little more labor intensive, the tile cost could be more and the amount of grout looks to be more. As far as being hyperbolic well.....you wouldn't be saying that if you were there, malaria and exploding volcano's to say the least, life and limb to bring the truth to the forefront without compensation add you. I hope your choice is clear now, I have the blue denim.
  4. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    If you notice from the square tiled Komado to the pebble that the amount of grout used in the pebble finish is substancially more. This is because with square you can butt them closer together in their design hence using less grout. The pebble finished Kamado's vent more I'm told and this would be because they have more grout surface than the square. Does it matter, I think not. Mind you this is only a laymens interpretation. I would think by observation the pebble tiles hold somewhere between 30-50% more grout, Dennis could give you a better estimate. I have to admit they do look nice but I prefer the square version. Simply because, I got pictures.
  5. Hah! I know of no Pixie called Kurley Kate, you pull my leg
  6. Welcome and congratulations, your gonna love your new toy. You'll be the envy of the neighborhood but alas, you won't be able to tailgate with it at the Bill's games.
  7. That's a one beautiful looking fungi you have there Mac. Another perfect meal. I don't get it, how is it that every time I see your cooks the grates are impeccable. No, it ain't right. Nova Scotia must have grate fairys that come around at night and do the cleaning. My two dogs are pretty good too.
  8. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    Unbelievable! Why didn't I see that. You have a keen eye Bruce. Let's keep this to our selves, don't want to disturb the minority
  9. Hands down your the winner. Whats the first place prize? No relatives on the judges panel...right?
  10. The one in the middle looks the most delicious, must be the color, it's hypnotizing.
  11. I like it, make me one. Bob Seger wrote a song that if if he ever got out of wherever he was at he was goin to Kakadu
  12. Nice lookin pizza, my kind of crust, nice and thin. Only exception is I like it red. Let me ask, are you using parchment paper, it works so good. Two thumbs
  13. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    Now that u know I'll be expectin a retraction.
  14. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    It's true. I whole heartedly agree with my esteemed colleauge
  15. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    All I can add to that, Let the truth set you free. Amen and a halaluya sister
  16. Tyrus

    Tiles vs Pebbles

    This pains me to reveal that without question the square tiles are the superior of the two. I only say this because I have irrefutable evidence to support this claim. At the risk of exposing Dennis's operation and to keep him safe, so to say, I can't divulge any photos or hard evidence to support my claim. I can only say, "Would I lie to you." Of course not. Tis true. Two months ago I boarded a plane, I can't tell you where at risk of exposing myself, however I'll tell you this much....Bali Airlines. This was a two prop plane with exceptional Bloody Mary's, just sayin. Heard that before somewhere, the just sayin part. Anyhow once I landed on this deserted island I took a cab to the factory but stopped at Dennis's house to visit for a brief moment. Dennis was in the shower, the dog outside on guard duty was smoking a cigarette and the house was being robbed. I thought this an inconvienent time to disturb Dennis so I muddled along my way. I have pictures of Dennis looking out the shower window watching the volcano explode but, you'll have to wait for my next cooking post to see one. Now I know your asking yourself what kind of evidence I have....damning evidence I tell you. Positioned on a far mountain with my telescopic lens I witnessed the artisains applying square tiles to the komodos and occasionly dropping one here and there. The artisan would take this tile that was heavily damaged with the corners knocked off and place it in a coffee can just before she took a toke of some foreign substance. I got pictures. Later in the day Dennis arrived, he noticed the tiles damaged, there were thousands of them, this was a big can. He stopped and took a toke himself and moved on with the can. By the way Dennis only had on a shower towel, I can't say...but I learned later this to be traditional garb on the island. So when in Rome do as the Romans do, I secured a towel for myself. Later, Dennis arrived at the trash dumpster and I can only say that he musta, gosh darn I think he musta had a revelation, because the next thing I witnessed was Dennis at a grinding stone rounding the edges of all these tiles. He returned to the Artisan and instructed her to use these tiles on the next KK coming along, need I say more. So I know , it breaks your heart the pebble tiles are considered a second, a reject maybe not as good as the square but if it's any consolation you can say yours started out as a square at birth. I heard Dennis as he was driving away from the plant in his Porche say, "Don't worry about it, we can make it work." He was smoking something,,,,I got pictures.
  17. Your not rubbing it in, are you? lol The effort and procedure to send a package overseas from the post office could be equated to standing in line at the TSA removing your shoes, watch and change before your allowed to enter. A lot of paper work and repeat info. Anyhow, your chops look delish and I'm glad your finding a good use for them, outside the box. Do have a good time in Cornwall, you must reach lands end just to say you were there. Kinda, sorta like kissin the Blarney Stone, you get to say you did it.
  18. Those look good but I think the Habanero experience can sit on the backburner for now. What do you think of John Henry's dry spice rubs either Peach or Pecan. Thought I remember catching a glimpse of one sitting in your spice area on a earlier post. Thanks
  19. Tyrus


    NOPE. This year as in the TV ad it was Philly Philly....so sad,
  20. Everyone's food looked great but those fries Toney, they look like they came from the Brewery. lol just kiddin
  21. Beautiful looking steak, 45 days ! They must have been great.
  22. Tyrus


    It was an enjoyable game to say the least. When it came down to it Philly made just a few more plays than the Pats. No regrets, a well played clean game and I'm happy to step up to fulfill my obligation. Congrats to all. I will be reaching out to you Tekobo to see where your interests lay in the hope for a satisfactory arrangement pleasing you.
  23. Used the cayenne myself, just enough to warm the lips
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