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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Just so everyone is aware, this forum does not discriminate and fully supports Gerard's alternate lifestyle. Not our place to judge him. -=Jasen=-
  2. Man, that is one of my all time favorite lunch meats. Gotta try your recipe as it looks great. -=Jasen=-
  3. Hehe, thanks, I tell my wife that all the time. She doesn't seem to believe me? -=Jasen=-
  4. With my technique you cook with the lid open...so no Tel-Tru involved. Your cooking so quick, the grill does not even get heat soaked....still cool to the touch on the outside. But that is the beauty, quick up to the temp, shut it all down and it cools quick too (since it did not get heat soaked). Uses little charcoal too. The 800-1000 is just an estimate of what cooking in the flames maybe....it is probably hotter. My infrared thermometer testing on the grate doesn't go high enough to measure....hehe. -=Jasen=-
  5. Ok, so the golf club name was already taken....maybe the charcoal putter? hehe Been meaning to make a charcoal agitating device for a while and finally got around to it. The Grill Floss works fine if you have open access to the coals, but it is too thick to easily get down between the 3/8" grates when in place (my sear grill is almost always there). So figured some 1/4" SS tube fit the bill real well and bent/hammered/welded this little gadget up. Works great with the golf club like end on it, small enough to easily fit through the grates to move around and long enough to keep your hands out of the grill. Anyway, just something to think about. -=Jasen=- Yeah I know, my grill grate really needs cleaning...hehe...like to think it adds character and flavor...hehe.
  6. Well, thought it was long overdue that we started up a discussion on high temps. Everyone has different methods and ideas, so figured it would cool to have folks discuss there techniques so noobs could pick there own path. Really wanted some nice pics, but alas, I am no good with the camera. Decided it would be better to get a discussion started without pics than to keep waiting. Pretty much the way I cook anything at high temps is using the sear grill 100%, lid open entire time and control flames using the lower draft door. Would not be cooking chicken or fish this way as it is doubtful many people cook those meats at 800-1000 degrees. But for any steaks or pork chops it works out great. To start with, get enough charcoal going to cover the space needed on the sear grill for cooking. At this point the lower turn knob is closed (so I don't forget later when trying to control flames), but the lower draft door is wide open. With the section of grill grate needed engulfed in flame, it is time to lay on the meat (with really long tongs or really quick hands... recommend the first). Depending on the thickness of the cut and the tendency for the meat to burn (fat, marinade type, etc), I decide on a 60 or 90 second rotation. Once decided, it is time to get turning. The pattern used is 60-90 secs, flip, 60-90 secs, flip & rotate 90 degrees, 60-90 last flip and completely shut the bottom damper. The 60-90 secs on that last flip is usually the amount of time it takes for the roaring flames to calm to really nice coals. And yes, even with the lid wide open. Of course if this is a ribeye or something fatty, and if you keep moving it, the fat will fall on the coals and flare up. But otherwise all you do now is keep the meat over the very hot glowing coals till it is done to your liking. Usually it is perfect to me at this point. If you have two different size or thickness cuts, you can station the items done first around perimeter where the fire has not spread. Or park them on your vegee grill... http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... c&start=45 Some people dwell their steaks with the lid shut after the sear, but to me, a lot of liquid comes out of the steak during the dwell. When mine hits the plate, the fat is still crispy and there is plenty of juice on the inside. OK, lets hear your method! This way the folks new to KK can pick the methods that suit them the best! Primemeats, really curious to hear yours. You cook using the sear/upper in the upper position..right? -=Jasen=- I like it hot, hot, hot!
  7. I have nothing to do with orders or charcoal....gotta go through Dennis on that part. But I will lock the thread now so everyone knows the order is now closed out. -=Jasen=-
  8. Most mounting brackets/motor brackets for rotisseries are standardized as are the shaft size (5/16"). The basket for the KK is 6"x17.5" or 8"x17.5". The folks at EZQue do have more than just that length and other widths, but one of the above two is what you need to work with the parts Dennis sends. Any motor will work, but needs to be heavy duty enough (recommend at least 30lb rating...even better just to get the 50lb rating) to turn the large basket verses just a spit like in a normal kit. -=Jasen=-
  9. Guys, let me know when this thread is complete and your order is placed. That way I can close it out so there is no future confusion. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  10. Trying to gets some pics. Would love some tips from folks on how to take pics of flame? As soon as I get some pics, I will start the thread. -=Jasen=-
  11. Hey, go for it. You never know until you try. I highly suggest the turkey leg deal too. People go bananas over those things. If you look in the rub recipe section, one of my posts has "Basic smoke season" recipe in it. That is what I use to make the turkey legs and a low slow smoke. Everyone tells me they taste like the ones you can buy at Disney parks. -=Jasen=-
  12. Several times over the years, I have had people at work beg me to do something similar. Actually did sell frozen 1lb vacuum sealed packs of Q for a while (had regulars that snapped everyone of them up pre-order). Also had thought about craft shows too (their is one almost every weekend somewhere within 100 miles). Along with BBQ, turkey legs was the other product high on my list as everyone loves those. Even less work and more profit. At .50 a leg, season salt, 4-6 hour cook, those things sell at a minimum of $5 each. But what always stopped me from going further is I love to cook and really enjoy the hobby. For most people, once you turn it into a job you got to do, it takes the fun out of it being a hobby. May not be the case for everyone, but it was for me. I still enjoy cooking and bringing in BBQ at work for our dinner once in a while. But having to cook a bunch every set of my days off, chop it up, package and it being for someone else got old quick. Anyway, just a couple things to think about. -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Back On Track If you decide that pellets are the way you want to go, then you may want to consider buying from a different source. I know BBQ Delight pellets are several dollars for a few ounces. You can get the same pellets in larger quantities for a much cheaper price through Treager or Cookshack. http://store.cookshack.com/c-107-smokin ... llets.aspx They are convenient with their compact size. But just not a fan of the flavor of pellets verses raw wood chunks. They all seemed to taste the same to me. I owned a Traeger pellet feed grill for a couple years. Though can't say I have ever used the pellets in the little pot. When I have used a smoke pot in the past, my favorite is the method Syz came up with using the cast iron pot and real wood chunks. -=Jasen=-
  14. Welcome to the forum! Great color pick too.....same as mine. Ribs? I don't see any pics? We need pics of the cooker and ribs! hehe -=Jasen=-
  15. Wow Syz, that is one seriously great review post! I am sure everyone appreciates all your work in testing and putting that together. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  16. You trying to say the new grill turned your whole BBQ world sideways? Hehe Nice pics.. Guess we can believe you now. -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: Komodo Kamado Europe I would not be holding my breath on this. From what I hear, they are in no way affiliated with Komodo Kamado or Dennis......just want to be. -=Jasen=-
  18. Re: Pizza Oven or bread oven Good to hear from ya bro! Hope all is well? Will have the oven up in a day or 3....hehehe. Man, that dude put some time and thought into building that thing. All of those wood cutouts for holding the brick while they set....jeez. Think it would be easier to stick with the KK...hehe. Getting much "more" lazy these days. If I could just get my ignition torch tied into my Procom and a robot to toss on the food/grab beer.........man life would be sweet..hehe. -=Jasen=-
  19. That is how it is used on the OBT models. Man it makes some nice sear marks too! I use this grill grate more than any other....and in the sear position. The cool part is it doesn't really matter. You use them however it make food that keeps you and the significant other happy! -=Jasen=-
  20. Man, that looks great...I am hungry too! I just want to know who got the bone side? That is my favorite part. Did you use the sear grill, lower grill or main grill? Love Fresh Market's steak. We have one here too. But a new chain just opened called "New York Butcher Shoppe" and I had to try one of their ribeye steaks. My pics to come in a day or so after it drains (my quick version of dry aging). Keep those pics flowing! No pics...didn't happen! -=Jasen=-
  21. Yo Firemonkey, how about just a simple hook like the one above till you can get your super fancy one Dennis will make! That one was made from a "S" hook. -=Jasen=-
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