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Everything posted by 5698k

  1. Hey Bosceaux, any chance you could post a close up of yours?<br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  2. I have a buddy curious about the dual fuel, so don't be shy!<br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  3. I'm with ya tony, Komodo Kamado straight across just doesn't look right<br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  4. Grilling also depends on how much you're grilling. If your cook is relatively small, the the splitter is appropriate, if not, use the full basket. Temperatures also depend on what you're grilling, but for the most part, around 400° is about right. For 90% of grilling, I use the main grate, but if I'm looking for a sear, I use the lower, or even the reversible grate. Steaks for instance, I prefer the hot and fast method, which requires a hot fire, 600°-700°, close to the fire. Heat soaking isn't necessary, but I do like to let the grill stablize for a few minutes before cooking, this allows the grates to heat up, and let's any volitiles burn off the coal. If you're in a hurry though, you can grill as soon as you get to cook temp.
  5. Charles, we're way past practical here. How friggin cool would it be to have an electrically operated lid on your grill?? Maybe a built in cyber q type device?<br /> <br /> <br /> Robert
  6. Ok, if you're really thinking over the top, how about an electric lid option?<br /> <br /> <br /> Robert
  7. Don't bother soaking your wood, if wood soaked up water it would sink. Temperature control is airflow, pure and simple. Stick with lighting a small amount of fire, and controlling it with your vents, realizing that it's easy to control a fire as the temp goes up, but about the only way for the temp to go down is to put the fire out. <br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  8. It sounds to me way too much fire was lit in the first place. Flames were coming above the stone? For a lo/slo, light no more than one spot in the coals, bottom vent about 1/4" open, top maybe one full turn to start. To maintain around 225°-250° ish, the top will be about 1/4 open. As you learn, I preach patience, you'll get the hang of it quickly. <br /> <br /> As Tony said, where are da pics??<br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  9. I like the dual temp version, I would like those for my grills!<br /> <br /> <br /> Rob
  10. 5698k

    Pork Butt Timing

    Leave your grill alone, I believe consistency is best. Yes, let it ride to 205. Sometimes they're done a bit earlier, but I've never had a complaint at the 205° finish. Robert
  11. 5698k

    Pork Butt Timing

    It's simply not done. I take my butts to 205° every time, and I'm never disappointed. This is also a good example of why timing should not be a strict consideration when cooking large proteins. Rob
  12. That really is my kind of meal! My absolute favorites! No joke on the vent cap, I let mine go, and it was very difficult to get the shine back. Rob
  13. I load mine to just under the basket handles, such that the deflector sits unobstructed. Any less, it feels like I'm leaving with a half tank of gas. Rob
  14. Congrats craodie on buying the finest kamado grill available! You'll soon find that a whole new cooking experience comes with your KK. Dennis should email a set of "instructions" to your grill, explaining some of the few details. The only thing that is unique to the KK is the burn in, which is the process of venting off residual grout moisture. Much has been written about this process, but it's really not a big deal at all. The instructions will explain everything, but my advice to go along with that is be patient. Once your grill arrives, there are two things I like to mention. First, there are eight bolts on the legs of the crate at the bottom, remove those and the crate lifts off whole, second, the top of the crate is a ramp designed to aid in rolling the grill off the pallet. After that, take your time unpacking, there are lots of goodies inside, it's kinda like Christmas! Always feel free to ask questions here, but as always, Dennis comes with every grill he sells! Rob
  15. 5698k

    Here we go!!!

    Not if Bosceaux has anything to do with it!!😆😆 Rob
  16. 5698k

    Here we go!!!

    And now, for my traditional welcome..... Rob
  17. 5698k

    NYE Prime Rib

    http://www.nolacuisine.com/2006/03/19/dragos-style-charbroiled-oyster-recipe/ Dragos is great, and Tommy is a first class guy. I've tried to duplicate the oysters, but they're never as good as the real deal. Rob
  18. 5698k

    Information please!

    I hope you do, it's always great to have new people joining the fun! Rob
  19. 5698k

    Information please!

    Dennis has some instructions on this process that he emails to new owners. The process is simple enough, the remaining moisture in the grout needs to be cooked off. This is done by heating the grill, starting by getting it to between 350°-400°, and letting it stay there for an hour or so. After that, raise the temp 50° or so every hour, until you either get a strong chemical smell or see a clearish liquid escaping from the grout. Stop increasing at this point. These grills are extremely well insulated, so it takes time for the outside to heat, and it's easy to get ahead of this curve. Even ambient temperature can have an effect. Patience is key here, and it's easy to get the grill hotter than necessary before the venting becomes obvious. This is an easy process, and it's certainly nothing to be overly concerned with, just be patient. The only other thing that needs to be done with a KK, assuming you have one, is cook on it!! Rob
  20. Hey Doc, you seem to be doin ok in life, why don't you spring for some new stuff? Rob
  21. All you're missing is some pork!! Looks like you're adjusting to your new grills beautifully! Rob
  22. Every floor/deck is different. Any chance you could post pics? As Cookie said, the kk's won't be the weak spot in any equation, including the castors, and I have yet to have any real issues moving mine, a 23". Rob
  23. Everyone here will be glad to answer any questions you might have, but the first answer I'll give is, get the KK, you won't be disappointed. Second, while everyone here is always willing to help, the best, and obviously most knowledgeable person you could possibly talk to is Dennis. Feel free to call him, but I warn you, if you do, you'll be ordering a grill!! Rob
  24. I've been seeing talk of sous vide fried chicken on the guru forum, might be interesting!! Rob
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