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12 hours ago, alimac23 said:

I hadn’t cooked pork ribs in ages, the weather is just starting to cool off here so thought I’d chuck a couple of racks in the 32.


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Nice idea of putting the Bottom Grill on the Top Grill.  Are you using something to diffuse the heat or just direct ?  Thanks for the idea.

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To celebrate "Mask Liberation Day" (my name for the 1st day after CDC drops almost all mask wearing requirements!) - what else? Steak night! Prime grade NY Strip, direct, lower grate, mesquite chunks, dome at 400F.


Plated with sautéed shrooms, roasted Yukon gold spuds w/green crack sauce and a nice salad with blue cheese dressing! And a decent bottle of red to go with it!




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@tony b happy mask liberation day! Looks like a tasty meal. I’m up at the mother in laws in LA and ate at their Peruvian place here. Their green sauce is still the standard I aspire to. Gotta figure out their secret. Looks like you are enjoying a lovely meal. Cheers!

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I had intended to sous vide this steak but then I thought I should do something I haven't done in a very long time - a reverse sear steak.

The greens and radish are from my cold frame. The moisture was dripping from the radish it was so fresh.







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First brisket in the books, it came out excellent!

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Looking good! I’m very impressed at my briskets in the KK. A traditionally not forgiving meat to smoke has been exceptional consistently. Looks like we ate similarly today. No wrap, just lump, a smoke pot, the FireBoard for temp only (no fan) and patience. Foil for mess prevention only, no wrap, 15 hrs at 225-240.


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Forrest, looks awesome. Rub with “f-bomb coffee. I’ll have to try that. Did you use your smoking pot?  Which wood?  

Coffee and beef are good pals, coffee just adds a subtle earthiness that rounds everything out.

Yes, used my 475ml smoke pot stuffed full with hickory chips. The brisket had a very very subtle smokiness, I would have preferred more. I may have to use the KK hot/cold smoker in addition to a smoke pot for brisket.

Also I got no smoke ring even though the meat went in cold and the lid stayed closed for the first 14 hours of the cook. Might need to add celery seed for a smoke ring in a KK, it just cooks so efficiently I don’t think I’m getting the charcoal fire burning vigorously enough to cause the chemical nitrate reaction.

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Seems it was steak night for many of us. I cooked a large ribeye last night. Duck fat and Montreal seasoning, cooked direct at excessively high temp.


Plated with baked potato and broccoli with a 2007 Jericho Canyon Cabernet. Nothing exotic, just steak night. Very tasty. By the way, I wasn't kidding when I said "large ribeye"; the plated version is only 1/2 the steak.


Edited by jonj
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Ya’ll are making me hungry I had well done/microwaved filet Mignon at a wedding last night. 

great cooks all around especially liked the ribeye @jonjbut I just want to sit at your table one night to drink your wine, man do you drink well 

@Forresthow did you like that rub? I’ve cooked probably 20 Briskets on my KK and only gotten a good smoke ring mauve once. I like a lot of wood smoke and the smoke pot doesn’t usually give me enough so I generally throw on a wood chunk right before I put the brisket then I put another big chunk on when I first open the KK to start spraying which is usually about 6 hours in. I get the smoke flavor but not the pink ring 

@MacKenziegreat looking steak 

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