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Canadian Bacon

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Into  every life must come some rain,

Pork loin is cured, rinsed, rested and now is ready to turn into Canadian Bacon.

CB Ready to Smoke.jpg

I wanted to try something different for fun so decided I smoke it using the rotisserie.

CB in Roiti.jpg

It's on the grill.

Roti Ready to Grill.jpg

and after a few minutes I hear thud. So I open the grill to find one loin sitting down on the coals. Made one more attempt of getting the loins securely fastened but I could see this was not going to work, they slip out the sides. I did think about putting one on top of the other but that would mean the touching sides would get no smoke.

Decided to stop messing around and put the main rack in with the loins on it.

CB on the Grill.jpg

In the second pix and the third one for sure, you can see where I didn't have the reducing rack fastened properly. It is a little late to discover that. ;) 

I've feed the critters and have my pork on the grill time for breakfast. Always start with a nice smoothie, cranberry juice, yogurt and some fruit and veggies.

Smoothie Prep.jpg

A little spin and we have...



So now I have some time on my hands, let's see what I can find...



Out through my kitchen window...

Humming Bird 1.jpg

Humming Bird 2.jpg

A few hours later and I'm pretty excited to see that nice smoked mahogany finish on the  Canadian Bacon. :) 

CB Cooked.jpg

My bubble burst. :( It is soooooooo pale.

Well it is at 145F so it's cooked and I'm sure it will taste fine and no one will ever know the difference in a sandwich or on a plate with eggs. You can see the black from when it fell onto the coals.

2 CB Pieces.jpg

It looks a little different in the kitchen. :)

CB Done.jpg

The texture is fine, the meat is moist and it tastes perfect. End of story, well maybe not I might come back with a sandwich. ;)

CB Up Close.jpg

End of story, well maybe not I might come back with a sandwich. ;)



Edited by MacKenzie
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CK, thanks, that sandwich was extra tasty and I was surprised at how good it was.:)

CC, thank you, I couldn't believe where the day went. I looked at my watch thinking it was time to get lunch and it was after 4:00. The day just flew by, guess that's what happens when you're having fun.:) Those humming birds are drinking like crazy now that the babies are hatched and flying. The chipmunks are normally quite shy but they are getting used to me.being around. In fact this morning when I went out to put the feed out one of them came running from the woods. They have a path worn in the grass. :) They are entertaining.

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I'm wondering if you had used some kitchen twine spaced a couple of inches apart at the most, to tie and  those into a rounded shape would've worked better for you? I know you commented that you did not have the reducer in there properly but even so, I'm thinking that those loins tied into more of a circular shape would not have  escape so easily – LOL! 

I suppose the big question really is this: What did you want the finished product to look like? 

As I've quickly come to expect from you MacK, outstanding cooking/food pictures combined with the wonderful shots of nature that surrounds you… 

Edited by KevinD
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Thanks, Steve and Kevin. I had fun and it is tasty.:)

Yes, I agree with you Kevin about using twine and making them into a round shape and I might just do that the next time. The reason I didn't is that my bread is more the shape of the loin untied. For sure if I tied the two together it would have worked but tied separately and round is appealing. It's great to always have ideas to play with for the next adventure.:) Thanks for the great  tips and compliments. :):smt023 :smt023

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Wow great pic MacKenzie. That Canadian bacon looks scrumptious. I was telling my friend at breakfast this morning how all the people on this site love to eat and such wonderful food and pictures; every time I see pictures of a cook it makes my mouth water. I'm almost afraid to take pictures because all the ones on this site look so professional. Presentation or in the illustrious words of "CC" the money shot. have a great day

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You just knew you were going to see more of the Canadian Bacon, didn't you?

It was hot here today so the perfect time for a quick and cool lunch. Previously sous vide potatoes to make the salad, some over grown micro green, store bought tomatoes and yesterday's KK cook, Canadian Bacon. It is all sliced, bagged and in the freezer except for a small amount.

Salad Plate Lunch.jpg

A good day to eat on the deck so that's what we did. Right in the middle of my dinner I see a big hawk sitting on my bird bath waiting of dinner. Immediately ran to get the camera to take a pix of the hawk. Naturally it flew but all the birds had flown away except these two wood peckers. They were frozen in place, not daring to move a muscle including shutting the mouth. They stays like this for several mins. until they knew the coast was clear.



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@MacKenzie - that 's a beautifully crafted lite lunch!  Kudos to you!  

I have this thing for raptors, well, all apex predators really.  There is a really big female red tailed hawk that lives across the street and will patrol her territory on a regular basis.  She's quite the beauty.  Here's my Hawk!



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Thanks, CC, great shot. I don't know what mine was as it was gone by the time I retrieved the camera.

Around here the young ones are kind of stupid just yet, but just wait until they get some experience under their belts.

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