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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Here's an idea for someone with big breakfast plans. Sous vide the whole package of bacon @ 147F for overnight or a few hours. It will then be cooked and tender. All that needs to be done after than is fry it up to crisp and colour it. I just did a few strips in the SV to test this out and the bacon is very good, nice and tender, melts in your mouth. I really did like bacon done this way. Breakfast this morning to taste test the SV bacon.
    2 points
  2. A cult?? This is the true dark side!![emoji41][emoji41][emoji41] When I say dark side, I hope everyone knows I'm just having fun, it's meant as no disrespect to anyone, especially Dennis. I think Bosceaux was the first person I started using that phrase with, I can't remember, but if anyone feels that it's inappropriate, please let me know! Rob
    2 points
  3. Time to break in the twins. Planning on a full smoke day with Brisket (to jam slabs in my homemade baggettes), Ribs and a seared and smoked beef bourguignon for the crew working on our house remodel....Lucky guys and fam, right!? All our own various rubs...most with spices brought back super fresh from India. Chili's grown and dried by my mother in law...
    2 points
  4. This old engineer did his thesis on internal aerothermochemistry -- what goes on inside rocket motors -- and spent the early part of his career working on the space shuttle motors. I see twin KK's as strap on boosters. Just crank open those vents and let 'er rip. Problem is we've got a sign error on the thrust vector. Alright...enough geeking out for today.
    2 points
  5. I was just thinking because it was for a promotion nothing might be left to chance you never know if you don't ask someone once told me Assumption was the mother off all stuff ups lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill♨
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I need to see photos of that sucker bogged down with meat. Days like this make me happy that I am no longer vegetarian
    2 points
  8. This is the new KK Cold Smoker made from CNC laser cut components. All parts are from 2mm 304 Stainless steel. (3 1/4 lbs SS) The exhaust nozzle has an adjustable adapter that fits into a BBQ Guru inductor sleeve/ KK BBQ guru port. Smoker can be lit from the side ports with a torch or with a small piece of burning charcoal can be dropped in. Pump creates vacuum that keeps the wood smoldering for hours. Burns pellets, chips or small chunks. Bottom has cup to collect drippings and tar. Link to Smoker in KK webstore $220 Introductory BONUS includes Air Pump Smoker uses an "adjustable" 2.5- 4 liter per minute aquarium pump and 5mm = 3/16" inside diameter silicone tubing. Air intake tube is adjustable to create more or less vacuum.
    1 point
  9. I had a big bag of tortilla chips and thought OK let's do nachos. Started to load the goodies- All loaded and ready for the KK @ 330'F On the grill. 30 mims. later and call them done. Plated. and with sour cream. I put that broccoli on especially for Tony B, B is for broccoli.
    1 point
  10. This is the first of a multi part post. This is the prep: July 17, 8:30 AM...trimming the brisket : JULY 17, 9:15 AM...salted and into the refrigerator JULY 17, 10: AM - 9 RACKS OF BABY BACK RIBS....rubbed and into the refrigerator. JULY 18, 3:20 PM...Firebox loaded w/ almost entire box of coffee lump...indent in center w/ used coco char to light and after heat soak will place foil smoke pouch and cover w/ coffee char. Smoke Pouch with SMOOKING Chunks Sealed and perforated and ready for placing. The plan is to light the fire around 9 pm to heat soak. At Midnight I will 1: place smoke pouch 2: top off basket w/ coffee char 3: foil over 2/3 of basket starting from center 4: Put on 14 # WAGYU brisket, clip probe 1 to grate and insert probe to into brisket 5: go to bed The party is at 6 pm 7/19. I expect to take the brisket off around 2 or 3 and rest for 3 or 4 hours. At 8 am I will put on the 9 racks of Baby Backs and expect 8 hours. May bump up temp to compensate for the cold infusion...we'll see. At 6, wifey has a few dozen boneless chicken thighs so will kick in the afterburner and finish them off in 20-30 minutes. There will be updates.
    1 point
  11. I just got my new KK 23" and I'm beyond Excited!! I've been wanting to Smoke a Swineapple ever since I saw the video from Jeff "Smoked Meat With Jef". I must say it turned out perfect and extremely tasty!!! I highly suggest you give this a try!!! Attached are some photos
    1 point
  12. Baked Kamado style..no surprise it's better than in the oven. Cooked more evenly and more ideally also.
    1 point
  13. The pump itself is exterior to the water for air intake, which is pumped though a small flexible hose into a diffuser stone in the water, if used in an aquarium, or into the intake on the cold smoker unit for this use (no diffuser needed for the cold smoker). Dennis (and I) suggest using silicone hose rather than PVC for this purpose because if its heat resistance. Hobby shops sell silicone tubing intended for model aircraft engines that works great - or you can get it online. I don't know if the pet store will have silicone tubing or not, but they will probably have a small barbed union for the hose that has a screw to allow you to throttle the volume of air - or it may come with the pump. This is nice for regulating the air flow/burn rate. Any brand will do if it meets the air flow specs. Dennis, what is the internal diameter of the hose that's required? That pictured looks a little larger than what I'm used to. Thanks!
    1 point
  14. 202 Degrees @ 4:00 on the dot! Double Foil Wrapped w/ then two towels in the Yeti. Takeaway...should have ensured the first 5-6 hours were @ 225 rather than 207-210. Also probably should have put Brisket on @ 10 pm to allow for the massive cooling from the 9 racks of ribs. That said I believe in the future I will always use the modified crutch...I just can't bring myself to take something off a grill / cooker and bring it inside to an oven. I'll just let it stall for a few hours then wrap in foil. We'll see in a few hours if I screwed it up but I doubt it. Ribs looking good...I've shut everything down for the next 1.5 hours then remove the ribs. Temp spiked to 265 last opening. All is well. Film at 11.
    1 point
  15. Thank you for the Welcome! I received delivery of my Terra Blue KK last Friday; I was like a kid in a candy store . Thanks to all the great post, unpacking and setting up was a breeze! As for the temp settings, I set it to 225 using a mixture of the CoCo and Coffee Charcoal; total cook time was about 4.5hrs to reach the desired internal temp of 160. I put the carved out pineapple in a blender, mix in some garlic, pepper, and salt; I used this to baste the Swineapple
    1 point
  16. Rob..............Don't stop.....it's almost a forum tradition and rite of initiation!
    1 point
  17. You're right @tinyfish I figure the brisket to be ready in the 2-4 pm range. I will wrap / pack it in a Yeti for 2-5 hours....Ribs should be done around 5-5:30....if earlier I'll just shut it all down and hold them. Around 5:30-6 pm I'll turn on the afterburners and finish the few dozen boneless chicken thighs in 20-30 min. That's the plan we'll see. Here's what's happening just before putting the 9 racks of baby backs on. After 9.5 hrs brisket well into the stall and grill temp spot on...a tad low but it's all good. Top Vent about 1/8 open Here's my bottom vent settings at 9.6 hrs. Following 14 photos showing the first look at the brisket and the placement of the ribs.... @DennisLinkletter this rib rack is (as my oldest daughter says) WWW.THEBOMB.COM/YOURMAMA and if she says that it is a very good thing. I had help with one of my Nephews on the camera and S.I.L holding the ribs and opening doors. That took about a minute. Below are the temps immediately after closing the lid. And here's the temp readings an hour after the ribs were put on...a whole bunch of cold meat like a giant ice cube. I am surprised by the internal temp drop on the brisket to 143.6. Things that make you go Hmmm .
    1 point
  18. I like to cook more ribs for the sole purpose of have some left for another day. It's such a tasty and easy cook to drop the grilled ribs into the sous vide bath.
    1 point
  19. I have 2 x 23" KK's and if I had to do it again I would go with the 23" and 32" combo. The 32" gives you that extra space for direct cooking.
    1 point
  20. Welcome to the party. As the owner of "Strauss 501" I can assure of many great cooks
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. And the sum of 2332 and 3223 is 5555 which is itself a numerical palindrome. Madam, I'm Adam.
    1 point
  23. Kayak CC!! I saw that too slow and steady wins the race but hot and fast produces some great BBQ.
    1 point
  24. That's how I've used it. Buy pork chops at local farmers market from Massa Organics. Freeze. Thaw in sous vide circulator at 0 C. Brine four hours in light brine (1/2 cup salt per gallon water, less sugar). Sous vide an hour to 132 F. Grill over KK coffee charcoal. This was my favorite beef or pork in the last year; we restocked. As pictured the mini basket comes quite close to the lower grill, so fat flares up pretty easily. Next time I'll try the main grate and trim more fat first. A lot of thought goes into "ideal" KK use: Heat soaking the walls. A basket splitter that forces airflow through the charcoal. Yet don't let the best be the enemy of the good, and fire up a Weber for quickies like this. The mini basket inside a KK is easier and more secure. It works; there's plenty of heat for such an application.
    1 point
  25. Charles, it was really good coffee. But I'm wondering a couple of things about that Cat Crap Coffee. First, who noticed that the beans came out of the cat unscathed? Second, who followed the cat around collecting cat crap for beans? Third, who was the poor schmuck that got rookied into taking the first drink of Cat Crap Coffee by his "friends"? You know nobody would in on the joke was gonna go first!
    1 point
  26. I want to try a cup of cat crap coffee - can I start feeding my cats beans? . Seriously I would try it. I have no food phobias. . Reef's Bistro
    1 point
  27. Congrats on the new grill. You'll also have a great story on its history to go along with the purchase!
    1 point
  28. Works for me. First step is to create the patio space off my deck to put these things -- involves HOA approval, so will take a wee bit o' time. Started that process today with wife. Second step is to sell my high capacity smoker. Wife was shocked at that idea 'cause she know I love that thing. Third step is to remind wife of the cash I squirreled away from this year's bonus. Low and slow. This is a process.
    1 point
  29. Thanks for sharing this product! I'm thinking it might be a good way to do small direct cooks on my 23", using the lower rack, for grilling just a couple of steaks. I'm typically only cooking dinner for my wife and I since my eldest boy has moved out and his younger brother has a girlfriend so he's rarely here. Syzygies - do you think this would work well for grilling a couple steaks or chicken breasts without having to heat-soak the KK. I'd think it would work to sear or even do a reverse sear in a short amount of time if I started the charcoal in a chimney first. I would like your thoughts since you have one.
    1 point
  30. The power of the dark side cannot be denied!! Rob
    1 point
  31. This does not surprise me at all. Before I started roasting my coffee, dunkin donuts was my go to for coffee beans. Any time when I forget to order green beans in time, we always drink dunkin donuts until my shippment arrives. It's a very solid coffee in my opinion.
    1 point
  32. It is the way I understand it. When I push down on the lid, it catches and then I push the latch down to lock it. It feels like it snaps into place and it doesn't look like it could go any further.
    1 point
  33. Thanks CC You know you want a 3rd lol now that would be a hell of a setup 32,23,19 Not sure on a name yet i was thinking blue ember but not sure i like it so work in progress For first cook i was thinking something simple some itallian Sausage and i have some chicken burgers perhaps
    1 point
  34. Well i think i have to vent it it only had 2 cooks done on it i will double check with Dennis but i am think i will have to
    1 point
  35. @CeramicChef High Praise...thank you sir! The ThermaQ is unparallelled....industrial strength just like our KK's. I had been using a 23" OTB for the last 10 years and just crammed the two probes (and it wasn't easy) into the one port. Well now there is one for each probe!
    1 point
  36. I read your post yesterday and now this one. So from what I understand you had several, downgraded to two cookers and were content but love the Kamado, want to get rid of the monster you have and upgrade from a KJ. So going forward you would likely need multiple cookers. I had 3 Kamado joes, then 6 plus a few other cookers. Got the KKs and got rid of everything else 2 is the perfect number. For you it sounds like you cook in volume often I think a 19 and 23 is awesome but not what you need. I like the 23 x2 combo and in fact ordered it thinking it would be great sharing accessories. But still based on what I have read, this is not for you. 32 x2 is a ton of grill and they both would heat up at the same speed and use a bit more lump. Leading me to believe that the 23 and 32 combo may in fact be perfect combo. You are happy with what you currently have, and the 23 will be like the big joe but with two extra levels of grilling. The 32 will replicate you larger smoker. You can have the 23 your daily driver so to speak to cover everything from small smoke cooks to grilling for the family. The 32 is there for the heavy duty loads for larger cooks. I love my 23 and 32 combo and very happy that Dennis talked me into it. I personally would order them together for a few reasons. First you can get matching KKs so the tile is close. Second you pay less for delivery. As for movement, agreed, a few pieces of plywood and a few buddies and those suckers will move without issue. My vote is a 23 and 32 combo! I am bias, but based on what I am hearing from you that is your best combo
    1 point
  37. Great looking loaded nachos. If Mrs skreef reads this post we'll be doing nachos soon. Reef's Bistro
    1 point
  38. I doubt that they would have vented it for 2 cooks
    1 point
  39. Skinless, boneless, thighs, stuffed with provolone cheese and Canadian bacon. Served on a bed of bow ties with Spaghetti sauce and some grated Asagio cheese. . Thigh pounded flat with provolone and Canadian bacon. . Roll them up, tie them off. Coat in oil and Italian seasonings. . On Prometheus (16.5" KK) with Grill Grates at 400*. . Served on a bed of bow ties with Spaghetti sauce and some grated Asagio cheese. . Although the prep took a few minutes the cook itself was fairly quick and easy. Yummy. Reef's Bistro
    1 point
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