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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Today was the big move. 2 big people to lift the dome off the rolling piano dolly and myself to roll the BB32 off its pallet, across the garage and through the doorway onto a landing and lower it to the patio. Right at the very end of the ramp I needed a hand to put a small shim board under the leading wheels so the stainless foot trim did not hit the cement patio. A large friendly neighbor easily lifted the 2 leading legs far enough to slip a piece of plywood under those 2 wheels for the last 6 inches of roll. Worked like a charm! He was a Pro NFL Defensive End, I think, for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and then the Sea Hawks so he is big and strong and the best part a real nice guy!! A second neighbor showed up to lift the dome and it was done. I used the BB32 pallet and cut it to fit onto the piano dolly and screwed it in place. Still have not found Roti motor brackets. I hope to start the burn-in tomorrow afternoon. Got to go to a gunshow tomorrow to sell things to help pay this bill
    4 points
  2. A couple of weeks ago my daughter called and asked what I was doing today and could I take a couple of hours off this afternoon for a surprise? I thought it would be for something like graduating from her Master's program or maybe she was getting married or(hopefully) helping her move out of the house into her own place. So I said sure, I'd be happy to. Then I find out my surprise was a ticket to a book signing by Bruce Springsteen at a local bookstore. I'm a long-time fan, it isn't something I'd go out of my way for but I'm now committed. I run a small business so I busted ass yesterday to get my people paid and called in some favors so I could put enough money in the bank to cover the checks. The event was scheduled from 12:00 - 2:00 and they were running shuttle buses starting at 8:30 AM. I'm not a big fan of standing in line for hours so I figured if I got there around 1:00 or so I'd be good. So I show up at the location around 1:00, find a local place to park, go into the Starbucks next door and get my Nicaragua Clover. I hit the line abut 1:15, line is moving fast and there aren't a lot of folks behind me. About 45 minutes later it's my turn: I step onto a low platform, Bruce says "How are you?", puts his hand on my shoulder and the employee that took my iPhone 15 seconds before takes a pic. 5 seconds later it's over and done, I pick up my pre-signed book on the way out and that's it, I'm out the door. Never got a chance to tell him my favorite song was "Racing in the Streets" or that while I liked "Born to Run" my favorite albums were "Nebraska" and "The Ghost of Tom Joad" or anything like that. Just "I'm Here, You're Here, We're Done". Didn't even get a "have a nice day" in parting. But I did get my 5 seconds of fame and a crappy iPhone photo to commemorate the moment. I'd post it but it seems my iPhone and Yahoo Mail aren't on speaking terms at the moment.... Wait a minute, it looks like they kissed and made up, here's the pic. All in all, it was a good day. Just not what I expected from a "book signing" event at all. Hope all of you had a nice Friday or whatever day it is wherever you are. Bill
    3 points
  3. ^ the key (for the benefit of Stephen and other new KK owners embarking on baking) with pizza baking on the KK is to start heat soaking the KK at least an hour (or more) in advance of your bake. Getting the dome to radiate heat back to the top of the pie balances the much hotter, bottom fire source, stone/steel/crust. And when peeking at the pie during baking, only raise the lid as much as needed to get a glimpse of what is happening ... preserve that heat bubble!
    2 points
  4. What I have learned in life their is always a way I have my plant operators ticket have operated heavy machinery. And used to drive a truck from Perth to Melbourne I excelled on the grader though as a final trimmer.. My mate owns a concrete pump which he has taught me how to use. I'm just happy to meet you and learn from your experience forget about your age it's the person that you are Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Thanks Aussie, it was the only way to get it to the location since I could not get 4 guys the size of my neighbor on that stairway or through the gate and down the narrow path and then up a few steps to get to the same location. I had a friend put himself through college doing landscaping and earth moving. He took a bobcat apart and carried all the pieces through the customers home to dig a swimming pool in their backyard and then reverse the process to take the bobcat to his next job. He is a really smart fellow and if he could have done it another way he would have. He too is a rancher who likes puzzles
    2 points
  6. Yes, Renard Williams, our big football friend, will be at the head of the table. He was a definite help and when the other neighbor showed up, once the BB32 was on the patio, we all lifted the dome in place. All in all a good day, LONG DAY but a good one.
    2 points
  7. Ask and ye shall receive. There's one of them underway.
    2 points
  8. Just liked the way the sun was hitting my KK as it was running up to temp for pizza.
    1 point
  9. Got some ribs today I was lucky I did not have to work but have to work Sunday lolgave them a clean up and applied some Oakridge dominator rub that I got the other daylet It soak in and gave it a bit more I had Ora sitting at 275 and threw on my smoking pot with Apple chunks and apple chips ready to goand on they goafter two hours Ora wanted to sit at 310 I shut things down but went with the flow and foiled I don't like dry ribs gave them some of thisafter an hour I put them back on with another slather of sauce then gave them a restand plated with air fried chips and a bit green saladthe Oakridge dominator rub tasted pretty good I like it sweet with a bit of pepper Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I typically do pizza at 550, heat soaked for at least an hour as @dstr8 described. Works great. You should be able to do two at a time on the 32.
    1 point
  11. It really is awesome. The KK does a better job than most at browning the top at the same rate as the bottom.
    1 point
  12. Hey Aussie they look great! How do you like the air fryer? I have three of them and have given away three of them LOL. thats a really nice looking dinner.
    1 point
  13. Wouldn't surprise me, when you think of all those stars we surely cannot be alone, not to mention that the largest part of our planet is hidden underwater!
    1 point
  14. It all strikes me as yet another contributing factor to the phrase, "I am from the government and I am here to help" . I can see it makes sense in the area where small boats abound. My good friend and a few mates would take his fathers converted commercial tugboat out for parties in the now clear of gear fantail. BBQ, chaise lounges, refrig stocked with beverages and a few fishing poles for good measure just in case we got bored. It was a late WW2 50ft tug completely refitted for luxury, and it idled at 6 knots with a harbor speed limit of 5 knots. The authorities knew it and figured that when small rental sailboats tacked across its bow they better get out of the way since the tug was to heavy to stop quickly or maneuver quickly, which was the whole point of the tugboat. Nice and slow and leisurely, but it never failed that some wingnut would challenge the big old girl and get hit before we could bring the tug to a halt. The Coast Guard/Harbor Dept would show up and always have to explain to then little craft that "they just stepped off the curb in front of a bus, why did you do that?". They definitely needed some sort of license, especially when they would not pay attention to the ships horn!
    1 point
  15. I swear I seen space ships on th nullabor lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Aussie, you clearly understand the problem solving and from a similar perspective. That haul from Perth to Melbourne looks to be a long haul where just about anything can happen.
    1 point
  17. Here there are different ratings of license depending on the tonnage of the vessel you are piloting. The more crowded the harbor the more the authorities check for licenses.
    1 point
  18. We just introduced skippers license not long ago. If I'm correct maybe 3 years ago before that you could cruise along and it's still legal to drink on board Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Now that is a way to keep a party private and make all the noise you want, but the parking valet would need a skippers license. Very cool, I am envious!
    1 point
  20. It would be me and you in that dingy mate lol we I'll just have to see off a flare when we are close that way they have to save us lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. The right crowd would look at the little dingy I could afford and throw me out of the party - LOL
    1 point
  22. Looking good. My family loves Dominator.
    1 point
  23. Yea I have to say that is top notch. Not only did Dennis stick up for his position to sell the KK he helped him sell it. Most companies would never do that they would try and work something out so the customer bought a new one. Glad it's going to a good home. Maybe the new owner will join the forum.
    1 point
  24. Fantastic effort mate looks great in its new home. The stair case shot is brilliant, your mate looks like he could have just carried it down lol. Bosco has the award for the longest journey. I reckon you take the award for getting it into place with the most effort. Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Have not figured out that recipe yet but you can bet it will have some good Asian seasoning My wife does not function without fish sauce. Funny story, she went camping with her late husband and told her friends to meet them and a certain campground, but failed to mention which camp site. So, as a flag to bring attention to which site they were in she hung a bottle of fish sauce from a limb in the parking area! Pretty ingenious and apparently no bears in the eare
    1 point
  26. Great story, great pictures. Seems like you owe a few people a major feast - just sayin ..... The ramp down the stairs looks much scarier than you described.
    1 point
  27. wow you don't mess around! congrats on the setup.... now get cooking
    1 point
  28. Oh my,Aussie, those chops do look tasty.
    1 point
  29. Not yet but am looking Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. But, if you buy the 6-pack, they are only $3.77 each. https://www.amazon.com/Whistlestop-Fried-Tomato-Batter-9-Ounce/dp/B00473UPN8 I won't jump into the deep end of the pool until I try it first.
    1 point
  31. Wow....there are some really nice boats in that mooring. Wonder what the occasion was???? One heck of an office Christmas party
    1 point
  32. Hi Aussie. Did you find some green tomatoes yet? I find they taste similar to eating fried squash. Hope you can get some to enjoy.
    1 point
  33. There's bronze, then there's everything else. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. That's what I was thinking - time for a swim.
    1 point
  35. I recently spoke to someone who I believe will buy your grill
    1 point
  36. Actually: I had the concern that I'd be mainly using my KK for family dinners for the 3 of us and our 16 month old daughter doesn't exactly each much yet! Due to the excellent advice from many 32 owners on the forum I still went for the 32. Using the basket splitter I often fire it up just to sear just 2 steaks (or one in the case of that tomahawk a couple of weeks ago!). The splitter means I can have ripping hot searing temps super fast and without using much fuel at all (plus a huge indirect area) Then again I have the option to cater for a huge group. For low and slow you certainly can cook for tonnes of people on a 23 but a lot of the time I'm grilling and even the 32 sometimes only just feels big enough when I have a load of burgers going and am looking to toast some buns. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. This is a picture of the tool hanging bracket that needs to come off to hang the shelves like Bruce did.
    1 point
  38. Hello Rick here are a couple pictures of the shelf hanging. I don't know if you got this resolved or not but thought I would send the pics anyway hope they help out
    1 point
  39. It's all good. When your rotisserie setup arrives, if you can't figure it out (Yea it can be a little confusing) let us know we'll send you down the right path. Reef's Bistro
    1 point
  40. Dennis YouTube video on rotisserie installation has been removed. Could some one direct me to a video on this subject? I have purchased the one grill s. Steel 50 lb model, ran fine for several minutes but then the shaft stopped turning as the motor kept running. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. The hot face service temp is 2,200ºf but the material is considered a consumable at those temps. Blast furnaces need regular maintenance and filling with the refractory patch at those working temps. Your KK grill is designed to last a lifetime at "food cooking temps" not to be used as a kiln. The smoke point of lard is only 370ºf So high temps where you create enough heat to make your grill expand is really unnecessary... There is no escaping physics.. the grill does and will expand when taken to high temps.. This can be confirmed by the small crazing on the smooth grout finish on your grill's lips. High temp blasting your grill from black to grey will be detrimental to it's long life and is not necessary. The inside of a grill/smoker should be black.. it's not dirty. Regularly taking your KK to 900ºf dome / 1452ºf lower to clean your grates is a good way to damage your grill.. Please do not do it..
    1 point
  42. Agree completely. I'm good with the original design. I do actually use the doors to add wood after getting to temp.
    1 point
  43. I like the grates going side to side & do use the door to add wood it is a nice option to have. I haven't had a problem getting under anything with a spatula the way things are.
    1 point
  44. Dennis - I've never given this a second thought. In fact, I like the side to side, left to right, orientation. I have also used the lift gate on about 15-20% of my cooks. The side to side orientation makes cleaning grates a breeze and much more efficient. My vote is keep what you've got.
    1 point
  45. Tony: It's so much easier just to swap out the baskets. The one down side is that you always will have a basket to store. I keep whatever one I'm not using, usually the full basket, with whatever charcoal is leftover in it, in a dedicated space in a large deck box next to the KK and tuck an old cheap old plastic tablecloth over it so it doesn't get wet if any rain leaks in the box. It takes seconds to change the baskets and is much less messy than trying to move leftover charcoal between baskets. I do give the basket in the KK a shake before I lift it out to get rid of loose ash but that's about it. I'm able to reuse the leftover charcoal in the stored basket when I go to use it again with no trouble at all. Susan
    1 point
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