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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2020 in all areas

  1. Tonight’s cook are two pork butts (I finally got a 2nd fridge/freezer in the garage so I can start storing more cooked food). In the pics the pork butts are about 3 hours in. But since the KK was firing I decided to make a breakfast frittata and finish it in the KK over coco char, with apple wood in the maiden voyage of my syzergies smoke pot frittata is made with Yukon gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet onion, applewood bacon, baby Bella mushrooms, fresh basil abd topped with Parmesan cheese. Started in pan, broiled in over then finished in KK. I was able to pick up a bit of smoke flavor which was nice
    5 points
  2. Made some spätzle today and served it with pork burger, squash and mushroom gravy. Still steaming, just out of the water bath.
    5 points
  3. Scored a nice flat iron steak at the market, so onto the KK it goes. Sear grate, with mesquite, post oak and coffee wood chunks. Rub was a mix of Shut Shot Sid's Gunpowder and Lane BBQ's Brisket. Plated with melting potatoes and sautéed green beans, with mushrooms and chimichurri for the steak.
    5 points
  4. I've not been on BBQ forums much lately so what have we been doing? As you all know we bought a travel trailer earlier this year and have been camping once a month ever since. We also wanted to start riding bicycles. Mrs skreef needed a new bicycle but nice bicycles have been in short supply since Covid-19 hit. We solved that problem with a fully customized beach cruiser from Vivelo Bicycles out of Miami, FL. It includes a 7 speed rear hub with twist grip shifter. We also go geocaching on the bicycles. Here's a few pictures: This weekend we're camping near Jekyll Island, GA. We took the bicycles down Driftwood Beach in Jekyll Island for a nice picnic lunch. Anyway, that and work has been keeping us busy.
    4 points
  5. Will i get kicked off if i keep licking the screen 😁
    4 points
  6. Heylo Slu.. You left out lots of my information.. I told your wife that I break a fresh piece of charcoal and make a pile of the small pieces in the middle on top. I then light it with my Looft Lighter. The small pieces come to ignition temperature very quickly because of their small volume. I then use my lithium powered Milwaukee shop blower to make it glow madly. In less than 5 minutes of this airflow you will have plenty of charcoal raging and the grates above the charcoal at grilling temps.. For grilling you do not need to pre-heat the body for convection heat only the SS grates directly above the charcoal. So if you want to just light it and walk away yes 20 min is correct. If you are impatient you can greatly expedite things with a blower.. If you have ever used a bellows on a fireplace you get the idea..
    3 points
  7. Unlike brisket, that I like to wrap in pink butcher paper - ala Franklin, I don't wrap butts or ribs. I'm generally in the 250 - 275F range for butts. I have done hot & fast butts at 325F if I'm short on time. I also like to inject butts with Butcher BBQ marinade. Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust is my "go to" rub for pork butt. Don't worry, you can never have enough pulled pork lying around. I'll even warm it up and put a fried egg on top for breakfast! Makes a good breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, peppers, onions, cheese and salsa. Pulled pork mac & cheese is another OTB dish. Pulled pork Bolognese over pasta. Just get funky with it! Oh, it freezes really well in a vacuum sealer bag, too.
    2 points
  8. My sister in law is vegan and I’ve made her really good vegan pizzas on my KK by buying vegan cheese and then adding whatever veggies she likes to her pizza you can almost take any recipe and turn it vegan like stew or soup, I made a vegan lasagna two weeks ago as well. Just source the right ingredient and substitute. Beyond burgers are good for vegans
    2 points
  9. It's like the Heathrow stack if it's going in circles... Not long to go now.
    2 points
  10. Had some lean ground pork so decided to make pork cheese burgers for dinner. Pickled peppers from this summer's garden. Caramelized sweet onion on burger. Plated.
    2 points
  11. G’day folks. Haven’t posted many cooks lately because I’ve been busy with a few things. Still cooking and eating 😳. One of my major distractions has just been eliminated 🤔. Another distraction has been building my time machine. It has the ability to look into the past! Here it is: Here it is looking at 2.5 million years ago: 2.5 million year old light. This is pre-processed. I’ll post the fully processed image later. Something streaked across the sky during exposure. Here’s a look at 7500 years ago. Also pre-processed.
    1 point
  12. First pic fully processed. M45 - Pleiades. I have an Instagram for future pics: @starbasecrozet
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Still not there just would like the kk on dry land lol
    1 point
  15. I keep looking to see where your ship is ......... Thanks for sharing the excitement !
    1 point
  16. This Boat seems to be going in circles ....I am waiting with baited breath I think the pro-q coco is also on this vessel i might get 3 pallets of goodies delivered in 1 go
    1 point
  17. Lamb soaked in Balsamic for 5 days and the last day rosemary and thyme were added. The leftovers make great sandwiches
    1 point
  18. What do you have against hotdogs? I cook all kinds of snags on the KK, including hotdogs. 😄
    1 point
  19. Personally I'd only do hamburgers and chicken drumsticks on the KK because they will taste sooo much better. Save the gazzer for hotdogs.
    1 point
  20. I am a KK fan, of course. You would just never do low and slow salmon, smoked turkey, prime ribs, whole chickens, and pork shoulders on a gas grill the same way. Similarly, you would not be able to achieve beautiful Napoletana pizza and breads on a gas grill. That said, if you mainly cook hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken drumsticks, by all means get a separate gas grill for convenience.
    1 point
  21. Piling on here - I'm 64 years old and I've NEVER owned a gas grill. With a charcoal chimney, you could get up and going in 10 -15 minutes for basic grilling. (I've switched over to a MAPP gas torch and air blower to start mine for a bit more control.) I just plan for about 30 minutes lead time to do my prep work in the kitchen and the KK is usually ready (or close enough for government work), depending upon target dome temperature. The notable exception is pizza - which takes hours to heat soak the KK and pizza stone to 450F. But, a gasser can't cook a pizza like a wood-fired oven - the KK IS a wood-fired oven. Cleaning out the ash is not a biggie. If I'm ambitious, I'll haul out the shop vac (with drywall filter) and can be done in 30 secs - easy, peasy. If I'm lazy (usually!), I'll just clean it out with a metal scoop. Takes maybe 3 minutes. @tekobo - the 42" KK actually has TWO springs for the lid! Dennis overengineering things again! You know, the KK makes a great chili pepper roaster, too! I just fabricated a cage with wire fabric (1/4") and insert it into the rotisserie basket. Key - use the half-moon of the rotisserie basket to your advantage and leave the ends of wire cage half open to make loading and unloading the peppers easy. Been using this thing for years now. Oh, the other trick - cut the stems off so that they don't get caught in the wire mesh.
    1 point
  22. @ KKash, thanks. I think I'll do this again. @Braai-Q, burgers look fantastic, skip the machine, if you press them too tight they won't taste nearly as good.
    1 point
  23. I’ve just eaten, but now I’ve read your message I’m hungry again!!!!! Looks very tasty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. For home made burgers they look perfect! Uniformity is for machines!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Had a craving for a proper burger yesterday. UK is now in lockdown so we decided to embark on a homemade adventure involving the KK. We also decided to try 'tater tots', never had them and only ever heard mention of them on US television. So, we went to the cookbooks and found what looked like a good recipe. Had to make buffalo sauce and ranch sauce from scratch and also made garlic aioli and a quick pickle to go in the burger. Results below. Tasted good. Tater tots are like gnocchi meets a dirty nachos via American style spicy wings. We added pan fried bacon and chives. I realise that we need to get a burger press. We don't often do burgers from scratch but I could have done with the uniformity for cooking. Mrs BQ was the maker and the shaper. It made them a bit more awkward to eat but didn't impact the flavour. Now slobbed on the sofa arguing over whose turn it is to go and get another beer....
    1 point
  26. Don't forget the best veggie cook out there - local sweet corn!!
    1 point
  27. Great photos Tekobo. Kkash I’ve found pumpkin really soaks up the smoke flavour so any roast pumpkin recipes can be adapted into you KK. This goes for any indirect roast vegetable recipe and also any direct grilled vege. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Hi there @KKash. I was going to pass on this one and then realised that any and every vegetable dish cooked on a KK has the chance to pass your vegan test. Here are a few cooks that may help: Nothing beats a slow roasted pepper. I do this with mini tomatoes too and they turn into little sweeties to pop in your mouth while you wait for the main event. The main event could be a caponata. Here mine did catch some smoke alongside a meaty cook. Or a fancy pants Thomas Keller ratatouille for a special occasion Finally, roast peaches and figs for dessert. Sorry, no actual recipes but all are easily discoverable online and can be tailored to your taste. Jealous of your 42. It does mean you have loads of space to cook your daughter separate meals alongside the rest of your cook. Guess she would not appreciate the goat accessory that comes with a 42.
    1 point
  29. @MacKenzie had to use your IPhone like the rest of us? Looks great as always!
    1 point
  30. Catching up on a couple of cooks. Couple of nights ago, did a pre-marinated pork tenderloin. Some lame peppercorn stuff, so I amp'ed it up with some Suya pepper rub (my recipe.) Got so tied up with all the sides getting done at the same time as the pork; plus, the stupid MEATER app was beeping at me to get the meat off the grill, that I forgot to take a picture of it on the KK. . DOH! But, I did get a plated pic. Served with potato gnocchi with alfredo sauce and sautéed green beans with Japanese yum-yum dressing. The Suya pepper rub really helped this pork flavor-wise. But, the marinade did it's job, as this thing was melt in your mouth tender! I DID remember to get a grill shot of last night's dinner of Persian chicken breasts. Main grate, direct, grape vine chunk, 325F. A paste of orange zest, olive oil, fresh cracked fennel and coriander seeds, with sumac and roasted garlic powder. Plated with couscous with an orange juice, olive oil, and parsley dressing and roasted broccolini with Everything Bagel seasoning and more of that Japanese yum-yum dressing.
    1 point
  31. I love them too, and these carrots were just out of the garden, maybe by an hour. They were so sweet.
    1 point
  32. It was pitch dark out when I started this cook as a result I used my phone for the pixs. Bone in skin on chicken thighs with roasted carrots fresh out of the garden. Grilled. Plated with some of the summer's pickled peppers.
    1 point
  33. Whoo my 2010 se Speed Triple .this thing is a blast to ride love the single sided swing arm just in time for summer cheers for the reply everyone . Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Chorizo, Za'atar onions, cabbage and carrots, smashed potatoes and pickled green tomatoes. Love those caramelized sweet onions with Za'atar.
    1 point
  35. 'Coz you're not from the South, honey! LOL! Slice, bread them puppies up with seasoned cornmeal (Whistle Stop is very good) and fry them! Remoulade sauce on top! Heaven! Also very Southern: Chow-Chow - pickled mixed vegetables, but the base is green tomatoes. It's a relish. Treat them like tomatillos and make green salsa or enchilada sauce with them.
    1 point
  36. I have just left green tomatoes in a warm room for a couple of weeks and they go red and can be used as normal. 'Fraid I don't have any tried and tested green tomato recipes.
    1 point
  37. I pickled some of mine, they do make crispy pickles.
    1 point
  38. Any clues what I can do with these green tomato’s? I have 5 times this that I let grow wild through the garden to fill in gaps. They are taking over and are looking terrible. Time to remove the rest this weekend. I’ll try some fermented with some chilli and spices in a brine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Snuck in a cook yesterday before the weather takes a downward turn here for a couple of days. Sunny today, but super windy, with windchills hovering around the freezing mark. Flat iron steak on the lower grate, direct, coffee wood, post oak and mesquite chunks. Rubbed with Oakridge BBQ Carne Crosta and Santa Maria rubs (not mixed, each side got a different rub). Plated with 2x baked spud, shrooms, side salad and chimichurri.
    1 point
  40. I cook my sausages on the KK but I just never cook hotdogs, for some strange reason they don't agree with me. ????
    0 points
  41. Tried another pizza cook last night. Been trying locally made pies (frozen). Heat soaked the KK and pizza stone on upper grate for 3 hours - checked the stone with an IR thermometer and it was averaging 450F (475F in the back, 435F - 455F in the middle and 425F in the front. Dome was sitting at 430F. Pizza was a 3 meat combo (pepperoni, sausage and ground beef) to which I added mushrooms, red pepper flakes and parm. Came out looking nice, good browning on the bottom crust. Like the old saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting! Well, I have to say that I'm not impressed with these pizzas. The crust can't make up it's mind if it wants to be thin and crispy or thick and chewy. It's in some "no man's land" and not very appealing. Toppings and sauce are OK, it's the crust that's holding it back. After the 1st try a couple of weeks ago, I thought that it was my fault as I didn't get the stone heat soaked at the right temp (a bit low) and I hadn't put in enough charcoal and my fire was dying out. This time, I started earlier, put in more charcoal (cocochar this time) and made sure that the stone was where I wanted it before putting the pizza on (frozen, per their instructions.) And, I rotated the pizza every 4 - 5 minutes given the temperature profile front-to-back. Similar results to the 1st one, so I'm concluding that it's not me, but the pizza. Won't try a 3rd time.
    0 points
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