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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2021 in all areas

  1. This is a personal question; everyone has a different take on what quality of smoke tastes best. I devised the smoke pot many years ago. Once my wife tasted the difference, there was no going back. I continue to be tempted by the Hot/Cold smoker. For me those would be the two choices. My KK is old enough that the Hot/Cold smoker would compete with my BBQ Guru for the single port. With a newer KK the Hot/Cold smoker is probably far easier and more reliable. There's an art to getting a smoke pot going. I've mastered it (school of hard knocks) but I appreciate that it's not obvious.
    3 points
  2. It seems pics are mandatory. I will be pleased to post some of my upcoming creations in the middle of my snowy backyard. As an appetizer here is a pic of my last batch of Montreal style smoked meat (brined brisket)
    3 points
  3. Hi there, yes, that rack comes as standard. It is part of the holy trinity - lower grate, main grate and upper grate.
    2 points
  4. I had to look up "olive burger"...
    2 points
  5. Yes on 3 holes. I've not seen anyone use an MSR pot, but can't think of any reason it wouldn't work. Lid or bottom...main thing is holes are down into the flame. Just make sure the hotter temps of the flame won't warp the clasping mechanism if you choose that side down. As for size -- 1-2 quarts works. It's just how much smoke wood you can get into it. A filled 2-quart pot will generate smoke for about 4 hours. A smaller one won't smoke as long. A 2 quart pot works well in my 23. At low and slow temps, I'd expect you'd have plenty of room for all of the charcoal you need + 2 quart pot. KK's are so well insulated they use less fuel than even other kamados.
    1 point
  6. I lived about a 5 minute bike ride down Newells Lane from west lake, had a friend who lived on John Dr. and I would go there to swim and fish quite a bit. I heard rumors about the drive-in, was hoping it wasn't true, but that is a unique spot so I'm sure it is in high demand. I'll definitely hit Coveside next time, smoked whitefish dip and a cold beer always hit the spot.
    1 point
  7. Lots of us here are smoke-potters. Be sure to get the order of those words correct. Many folks at Amazing Ribs have tried it and like it. There's another kamado forum -- Kamado Guru, I think it's called (haven't been there in years). The site's owner -- can't remember his name -- was encouraged to try it, but Meathead he's not. He did everything precisely wrong -- drilled the holes in the wrong place, etc., and then proceeded to pronounce it useless. It's like those people who review recipes on All Recipes: "I substituted 17 of the ingredients and decided to boil the meat and grill the pasta. This recipe sucks!" Get the holes in the right place (DOWN), make sure it's air tight and won't melt or off-gas noxious fumes. I think Syzygies' method for lighting is to use a weed-burner to preheat and then move it into the charcoal basket, but I'll let him fill you in. Don't ask him about shuffling cards.
    1 point
  8. Stick to the recipe times and temps. They are spot on.
    1 point
  9. You are going to be a sad man next visit...West Lake Drive In was sold this past year and the new owner has other plans for it. What is very cool though, is west lake is where I live. You’ve probably seen my house a dozen times, and never new it. If you ever happen to stop in for a French dip or some whitefish dip at Cove Lakeside Bistro next time you are in town, mine will be the one with a new vibrant blue 32” KK sitting out back between the two decks. (Hopefully I’ll have back there by then). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I've been brewing about 15 years now. I have a Sabco that served me well after doing time with canning pots, turkey fryers, water coolers etc. I have since downsized to a Blichmann Brew Easy which does a better job with 5-gallon batches and I no longer have to lift kegs filled with wet grain. I used to do 10-gallon batches, but I don't drink as much, kids moved out and with the pandemic, we haven't had any homebrew club meetings or beer festivals where I can share. I do have a recipe that I brewed at a local brewery, the head brewer was in my club and always enjoyed my chocolate rye porter, so I was able to brew that on his system. He brewed it again in December and now it is out in cans, so that is cool. I did quickly notice that Tony and RD are into brewing, so I followed those threads very closely. I think it is cool that RD can get water from the creek running by his house, I can imagine the profile is perfect for stouts. Lots of expensive gadgets is right!
    1 point
  11. It's not an expense - it's an investment. Looking forward too to hearing about the "brew" part of your name.
    1 point
  12. So, let's talk about the "brew" part of your Forum name? Several of us here are homebrewers. Another hobby with lots of expensive gadgets! 😄
    1 point
  13. I keep finding new uses for it, so we'll see how long it really does last??
    1 point
  14. The Doctor is in and will serve you now! Very nice. Hope you get your power back soon!
    1 point
  15. Happy Fat Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras) everybody! Still too damn cold outside to fire up the grill, but since it's the special day anyway - beans & rice. I had some Andouille and Tasso in the freezer. New secret ingredient - Nigerian Pepper Soup spice! Bon Temps, ya'll!!
    1 point
  16. I did and here it is. Baked Beans from Tanya Add to 1 pound of softened yellow eyed beans: 1 medium onion 1/4C crumbled bacon ¼ C +2T maple syrup 1/3C +2.6T brown sugar 3T molasses 3T ketchup 3t dry mustard 1t salt 1t pepper Soak or parboil beans (around 60 mins or so) until they are soft. It there is too much liquid in the pot use a ladle to scoop some off but save it in case you need it later. Do not rinse the beans! You just need enough liquid to just cover the beans. Add all the above ingredients and bake at 350F for 2 hours or so, if you need more liquid use what you ladled off earlier. You can also use a lower temp. and a longer time. Depend upon how you like them.
    1 point
  17. Steven Raichlen’s caveman reverse seared choice grade NY Strip W/pepper medley (I added some Serrano’s for heat). Washed down with some Yuengling Lager and Heady Topper IPA. I can not wait to get my Komodo Kamado 21”! [emoji482] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Flank steak pinwheel with garlic cheddar, spinach, prosciutto & feta. Cooked half basket, slid over to opposite side with a cherry balsamic sauce to set. Home fries on the new outside wok and burner from Bass Pro. These tatoes are dedicated to Tekebo's search for the perfect tata. Soaked in a salt brine and cooked in olive oil till done. Finished with a little Maldon flake then bombed with Heinz. Crisp out soft inside. Fresh veggies yum
    1 point
  19. I planned this to be a KK cook, in fact had the KK all set to light but a friend called to say she had some homemade beans and brown bread for me. How could I resist so decided to do a quick cook of the Miso Chicken inside the house and eat it next day. The best baked beans I have ever tasted. The chicken was very good but I know that it would have been much better done on the KK, next time.
    1 point
  20. Non KK “cook” but a Valentines Day tradition in our house. Got to use my new Suisin bread knife that @tony b recommended. midnight moon, humbolt fog, OG Krystal, frommage D’affinois w/fig jame and slice honey crisp apples. Served with sopresata rustica & seeded sourdough baguette lunchtime beverage is Laurent-Pierrer Rose. Followed by Joseph Phelps cab
    1 point
  21. Chicken schawarma over Jollof rice. Delicious. We ate way too much. I put a casserole into the KK afterwards, to cook slowly for supper. Now not sure I can eat again before tomorrow. We were out of pineapple so I topped the schawarma with a half red onion and half of a quince. The latter made everything smell like Christmas.
    1 point
  22. Yummy. Here is the 16 looking pretty. Rapicca gloves were good for taking the hot smoke pot out after the quail reached 64C IT. Took quails off, raised the temp, basted the quail and put back on to finish. Took about five minutes. Maybe I should have used the lower grate to get crisp quicker. Finger lickin' good.
    1 point
  23. Re: KK extruded CoConut shell charcoal is Stateside Folks, I've been chatting with Dennis over the last couple of years and I've been privy to the extraordinary efforts that Dennis has put into bringing this charcoal to market. You should all order some charcoal just to thank Dennis for his energy and persistence, lol! My review may be delayed by a little knee surgery coming up, but I assure you, I will hop (bad choice of words, perhaps?) right on it as soon as I am able.
    1 point
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